

James Ip

  • Clinical Fellow in Anaesthesia, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK

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However, 49% had anemia and/or thromthroughout life and never come to medical attention. Among the 29 who had imaging studies, 97% ever, there are no systematic studies of N370S homozyhad mild to moderate splenomegaly and 55% had hepagotes to support this presumption. Gaucher sorptiometry studies of 25 homozygotes found 60% with disease manifestations in 37 previously unrecognized hoosteopenia or osteoporosis. Six of these homozygotes and 31 sion and institution of appropriate medical treatment. Early recognition and chardeformity, lucencies, and osteopenia were detected on radioacterization of the natural history of N370S homozygotes graphic examination. Thrombocytomanifestations and progression, particularly in those who penia was classified as mild, moderate, or severe when the platereport no symptoms. The most common symptom was easy bruisabillumbosacral spine compared with the hip (20%; 4 women ity (12 of 37 [32%]); others included bone pain (3 of 37 and 1 man). R496H genotype and a 37-year-old N370S homozygote, Of the 37 homozygotes, 4 (11%; 3 women and 1 man; both had a clinically significant fracture history, includmean age, 31 years [range, 21-36 years]) were anemic ing the 31-year-old who had experienced a nontrauon evaluation, including 2 women whose anemia was prematic fracture while pregnant. Sixteen hothese 2 patients did not identify an endocrine cause for mozygotes (43%) were thrombocytopenic, of whom 6 (2 the bone disease. Skeletal radiographs perelevated plasma chitotriosidase activities (250-6400 nmol/ formed in 23 homozygotes revealed the Erlenmeyer flask h/mL). In contrast, the mean plasma chiat the hip, spine, and/or forearm in 60% (15 of 25; 11 totriosidase activities for the 17 N370S homozygotes with women and 4 men; mean age, 30 years [range, 21-40 milder manifestations were 599 and 1760 nmol/h/mL for years]); osteopenia in 52%; and osteoporosis in 8%. The overall heterozythat also was close to that expected (1 in 1129), based gote frequency in this population was 1 in 15; the heton the carrier frequency (P=. As might to be followed by our center and have been evaluated anbe expected, the 2 previously undiagnosed patients with nually or biannually. Contrary to the variconsistent with previous expert predictions of the proable progression observed over years in the other N370S/ portion of asymptomatic patients. Bone minvolvement, that progressed with age in many homozyeral density should be monitored annually, and supplegotes, often requiring therapeutic intervention. Early demutation does not result in a benign or low penetrant tection of disease manifestations in these patients will fadisease and emphasizes the importance of early recogcilitate monitoring and therapeutic intervention prior to nition and appropriate treatment to minimize or prethe development of irreversible complications. Two women needed treatment during ment of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Mount Sinai School pregnancy owing to progressive thrombocytopenia. Analysis and counts, 15 of 19 (79%) had imaging studies that showed interpretation of data: Balwani, Fuerstman, Kornreich, varying degrees of bone involvement, including 2 paEdelmann, and Desnick. Drafting of the manuscript: Baltients with bone infarcts (13%) and 5 with osteopenia/ wani, Fuerstman, and Kornreich. Carrarium for a lecture at a meeting sponsored by Genzyme rier frequency of autosomal-recessive disorders in the Ashkenazi Jewish popuCorp. Dr Desnick is a consultant and receives a research lation: should the rationale for mutation choice for screening be reevaluatedfi The biochemical and clinical penetrance the sale of Fabrazyme manufactured by Genzyme Corp. This study was supported in part by Lessons for low-penetrance, treatable diseases. Look before you leap: carrier screening for type 1 cal Research Center from the National Center for ReGaucher disease: difficult questions. Type 1 Gaucher disease: null and hypomorphic novel chitotriosidase mutations1. In:ScriverC,BeaudetA,SlyW,Valle implications for diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring. Gaucher disease type 1: revised recommendations on evaluations calinvestigationsbeyonddemonstrationofclinicalefficacy. Gaucher cells demonstrate a distinct treatment: a report from the Gaucher Registry. Prenatal genetic carrier testing using Gaucher disease: chitotriosidase, a newly identified biochemical marker. Phenotype/genotypecorof variant acid beta-glucosidases: effects of Gaucher disease mutations. J Biol relations in Gaucher disease type I: clinical and therapeutic implications. Public Workshop: Identifying Unmet Public Health Needs and Facilitating cal data showing that the benefits outweigh the risks, beInnovation in Medical Device Development. Transparency at the Food and Drug Adminismissing Financial Disclosure and Additional Informatration [published online May 19, 2010]. On completion of this study, I would like to thank all the people who supported and encouraged me during the past two years. I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Mariana Kruger, for her valuable time, ongoing guidance and endless patience which have been invaluable in the completion of this thesis. I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to my friends, in particular Marisca. Lastly to my mother and father, thank you for always setting the example, encouraging me, loving me and supporting me during the last two years. Important is the high-cost, high-benefit, but low volume treatment for Gaucher disease, which creates incessant resource allocation dilemmas for healthcare professionals and policy makers and lack of access to care for patients. Apart from expenditure, Gaucher disease provokes numerous other ethical dilemmas including genetic screening, disclosure of genetic information and abortion. These issues pose important social and ethical challenges to the discipline of biomedical ethics. By means of a fictional biomedical ethics case report which deals with a pregnant patient subsequently diagnosed with the rare Gaucher disease, it simulates and highlights some of the numerous ethical dilemmas that a pregnant Type 1 Gaucher disease patient may have to ultimately contend with. This study will attempt to illuminate ideas of ring fencing resources for patients with rare or orphan diseases in a resource restricted developing country like South Africa. It will also attempt to provide some guidance when dealing with some of the other burning ethical issues related to Gaucher disease, which includes genetic screening, disclosure of genetic information and abortion. Van besondere belang vir pasiente, lede van die mediese professie, sowel as beleidskeppers, is die hoe koste, hoe voordeel, maar lae volume behandeling vir Gaucher siekte wat onvermydelike dilemmas veral met betrekking tot veral die toekenning van finansiele hulpbronne kan veroorsaak. Bo-en-behalwe die uitgawes, ontketen Gaucher siekte verskeie ander etiese dilemmas, insluitend genetiesetoetsing en skandering, die bekendmaking van genetiese inligting, asook aborsie. Hierdie dilemmas kan belangrike sosiale en etiese uitdagings vir die vakgebied biomediese etiek teweegbring. Die studie sal ook poog om verdere riglyne the verskaf aangaande ander kwellende etiese dilemmas wat moontlik mag gepaardgaan met Gaucher siekte soos genetiese toetsing, die bekendmaking van genetiese inligting, asook aborsie. Of special significance is the resource allocation dilemma for patients and policy makers due to the high cost of treatment in the context of limited resources. Apart from expenditure, Gaucher disease provokes various other ethical dilemmas for healthcare professionals and patients regarding genetic screening, disclosure of genetic information and abortion (Gross, 2002). Chapter 1 defines a rare disease and presents a Gaucher disease case study, as an example of a rare disease. This will be followed by background information regarding Gaucher disease and will include aspects regarding diagnosis, disease severity, mortality and morbidity, and physical, physiological, as well as social consequences. Subsequently, some of the ethical dilemmas associated with Gaucher disease such as genetic screening and resource allocation are described and explored in more detail. The definition of what constitutes as a rare disease vary between continents (Rosenberg-Yunger, 2011). However, rare diseases affect people globally and therefore represent a true global health issue. Living with a rare disease is challenging, as there is often limited treatment, or the disease may be poorly understood by both researchers and clinicians, as well as by family members and the broader community (Kesselheim, 2015, p. A case study the following discussion is a fictional biomedical ethics case report: Mrs. X is a 28-year old black female patient, who consulted the nurse at a rural clinic for a slight fever, weakness and pallor coinciding with a swollen stomach and suspected pregnancy. Over the past few years she had recurrent episodes of fever and respiratory infections. She had received unspecified medications for the recurrent respiratory tract infections. When the patient cuts herself, she bleeds quite profusely, and also has unexpected severe nose bleeds. She was referred to the Steve Biko Tertiary Hospital where they conducted an ultrasound which confirmed that she was 12 weeks pregnant. She also presented with a grossly enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) and an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly) to 3 cm below the costal margin. Concerned with the protruded abdomen, the investigating physician decided to investigate alternate reasons for the enlarged spleen and liver. To evaluate massive splenomegaly, bone marrow aspiration was performed which revealed Gaucher cells in a background of normal erythroid, myeloid and megakaryocytic lineage cells. Bone marrow tests showed marked hyper cellular marrow, diffuse sheets of abnormal infiltrate comprised of macrophages with profuse pale staining cytoplasm with a texture of crushed paper/silk, suggestive of inherited lysosomal storage disease. According to Li et al, an enzyme blood spot test is a reliable, fast and simple, inexpensive and minimally invasive way of testing for Gaucher disease (Li, 2010, p. Other diagnostic procedures conducted on the patient included the following: Full blood count which revealed low red blood cell counts and low platelet counts. Quality of life assessments indicated that the patient was suffering from considerable fatigue. According to Mistry et al, delayed diagnosis after onset of symptoms prevents nearly one in four patients timely access to therapy (Mistry, 2011, p. In an ideal world, regular ongoing tests should be conducted at diagnosis and then at regular intervals thereafter. The following comprises of a literature review relevant to Type 1 Gaucher disease. Often at the time of diagnosis, Gaucher disease is easily confused with a malignancy (Mistry, 2015, p. Various studies have also reported occurrence in both South African Afrikaans-speaking Caucasians, as well as in the South African Black population (Morar, 1996, p. The previously discussed case study, dealing with a pregnant patient subsequently diagnosed with the rare Gaucher disease, aptly demonstrated some of the ethical dilemmas that a pregnant Type 1 Gaucher disease patient might have to contend with, such as autonomy of the mother on the one hand versus justification for selective abortion on medical grounds and determining the morality of this practice on the other hand. S49) typically diverse with wide-ranging clinical manifestations and numerous different stages of disease severity (Rosenbaum, 2015, p. This implies that both parents of an affected person are carriers of a mutated acid glucosidase gene. With each pregnancy, each carrier has a 50% chance of passing on the defective gene. Even in the best possible circumstances, a percentage of patients will remain undiagnosed (Honey, 2016). A patient with Gaucher disease, which is progressive and chronic, often remains undiagnosed (Mistry, 2007, p. Undiagnosed does not mean un-suffered, and therefore early diagnosis is essential to minimise organ damage through early treatment initiation with a subsequent reduction in mortality, morbidity and enhanced quality of life (physiologically and psychologically). Among children, enzyme replacement therapy can have a particularly positive impact. Eligustat tartrate is a novel oral treatment for Gaucher disease recently launched in Europe. Imiglucerase also significantly reduces bone pain within 3 months and bone crises within 12 months (Sims, 2008, p. If patients decline the pharmacological treatment option of enzyme replacement therapy, other supportive therapy including analgesia, bisphosphonate therapy and supportive intervention with blood products may be considered.

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Many algorithms will be able in high-grade gliomas treatment yellow tongue purchase septra online, proved more challenging treatment 12th rib syndrome order 480 mg septra overnight delivery, with Dice to overcome slight inconsistencies or errors in the training data scores reaching 70% and 60% symptoms juvenile rheumatoid arthritis buy septra in india, respectively. At tested, no single method performed best for all tumor regions the same time, most algorithms will benefit from having larger considered. However, the errors of the best algorithms for each training datasets and, hence, can be improved by annotating individual region fell within human inter-rater variability. Menze defined the annotation penalizes different labels of adjacent voxels, while the intenprotocol. All other authors contributed results of their tumor segmentation algorithms as indicated in theAppendix. With the new method for brain tumor segmentation, which is based on classimethod, the computation time could be reduced by more than fication with integrated hierarchical regularization [87]. The general idea is based on a previous approach prelems of the supervised algorithm with generalization. The model captures the main concepts by which the immune system rec(1) ognizes pathogens and models the process in a numerical form. Due to the representation of used for the weighting factor in (2), in order to conthe voxel intensities as multi-bit values, it can be shown that trol the degree of spatial regularization. That is, each bit does ture vector is used for the classifier, which combines the intennot contribute equally to the final interpretation of the data. Since the label regions are interlocked, bits and overall to voxels at closer distance to the center voxel. Training takes an average edema; finally enhancing tumor from the rest of the core. Segmentafrequencies, in order to penalize labels which would be more tion with post-processing of one case takes 20 s for the same often picked if the patch retrieval were blind. Classification maps are up-sampled to 1-mm isotropic program, such as finding and extracting connected components, resolution, and one iteration of Iterated Conditional Modes and performing dilation and erosion on those components. For the training data, the laEdema, 3) Non-Enhancing tumor, and 4) Enhancing Tumor. The evaluation was done for three different tumor sub-comcases, while for real high-grade test cases, the training dataset partments: 1) Region 1: Complete tumor (labels only includes high-grade cases. A database of multi-channel local patches is first be due to the sub-sampling step. The regularization would be more relevant during to 2-mm isotropic resolution [98]. Our multi-channel patch query, the five nearest-neighbor patches approach is fully automatic and requires no training. A random decision forest is used to classify complex interactions than the standard Potts model. In particeach brain voxel, based on several features extracted from the ular, we encode the possibility that certain tissue combinations training data. The main parameters in a decision forest are the in the neighborhood are penalized more than others, whereas the number of trees and their depth, set to 50 and 25, respectively. Half of these points are A solution to the model is found using the Expectation Maxibackground and the other half are tumor and edema. In the absence of extracted from 3 3 3 mm neighborhoods, and the Laws sufficient data to robustly and accurately estimate a full free texture features [105] extracted from 2D 3 3 neighborhoods, interaction matrix with the number of classes,further lly, a post processing step was in all three dimensions. The four glioma classes performed assuming that very small isolated 3D regions, with are considered a single structure, whose interaction with the less than seven voxels (value found empirically), of one label normal tissue classes is not dependant on the specific glioma type should not exist. An initial 5-class segmentation is performed, and the testing step was performed with all datasets. The features logical method comparing the segmentation result and the five set, as well as the hyperparameters for the decision forest, were tissue atlases. Similarly, images were normalized to a low-grade Dice coefficient for high-grade and low-grade complete tumor reference when segmenting these tumors. No training the whole pipeline, especially with intensity related features was performed; the initial labeling was random, and all model used in a supervised classifier. Three preproMedical imaging protocols produce large amounts of cessing steps were performed. The second normalizes duced datasets contributes to the success of machine learning the intensity scale of each sequence to a chosen reference, methods. Moreover, the informative data is often submerged in overwhelming amounts of redundant data. Thus, most state of the art methods need to parse large amounts of uninformative data before reaching valuable data. This is made possible by carefully extrapolating the channel, a segmentation is initialized by drawing the maximum voxel-based ground truth to coarser scales. The resulting semantic tree together with the supercore abnormality is segmented as T2 volume. During training, it learns the optimal low-grade cases, and are set to empty, because the image spatial sampling associated to the segmentation task. Moreover, the general, the T2 results did not provide useful information, as discrimination between edema and non-enhancing tumor seems only a small portion of the tumors consist of the non-enhancing to be the most challenging one. We plan to employ additional region and the segmentation results were not accurate due to image features to overcome these problems and to further imthe low contrast between tumor core and edema. The present represents a tumor appearance model for multi-dimensional method is an improved version of the one proposed by Bauer et sequences that provides channel-specific segmentation of the al. Its generative model shares information about the spatial ture extraction yielding a voxel-wise feature vector, a classifilocation of the lesion among channels while making full use cation step and a subsequent spatial regularization. Moreover, of the highly specific multi-modalsignalofthehealthytissue we preprocess the multimodal image data which encompasses classes for segmenting normal tissues in the brain. In addition noise-reduction, bias-field correction and intensity normalizato tissue types, the model includes a latent variable for each tion. The implementastraint on hypoor hypo intensity of the lesion with respect tion of the classification forest is based on the Sherwood library to the intensities of normal tissues in the same image. The regularization is conducted in a hierarchical manner To initialize our algorithm we segment the volume into the as proposed in [106]. The probabilistic output of Outliers are defined as being more than three standard deviathe classification forest is further used to define the unary potentions away from the centroid of any of the three normal tissue tials, which model the affiliation of a voxel to a possible tissue classes. A discriminative classifier filters all tumor segments reand thresholds per node) are set according to a gridsearch. For preliminary results and training phase before the turned from the generative model. While this provides highly specific information about different pathophysiological correlation in the training data, and also to speed up training, processes induced by the tumor, the analysis of the multimodal we draw no more 2000 samples from each of the voxels image sequence may still require to highlight specific structures in each of the 25 dataset. To improve segmentation, we use a Markov random these basic parameter maps returned. We optimize the function imposing costs when assigning together with few structural features that are derived from the different labels in a six neighborhood on the cross-validated presame probabilistic maps, as input to a classifier modeling the dictions on the training data. Second, it transforms image features extracted from correction are used as pre-processing steps. The first set includes non-local features such as pixel desiredbythehumaninterpreterthrough an efficient classificaintensities and differences of intensities tion method that is capable of dealing with high-dimensional that input data and that returns the desired class probabilities. After As input feature describing the image in voxel we use the extraction, all features are fused in a classical Random Forest probabilities for the tissue classes. Once the labels are predicted simultaneously, use the tumor probability for each channel we obtain a 3D volume image per patient for online evaluation. For a single patient it takes,), and a distance feature that calculates the geodesic disabout an hour and half to complete the whole process as shown tance of each voxel to characteristic tumor areas. Data redundancy in the samples and Each channel of volumes was normalized separately, to try covariance among the features usually lower the classifier perto learn the relation between the multi-channel intensity values, formance. The same type of classifier was used to classify all labels for multi-class abnormal brain tissue segmentation. The segmentation the segmentation result is reasonably good, especially considproblem is solved via a statistically driven level-set framework. Manual initialization plication of a classification model applied to the segmentation based on a few mouse clicks to determine the approximate of coarsely labeled tumors. Additionally, the approach can be extended readily to deep convolutional neural networks [114] might be worth to a previously unseen dataset avoiding the issues of overfitting investigating for the application of neural network models. N3 [117], intra-subject multispectral volume registration [118], Four-dimensional patches (3 3 3 volume-patch channon-uniformity correction [119], and intensity normalizanels) were used with second-order polynomial features as detion [104] the algorithm consists of two stages. At the first scribed in [112], as opposed to the three-dimensional patches stage, the goal is to coarsely segment tumors (and associated (2-D image-patch temporal-dimension) used sub-classes) from surrounding healthy tissues using texture previously in [113] to identify organs (but not for segmentafeatures. A Bayesian classification the time-course was difficult as the region is usually affected by framework is designed such that models for tumour/non-tumors breathing motion. Deep neural networks with up to six layers are built during training, based on the combined space Gabor were tried as well, pre-training the hidden-layers with stackeddecomposition. During testing, a Bayesian classifier results in autoencoder feature learning and subsequently fine-tuning them tumour/non-tumor probabilities and coarse tumor boundaries with the labeled samples in the training dataset. Prior probamodel was not used for the challenge however, because the imbilities for healthy brain tissues are obtained by registering a provement of classification accuracy was small relhealthy tissue prior atlas to regions outside tumor boundaries atively to the higher complexity compared to the logistic regres[118] the coarse boundaries are refined at the voxel level sion model. In addition to taking voxel intensities and class labels into account, it also models intensity differences between neighboring voxels in the likelihood model and considers transition probabilities between neighboring voxel classes. The second inference stage is shown to resolve local inhomogeneities and impose a smoothing constraint, while maintaining appropriate boundaries as supported by local intensity difference observations. The algorithm was trained and tested on clinical volumes, including low-grade and high-grade tumors. On I7 Dell Optiplex machines, the training took a day, due to both convolution and simulated annealing algorithms used. Each volume took 70 min to classify, due to time consuming convolutions with different Gabor filters. For tumor core segmentation, the technique outperformed the top methods by about 30% in the clinical test cases in terms of Dice statistics, and had comparable performance with the highest performing methods in terms of segmentation of other tumour regions (in all statistics) for both training and test cases. We enhancing tumor and enhancing tumor (or a subset for achieve an mean accuracy (Dice score) of [59. Seglabel, volume, volume to surface area ratio, eccentricity, mentation of a single patient case takes less than 1 min. These are used to create modified feato produce a completely automated, multi-modality brain segmentation framework. Model construction required based labeling from multi-modal images involves the following 2 h with prediction taking approximately 15 min per subject. Training and Testing: Training was performed separately for 1) Symmetric multivariate template construction [122] using both real and simulated data and high-grade versus low-grade the data described in [123]. We first perform over-segmentation on each case, resulting in a set of supervoxels. We then solve the voxel labeling problem directly on the supervoxels withMarkovrandomfield. Thisalwhere is the set of supervoxels and is the set of adjacent gorithm do not need manual input. Segmentation With Graph Cuts on a Markov Random Field: Consider a Markov random field defined over the supervoxels with A labeling where, are two nonnegative parameter, and is the neighborhood of. We define the data term as,where (4) is the node class likelihood estimated by histogram based method and denotes the feature of voxel. The computing time is about 20 min for each case with Matlab an Intel Core i7-3770K, 3. Because we use intensities directly as the feature, we compute the standard scores to put the data in the same scale. Training and Testing: We made a two-fold cross-validation where is the neighborhood of. We learn individual classifiers for the high-grade set and the low-grade set with the same algorithm. As most other supervised methods using intensities as the feature, the accuracy of our method depends on the standardization of intensities. Hence, our method may fail if the case has different distribution with other cases. In some cases, our method fails because the data is not good where is a voxel, such that and are symmetric about. For example, in some cases, extraction is not good Finally, we solve the labeling energy minimization problem enough to remove the whole skull (we did not try to make a using graph cuts [131]. The second context-inducing component is the use of context-sensitive features for the forest (similar to [132], [133]), which capture intensity characteristics around the point of interest. Due to the regularizing effect of the context-sensitive forest, we did not find it necessary to use an explicit energy-based regularization. Instead of the standard histogram equalization, we multiply the intensities in each We then integrate information from each training image as scan, such that the mean value equals 1000. The key parameters of the method are the number of trees per forest and the maximal tree depth. We use forests with 100 trees with maximal depth of 20 for all challenge submissions (except the 2-class training data, where 40 trees per forest were used). An analysis of the Running Time: the running time is about min for parameter settings can be found in [39]. Method and parameter tuning were performed by a leavethe most consuming part is 3D registration of histograms. We learn individual classifiers for the four sub-tasks (real/ Training and Testing: We learned individual classifiers for high, real/low, sim/high, sim/low). The largest potential for improvement seems to be to attempt Shortcomings: the performance of the over-segmentation to achieve better results for outlier patients with very low acculimits the accuracy of our method. This might be done by using more training data, could make a voxel level labeling in the supervoxels along the or by taking into account further information. Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of TechE. Kalpathy-Cramer is with the Department of Radiology, Massachusetts Biomechanics, University of Bern, 3014 Bern, Switzerland. Weber is with Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University is with the Department of Neuro-oncology, Massachusetts General Hosptial, Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany.

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Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, L-carnitine and some neurotransmitters. Nevertheless, those studies showed some limitations, including suboptimal adjustment for potential confounders such as fiber intake. On the other hand, two meta-analyses reported that high dose supplementation with vitamin C ((500 to 2000 mg/day) and (500 to 4000 mg/day) respectively) was associated to endothelial function improvements [16] and reduced blood pressure [17]. As a dynamic cohort, enrolment is permanently open, and follow-up information is gathered by mailed questionnaires every two years. Special attention was given to the specific information needs of individual potential candidates as well as to the methods used to deliver their information and the feedback that may receive in the future from the research team. After ensuring that the candidate had understood the information, we sought their potential freely-given informed consent, and their voluntary completion of the baseline questionnaire. These methods were accepted by our Institutional Review Board as to imply an appropriately-obtained informed consent. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Navarra (approval code 010830). We assessed 22,280 participants recruited before March 2014 to ensure they completed at least the two-year follow-up questionnaire. We excluded 308 participants due to prevalent cardiovascular disease, 7384 participants younger than 40 years old who were considered too young to present a cardiovascular event during the follow-up, 290 participants with energy intake out of the sex-specific limits (under p1 or above p99), and 284 participants with vitamin C intake out of the sex-specific limits (under p1 or above p99). Out of the rest of the participants, 593 were lost to follow-up (retention in the cohort: 96%), leading to a final sample of 13,421 participants (Figure 1). Multivitamin and supplements users were asked to specify the brand of multivitamin or supplement, the dose, and frequency of use. The nutritional content of each food was obtained from Spanish food composition guides [21,22] and supplemented with information from food and supplement manufacturers when needed. The nutrient contribution of each food item was calculated by multiplying the frequency of food consumption by the nutrient composition of the specified portion size. Dietary vitamin C intake was adjusted for energy intake using the residuals method, and categorized into tertiles. Total vitamin C intake was estimated by summing the vitamin C contribution of food items and supplements. In ancillary analyses, we assessed the independent effect of vitamin C from foods additionally adjusted for supplement intake (dichotomous variable). In further analyses, to nullify the correlation between vitamin C and fiber, dietary vitamin C was alternatively adjusted for total fiber intake using the residuals method. Information about the events was initially gathered from follow-up questionnaires. When participants reported any of the previously mentioned events, they were asked for their medical reports, which were evaluated by physicians in the study team who were blinded to the nutritional information. Non-fatal stroke was defined as sudden onset focal-neurological lack with a vascular mechanism that last more than 24 h. The National Death Index is checked at least once a year to confirm the vital status of participants during follow-up. Participants were followed-up from enrollment until December 2016, the diagnosis of the event, or death, whichever came first. Covariates Information about socio-demographic and anthropometric characteristics, lifestyle (physical activity, television watching, smoking status), classical cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia and diabetes), prevalent diseases (cancer and cardiovascular related diseases), and family history of stroke and cardiovascular-related medication was collected at baseline. Age was calculated as the difference between the date of recruitment and the date of birth. Energy (kcal/day) and fiber (mg/day) intakes were calculated by multiplying the frequency of each food item consumed by the energy and fiber contribution of its specified portion size. Total energy and fiber intakes were calculated as the sum of energy and fiber provided by each food item. Physical activity was collected at baseline with a previously validated questionnaire [26] that included 17 activities and 10 categories of response, from never to eleven or more hours per week. Hours per week of television watching were calculated as the mean of hours spent watching television during weekdays and hours spent watching television during weekends. Cardiovascular-related diseases at baseline (coronary heart disease, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, aortic aneurism, heart failure, venous thrombosis, and claudication) were grouped in a single quantitative variable (number of cardiovascular-related diseases) included in the multivariable adjustment. Statistical Analysis Baseline characteristics of participants were presented by tertiles of total vitamin C intake as mean (standard deviation) for quantitative variables, and as proportions for qualitative variables. A p value for trend across tertiles was calculated using simple linear or logistic regressions. In further analyses, we re-ran the multivariable adjusted models for fiber-adjusted vitamin C intake categorized into tertiles. Baseline characteristics of participants by tertiles of vitamin C intake are described in Table 1. Participants in the highest tertile of vitamin C intake (from 320 to 1110 mg/day) were older, more likely to be women, and less likely to be current smokers. We found total vitamin C intake showed a modest correlation with energy intake (r = 0. Aortic aneurism, heart failure, and hypertriglyceridemia at baseline were less prevalent among participants with higher vitamin C intake. However, cancer, venous thrombosis, diabetes, hypertension, and family history of stroke at baseline were more prevalent, probably due to the older age of participants with higher intake of vitamin C. Participants in the highest tertile of vitamin C intake were more likely to be under treatment with diuretics, antihypertensives, aspirin, and other cardiovascular treatment drugs. Tertiles of Vitamin C Intake Baseline Characteristics Q1 Q2 Q3 p N 4474 4474 4473 Vitamin C intake (mg/day) 148 (44. Moreover, this association remained significant in the age and sex-adjusted model, in the model adjusted for demographic, metabolic, and lifestyle risk factors (multivariable adjusted model 1), and in the model additionally adjusted for prevalent diseases at baseline (multivariable adjusted model 2). Further adjustment for fiber intake (multivariable adjusted model 3) did not change the results. Marginally significant interaction was found between total vitamin C and vitamin C supplementation (p = 0. Multivariable adjusted model 2: Additionally adjusted for the number of cardiovascular-related diseases at baseline, prevalent cancer, prevalent hypertension, prevalent diabetes, prevalent hypercholesterolemia and prevalent hypertrygliceridemia. Multivariable adjusted model 3: Additionally adjusted for dietary fiber (fiber from foods other than fruits and vegetables) (continuous). Results were similar in the age and sex-adjusted model; the models adjusted for demographic, metabolic and lifestyle risk factors; (multivariable adjusted model 1); and in the model additionally adjusted for prevalent diseases at baseline (multivariable adjusted model 2). Multivariable adjusted model 1: Additionally adjusted for sex, body mass index (continuous), total energy intake (continuous), physical activity (continuous), television watching (continuous), smoking (never, current or former), family history of stroke, and treatment with aspirin. Multivariable adjusted model 2: Additionally adjusted for the number of cardiovascular-related diseases at baseline, prevalent cancer, prevalent hypertension, prevalent diabetes, prevalent hypercholesterolemia, and prevalent hypertrygliceridemia. Multivariable adjusted model 3: Additionally adjusted for dietary fiber (fiber from foods other than fruits and vegetables) (continuous). Fiber-Adjusted Vitamin C Intake In further analyses, dietary vitamin C was adjusted for total fiber intake using the residuals method to nullify the correlation between vitamin C and fiber (Table 4). This analysis was based on a multivariable adjusted model that thoroughly controlled potential confounding by fiber and accounted for the adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern. The belief that vitamin C benefits cardiovascular health is based on its antioxidant capability. Moreover, vitamin C prevents vascular smooth muscle cells apoptosis, which keeps atheroma plaques stables [33]. In addition, vitamin C improves the nitric oxide production of the endothelium [34], which in turn contributes to reduced blood pressure. Observational studies had reported inverse associations of vitamin C with cardiovascular outcomes, particularly on hypertension [6] and heart failure [7]. Due to the high correlation between vitamin C and fiber intakes found in this study, it was difficult to assess the effect of vitamin C on cardiovascular health independently of fiber intake in a multivariable adjusted model. In order to nullify that correlation, dietary vitamin C was adjusted for total fiber intake using the residuals method. However, this association has not been confirmed in randomized controlled trials [10,11]. These results suggest that most of the confounding effect by fiber was due to fiber from fruits and vegetables. When vitamin C was adjusted for fiber using the residuals method (Table 4), the correlation was nullified (r = 0), which allowed for the assessment of the effect of vitamin C on cardiovascular health independently of fiber. Nevertheless, given that vitamin C is a single nutrient and may not represent the whole dietary pattern, these results must be taken with caution. Several reasons support the hypothesis that attributing all of the observed effect to a single nutrient or food may be too simplistic and that when assessing the association of dietary variables with non-communicable diseases, the whole dietary pattern should be considered [35]. Therefore, the absence of significant results might be explained by the low variability in the exposure. It must be acknowledged that some clinical trials permitted the control group to an intake of vitamin C and multivitamin supplements, 63 Nutrients 2017, 9, 954 which made it harder to find significant differences between groups. First, because information about exposure was self-reported, some degree of misclassification is possible. Nevertheless, information bias would more likely be non-differential with respect to the outcomes, resulting in an attenuation of the observed associations. Moreover, little variability observed in the exposure might have reduced the possibility of significant findings. Third, given the observational design of the study, the possibility of residual confounding for factors that were not considered (such as vitamin E) must be taken into account.

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