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  • Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology
  • New York Medical College
  • Westchester Medical Center
  • Valhalla, NY

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When compared to the general Korean population what causes erectile dysfunction treatment generic extra super cialis 100mg overnight delivery, there was no evidence of increased liver cancer risk (Yi erectile dysfunction treatment by homeopathy generic extra super cialis 100 mg fast delivery, 2013) erectile dysfunction 5-htp discount 100 mg extra super cialis free shipping. The committee for Update 2014 also reviewed an occupational study of 3 erectile dysfunction treatment houston tx order 100mg extra super cialis mastercard, 529 employees of a Chinese automobile foundry that reported a statistically signifcantly elevated risk of liver cancer mortality, based on 32 cancer deaths (L. A total of 390 patients confrmed to have both cir rhosis and hepatitis C virus were identifed, and 311 had followup information; there were 79 confrmed hepatocellular carcinomas among the 390 patients with dual diagnoses. Occupational Studies Among the Dow M idland, M ichigan, worker cohort that was compared with the standardized U. M ortality from liver and gall bladder cancers was reported separately, but the effect estimates from gall bladder cancer (2 deaths among all workers) are unre liable because of the small number of cases. Other Identifed Studies Four other studies of hepatobiliary cancers were iden tifed but lacked suffcient exposure specifcity (Niu et al. These fndings may help elucidate the mechanisms by which dioxinlike chemicals induce their hepatotoxic and carcinogenic effects. In vitro studies with transformed cell lines and primary hepatocytes cannot replicate the complexity of a tissue response that is important in eliciting the toxic responses observed in vivo (Dere et al. Although the risk estimate was elevated, no statistically signifcant association was found between exposure to Agent Orange and hepatocellular carcinoma. Similar to fndings from previous followups, few deaths from hepato biliary cancers were reported among the U. Dow chemical plant workers, and the risk estimate was lower for the workers than in the general U. Risk factors include chronic pancreatitis (Yadav and Lowenfels, 2013), family history, diet, tobacco use, obesity, and type 2 diabetes (Huxley et al. In reviewing the existing evidence concerning an association between herbicide exposure and pancreatic cancer, the committee for Update 2006 noted a report of increased rates of pancreatic cancer in U. Pancreatic cancer incidence was lower among the New Zealand and Korean veterans than in their respective general populations, but the difference was not statistically signifcant. Among the mortality analyses, deaths from pan creatic cancer were lower, but not statistically signifcantly so, among the New Zealand cohort veterans compared with the standardized general population of New Zealand. Occupational Studies Two occupational cohort studies were identifed since Update 2014 that examined the relationship between phenoxy herbicides and pancreatic cancer. Among the Dow M idland, M ichigan, worker cohort that was compared with the standardized U. M ortality from pancreatic cancers was one of the outcomes addressed by Coggon et al. CaseControl Studies One populationbased casecontrol study of occupa tional exposure to pesticides, including phenoxy herbicides, and pancreatic can cer has been published since Update 2014. Controls were randomly selected from the Australian electoral roll and frequency matched to cases by sex and 5year age group at diagnosis. No statistically signifcant associations were found with exposure to any of the individual pesticide groups. No increase in the incidence of pancreatic cancer in laboratory animals after the administration of cacodylic acid, 2, 4D, or picloram has been reported. Other studies have observed chronic active infammation, acinarcell vacuolation, and an increase in the proliferation of the acinar cells surrounding the vacuolated cells (Yoshizawa et al. As previ ously discussed, chronic infammation and hyperproliferation are closely linked to the formation and progression of cancers, including cancers of the pancreas (Hahn and W einberg, 2002; M antovani et al. No new mechanistic or biologic plausibility studies on pancreatic cancer have been published since Update 2014. Yi and Ohrr (2014) found a statistically signifcant increase in incidence of cancers of the small intestine when comparing the high versus lowexposure opportunity groups, but the estimate was imprecise. The Korean Vietnam Veterans Health Study identifed a large number of incident cases (n = 157) and deaths (n = 82) from larynx cancer during a 20year followup (Yi, 2013; Yi and Ohrr, 2014; Yi et al. Synthesis Overall, most reports reviewed in previous updates suggested an increased risk of laryngeal cancer, although the individual studies often were based on small numbers of cases and did not control for smoking. The literature provides a reasonable level of consistency regarding evidence of a moderate increase in the relative risk of laryngeal cancer. Studies of Vietnam veterans have provided modest, generally not statistically signifcant, associations. The principal types of lung neoplasms are identifed collectively as bronchogenic carcinoma and carcinoma of the lung. The lung is also a common site of metastatic tumors from other organ sites, but only studies of primary cancer sites are reviewed. The incidence of lung cancer increases with age, and the median age of diag nosis is 70 years. Smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer and increases the risk of all histologic types of this disease, but the associations with squamouscell and smallcell carcinomas are the strongest. The risk posed by arsenic does not imply that cacodylic acid, which is a metabolite of inorganic arsenic, can be assumed 7As calculated on the site seer. Important environmental risk factors include exposure to secondary tobacco smoke and radon (Lantz et al. Additional information available to the committees responsible for subsequent Updates did not change that conclusion. In large part, the environmental studies have not been supportive of an association, although in the cancer incidence update from Seveso (Pesatori et al. Exposure was assessed by extensive questionnaire, allowing for estimates of intensity and duration of exposure, and the information was updated from 1999 to 2005. Similar results were found for 5year and 15year lagged lifetimedays of dicamba exposure presented as quartiles and again compared with no exposure (p trend = 0. However, the committee notes that the authors did not control for multiple comparisons (although there is some disagreement in the literature concerning such methods), the number of lung cancer cases is small, and the exposure data is based only on recall. The men had worked at the factory for at least 1 year and, for the mortal ity analysis, were compared with the standardized general population of Region TrentinoAlto Adige (where the factory was located) because there were few non exposed foundry workers and high attrition rates. Company and medical records were used to determine vital status; the cause of death was determined from death certifcates or other registries. When workers were stratifed by the number of years of exposure, there were three individuals or fewer in each of the strata, resulting in large and imprecise effect estimates, but none was statistically signifcant. Exposure to foundry dust by the general population that was used for comparison is not discussed, although the foundry appears to be in the local vicinity and emissions from it were reported to be present in a 2kilometer radius of it. The most common nonneoplastic lesions were bronchiolar metaplasia and squamous metaplasia of the alveolar epithelium. Three of them extended the followup period of their respective, wellcharacterized cohorts. Although it was a relatively small cohort of male steel workers, Cappelletti et al. Very few studies of bone and joint cancer were conducted in veteran populations, and none found statistically signifcant associations. Additional information available to the committees responsible for subsequent updates has reaffrmed that conclusion. Furthermore, a reanalysis of the data by Hardell (1981) to evaluate the potential infuence of recall bias and interviewer bias confrmed the original results. Case control studies conducted among international populations have, for the most part, reported null associations. Dioxin is poorly absorbed and, in order to accumulate a high level, an individual is also likely to have accumulated a high level of the primary chemical, which perhaps is more likely to be the real carcinogen. Two new occupational studies that extend the followup period of established cohorts (Coggon et al. The two most common nonmelanoma skin cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, which are derived from the squamous epithelium, and basal cell carcinomas, which are de rived from stem cells. Nonmelanoma skin cancers have a far higher incidence than melanoma but are less likely to metastasize and are more easily cured with primary resection. Some researchers report results by combining all types of skin cancers without specifying type. Studies of mortality from melanoma related to occupational exposures have also been reviewed. This study does not support an association between pheonxy herbicide exposure and melanoma. The second study was a well designed casecontrol study to examine the association of pesticide use and the risk of cutaneous melanoma in Brazil (Segatto et al. Although a validated structured questionnaire was used to collect detailed information on exposure fac tors (including domestic and occupational exposures to pesticides and herbicides, frequency, types, and commercial names), only 3. In general, rodents, which are used in most toxicology studies, are not a good model for studying melanoma. For both studies, the total number of melanoma deaths in each cohort was less than fve, leading to imprecise effect estimates. BasalCell and Squam ousCell Cancers (NonM elanom a Skin Cancers) Basal and squamous cell skin cancers are the most common type of cancer, with an estimated 5. In patients with positive margins, the absence of tumor tissue in the reresection sample implies spontaneous regression. Agent Orange exposure was determined by participa tion in the Agent Orange Registry (n = 100). The overall regression rates for all nonmelanoma subtypes was 43% for the Agent Orange exposed and 41% for unexposed; there was no difference between groups (p = 0. Because of the small number of deaths, the effect estimates are imprecise, which limits their interpretation. This study does not support an association between pheonxy her bicide exposure and nonmelanoma/other skin cancer. Biologic Plausibility There are no new studies on animal models of skin cancers that are relevant to this update. Breast cancer incidence generally increases with age; the median age of diag nosis is 62 years for females. Given the high incidence of breast cancer in older and postmenopausal women in general, it is expected on the basis of demographics alone that the breast cancer burden in female Vietnam veterans will be increasing in the near future. The ageadjusted modeled incidence of breast cancers for men 65 years and older for all races combined was 6. The potential of other personal behavioral and environmental factors (including the use of exogenous hormones) to affect breast cancer risk is being studied extensively. However, due to the null fndings on mortality from breast cancer in the important cohorts of female Vietnamera veterans (Cypel and Kang, 2008; Dalager et al. The current analysis was limited to 63, 830 women who did not have a cancer diag nosis (except nonmelanoma skin cancer) and for whom followup data were available (including height and weight). The occurrence of breast cancer was ascertained by selfreport from the health questionnaires, but 92% of cases were confrmed by a pathology reports. Hazard ratios were calculated for pre and postmenopausal breast cancer risk per increased intake of 0. Estimates of dietary dioxin exposure cannot be generalized to the French population as the exposure levels are highly dependent on the food groups consumed. The authors propose that organochlorine pesticides acting as endocrine disruptors upset the normal estrogen progesterone balance contributing to breast cancer. The higher levels of organochlorine pesticide residues in blood and breast adipose tissue imply an association with infltrating ductal carcinoma, but further work is needed to determine causality. Agents capable of disrupting the ability of the normal mammary epithelial cell to enter or maintain its ap propriate status (a proliferative, differentiated, apoptotic state), to maintain its appropriate architecture, or to conduct normal hormone (estrogen) signaling are likely to act as carcinogens, cocarcinogens, or tumor promoters for the breast (Fenton, 2006; M cGee et al. Susceptibility to breast cancer appears to peak in utero and at puberty, which would not be relevant for female Vietnam veterans, who were potentially exposed as adults. This fnding would only be relevant to the female child of a female veteran exposed to the herbicides while pregnant, an unlikely scenario given that few women were stationed in areas where herbicides were known to be sprayed and that pregnant women were barred from duty in Vietnam. On the other hand, no increased risk of breast cancer mortality was observed in the cohorts of female Vietnamera veterans (Cypel and Kang, 2008; Dalager et al. The authors propose a likely association between the endocrine disrupter organochlorine pesticides in the breast adipose and serum and breast cancer. Cervical cancer occurs more often in blacks than in whites, but endometrial and ovarian cancers occur more often in whites. A further analysis restricted to female nurses, again using the nondeployed cohort as the referent, yielded virtu ally the same nonstatistically signifcant risk of mortality from cervical cancer. In the inter nal comparison to nondeployed Vietnamera veterans, uterine cancer mortality was not associated with service in Vietnam or near Vietnam. There were more deaths from ovarian cancer in the entire cohort, but no differences in the risk of ovarian cancer mortality were found among those who served in Vietnam, served near Vietnam, or were nondeployed in comparison with the general population of U. In the internal comparison with the nondeployed veterans, ovarian cancer mortal ity was increased among Vietnam veterans and among women who served near Vietnam, but neither was statistically signifcant. An analysis restricted to nurses revealed similar patterns of increased (albeit not statistically signifcant) ovarian cancer mortality, both for veterans who served in Vietnam and for veterans who served near Vietnam, when compared with nondeployed nurses. The most relevant evidence came from a followup study on mortality among female U. For both cervical and uterine cancers there was no evidence of increased mortality risk; however, the small observed number of deaths for these outcomes in all three cohorts limited the statistical power of the associations. However, because the rate of ovarian cancer mortality was similar between veterans who served in Vietnam (with potential exposure to herbicides) and those who served near Vietnam (who presumably were not so exposed), this evidence is equivocal. No new studies with suffcient exposure specifcity were identifed for the current update. The results of mechanistic studies provide more plausibility for a reduced risk of female reproductive cancers than for an increased risk. That makes prostate cancer the second most common cancer in men (after nonmelanoma skin cancers); it is expected to account for about 9. Other than race and age, the risk factors include a family history of the disease both in frst and second degree relatives (Bruner et al. Of note, selenium and vitamin E supplementation did not reduce, but rather slightly increased, prostate cancer incidence in a large clinical trial (Klein et al. Study of the incidence of and mortality from prostate cancer is complicated by various approaches to screening for the disease in different countries and populations. In addition, fndings that show an association between an exposure and prostate cancer mortality should be examined closely to determine whether the exposed group had poorer access to screening or treatment that would have decreased the likelihood of survival. When compared with the general Korean population, there was a 22% statistically signifcant excess prostate cancer risk in the entire cohort (Yi, 2013), which was mostly due to a signifcant 2. Yi and Ohrr (2014) did not stratify incident prostate cancer cases according to tumor characteristics (low versus highgrade tumors) as is usually done in studies of prostate cancer incidence. Although Agent Orange expo sure included an additional level of service location verifcation to selfreport, this measure is still only a proxy for actual initial and subsequent exposure levels. The results suggest that a genetic variation may decrease the risk of prostate cancer with exposure to dicamba. The study sample was identifed from the Janus Serum Bank cohort, a populationbased research biobank consisting of almost 317, 000 individuals with an average age at enrollment of 41 years. After excluding women and men with missing data, the subcohort consisted of 831 subjects from which 256 controls and 110 incident cases of prostate cancer (identifed through the National Cancer Registry, a nationwide hospital cancer registry covering 99% of all cases diagnosed in South Korea) were selected. A total of 240 incident cases were identifed, and 268 controls with other diseases (except cancer) were recruited and matched to cases on ethnicity and age. Given that this is a small study that did not report information on case and control response rates, that control diagnoses were not known, and that it is not clear whether there was adjustment for potential confounders, this study is of limited utility. Ranch Hands and Australian Vietnam veterans that used better exposure assessment support an association between exposure to the herbicides used in Vietnam and prostate cancer. Several positive associations between exposure to specifc herbicides or their contaminants and prostate cancer have been reported from previously reviewed occupational studies.

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A recent For patients with altered mental early mobilization, Cochrane Review found no studies sup status of any cause, followup with a and hydration for porting their use in nonYalcohol with neurologist is important because it often patients with signs 53 drawal delirium. Patients with delirium identified only six prospective random are also at high risk for developing ized trials investigating prevention of dementia and should be reevaluated 54 59 postoperative delirium. This will be studies examined pharmacologic in come especially important once pre terventions, including haloperidol, ventive and treatment strategies for donepezil, diazepam, cytidine diphos neurodegenerative diseases are devel phocholine, and epidural versus halo oped, because delirium may become thane anesthesia; only haloperidol one way of identifying incipient cases of showed promise in reducing the length mild cognitive impairment or dementia. The prevalence and demonstrated that a proactive geriatrics documentation of impaired mental status in elderly emergency department patients. Delirium tion using environmental and nursing as a predictor of mortality in mechanically strategies reduced the incidence of ventilated patients in the intensive care unit. Diagnostic Diffusion and perfusionweighted brain and statistical manual of mental disorders. Accuracy of physical signs for detecting meningitis: a hospitalbased diagnostic 24. Clin Neurol Neurosurg of lumbar puncture in the evaluation of 2010;112(9):752Y757. Precipitating management of encephalitis: clinical practice factors for delirium in hospitalized elderly guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of persons; predictive model and America. Portalsystemic encephalopathy Causes of encephalitis and differences in their in noncirrhotic patients: classification of clinical presentations in England: a multicentre, clinical types, diagnosis and treatment. Cerebrospinal fluid study in management of systemic lupus paraneoplastic syndromes. J Neurol erythematosus with neuropsychiatric Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010;81(1):42Y45. Cognitive function in nondemented older Effect of sedation with dexmedetomidine vs adults with hypothyroidism. Dexmedetomidine vs midazolam for sedation of critically ill patients: a randomized trial. Ferreri, Michele Reni Medical Oncology Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy Accepted 20 April 2007 Contents 1. Defining the optimum therapeutic management is difficult because of potential selection biases in large retrospective reviews and the limited number of prospective studies. Its incidence distinct tumours in the same patient might simply be a coin increased nearly threefold between 1973 and 1984 [5], but, cidence or a consequence of prolonged survival time in cancer recent data suggest that it may be stabilizing or declining patients. By contrast these neoplasms show monoclonal proliferation in 90% of to other lymphomas, there is not sufficient evidence to pro cases [2, 13]. The follicular pattern of growth is produced by chromosomal abnormalities or by viral stimu rare: the most significant published series [3] reported a lation might give rise to the development of a monoclonal 14% incidence of indolent lymphomas, while other authors lymphoma due to the lack of suppressive activity of Tcells. In80% this proliferation is particularly facilitated in the extran of cases, histological appearance consists of vasocentric pro odal areas which have unique immunological characteristics, liferation with infiltration of the cerebral parenchyma among such as the central nervous system. The histological margins are cloudy that lymphocytic migration inside the nervous tissue depends and lymphomatous cells can be found at a distance from the on a selective interaction of the lymphocytic molecules of macroscopic margins of the lesion. Frequently, a certain degree of interactions would at least partially explain the relationship infiltration of macrophages and an intense astrocytic reaction of the neoplastic lymphocytes with the vessels and their suc can be observed. Several models of cellular differentiation cessive localization in the perivascular spaces determining have been described. Even though retrospective logical impairment which has been widely described as a studies with sufficient numbers of cases are not available, it predisposing factor to lymphoproliferative malignancies. It is seems that the histotype has no prognostic value and therefore possible that some epithelial and lymphoreticular tumours or would not infiuence therapeutic choice or treatment response A. The peak of incidence is molecular biology should soon extend the diagnostic poten between 60 and 70 years of age for immunocompetent indi tial of this technique. At the onset, clinical presentation is non lar biology could be useful to differentiate tumour cells from specific and consistent with that of an intracranial mass, nonmalignant reactive cells. Since these neoplasms show a predilection mental characteristics that assume a great importance in for localization in the frontal lobe, personality changes are this situation; their monoclonal proliferation and their preva frequent. These neoplasms are associated nial hypertension such as nausea (35%), vomiting (11%) and with a polyclonal proliferation of reactive Tlymphocytes in papilloedema (32%) are present [7]. Therefore, both the study are generalized seizures, signs of impairment of the brain of clonogenicity and immunophenotype allows the reactive stem and the cerebellum and extrapyramidal syndromes. The or neoplastic character of the lymphocytic pleiocytosis to symptoms resulting from the involvement of the eye precede be defined [21]. Finally, in some cases, the use of electron cerebral symptoms by months or years [27]. While common uveitis shows a hightened sensitivity overestimated due to the presence of reactive perivascular to topical or systemic corticosteroids, uveitis from lymphoma Tcell infiltrate, which could interfere with the interpretation rapidly becomes resistant to this treatment. A study based on autopsy find diseases, gliomas, meningiomas, metastasis, sarcoidosis and ings demonstrated a meningeal involvement in 100% of cases toxoplasmosis [2, 8]. The calcifications that are frequently observed in diagnostic techniques of molecular biology will reveal an oligodendrogliomas and lowgrade astrocytomas are usually increased percentage of positive exams. Although cerebral metastasis can be hyper or infiltrate the vitreous humor, the retina, the choroides and isodense, they are commonly located at the corticomedullar less frequently, the optic nerve. A leptomeningeal localiza junction area rather than in the periventricular regions. More tion in the absence of a parenchymal mass occurs in less than over, a dramatic response to corticosteroids should raise the 10% of cases [2]. This localisation white matter accompanied by a slight enhancement can be presents the greatest diagnostic difficulties. This pattern should be distinguished from that of erally complains of pain in the limbs, most of all in the legs, multiple sclerosis and of other leucoencephalopathies. In differential diagnosis is very difficult, not only because the these cases the prognosis is very poor with a median survival radiographic images are similar, but also because both show of few months, mainly due to a late diagnosis. It has been termed neurolym authors to find a direct relationship between the radiological phomatosis, to distinguish it from the infiltration of the nerves and histopathological diagnosis, none of the radiological pat by a systemic lymphoma. Neuroimaging ful tool in diagnostic suspicion, response assessment, and early detection of relapse [30]. It allows to appropriate to be suspicious of a lymphomatous nature of distinguish an avascular tumour in 70% of cases [7]. Treatment with radio therapy and corticosteroids has been the standard therapy for several years, with a high complete radiological remission, a 4. In 93% of cases the relapse is local, found which presented solely with a symptomatic cerebral even within the radiation field [26], while meningeal, spinal mass lesion [2, 7, 26]. In contrast, several authors reported and intraocular relapses are less frequent [41, 42]. Testicular ultrasound examination should refiected in studies on populationbased cohort, and over also be considered in elderly patients [32], while the role all survival has not improved consistently in the past three of positronemission tomography in patients with presumed decades [44]. The application of molecular diagnostic techniques may increase these percentages. Conversely to those observed for the International the complete radiographic remission of the lymphoma [38]. Natural history tic Index, named International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (I. Firstline treatment correct treatment is not started immediately and the median survival with only supportive therapy is less than 3 months. It is can yield therapeutic levels of drug in the intraocu noteworthy that treatment sequence is strongly infiuenced by lar fiuids and clinical responses have been documented; the choice of drugs used. However, to date, the addition of other interesting but still investigational strategy. Age >60 radiotherapy doses should be decided on the basis of response years, postradiotherapy chemotherapy and highdose radio to primary chemotherapy, and, until definitive conclusions therapy have been proposed as risk factors [8, 26]. In prac which may or may not be followed by a tumourbed boost to tice, half the patients develop a recurrence of their original reach 36 Gy appears suitable for patients in complete remis symptoms without evidence of relapsed lymphoma. Some authors have proposed to treat to 50% of cases at diagnosis [55]; in more than 20% of cases patients with chemotherapy alone, delaying radiotherapy at at relapse [48, 50, 53], and in 100% of cases at autopsy [19]. Since only a few prospec treatment, which can be achieved by spinalcord irradia tive nonrandomized trials assessing the impact on survival tion, highdose systemic chemotherapy or by intrathecal drug and toxicity of chemotherapy alone have been reported, the delivery. The first strategy is associated with relevant mar real efficacy of this strategy has not yet been defined. Fur row toxicity [8, 20], while the indications for and efficacy thermore these studies had a small sample size, included of different doses of systemic methotrexate and intrathecal a few relapsed or histologically unproved cases, and had chemotherapy are unclear. Primary chemotherapy consisted iting the widely use of intrathecal chemotherapy: the lack of of a highdosemethotrexatecontaining regimen alone [50] a prospective assessment of its survival effect, the increased or in combination [55, 60], achieving a response rate of A. Confir markedly reduced the risk of neurotoxicity, and although matory biopsy is thus mandatory. In the past, these patients were referred for radiation 32 months) between these two subgroups. Higher doses and larger radiation volumes or ing to secondline treatment is 14 months, the time to relapse hyperfractionation increased treatmentrelated toxicity with (cutoff: 12 months) being the main independent indica out any improvement in outcome. Meningeal relapse can be treated with spinalcord age, use of radiotherapy and severe neurotoxicity, chemother irradiation or intrathecal chemotherapy. In some cases, re apy alone appears an efficient and safe therapeutic alternative irradiation of relapsed lesions has also been indicated. The experience is still increased drug concentrations in the lymphomainfiltrated very limited, but attractive preliminary results were achieved brain and may thus improve survival. As with results, while promising effects have been reported in a few conventional therapy, cytostatic drugs for induction and con cases of leptomeningeal lymphoma treated with intraventric ditioning chemotherapy have been selected on the basis of ular rituximab [83]. Topotecan, a camp has been an advantage when this strategy has been used as tothecin derivative that inhibits the enzyme topoisomerase I, salvage therapy. Primary leptomeningeal lymphoma: report of 9 cases, diagnosis with immuno Lauren E. Increasingannualincidence of primary central nervous system lymphoma in immunocompetent of primary malignant brain tumors in the elderly. The C5R protocol: a regi spectroscopy in immunocompetent patients with primary central ner men of highdose chemotherapy and radiotherapy in primary cerebral vous system lymphoma. Primary lymphoma of patients with nonacquired immunodeficiency syndromerelated cen brain:resultsofmanagementofamoderncohortwithradiationtherapy. Secondline treatment for primary central lymphoma: response to therapy and quality of life of patients. German Cancer Soci Trends in survival from primary central nervous system lymphoma. Response of relapsed or refrac central nervous system lymphoma with highdose methotrexate. Graftversuslymphoma effect after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for pri Biographies mary central nervous system lymphoma. This condition presented evidence of a spectrumlike relationship between generally runs a chronic course and is characterised by acquired haemolytic anaemia and primary thrombocytopenic frequent exacerbations and remissions. More recently topenic purpura (the remaining patients described had a small number of patients have been treated with rituximab, acquired haemolytic anaemia (n fi 10) or thrombocytopenic which induces remission in the majority although such purpura (n fi 5) alone). These observations, and the similarity responses are often sustained for <12 months and the long of the response to splenectomy, led Evans to suggest the term effects in children are unclear. In the original patient group, four carry risks of severe morbidity and of transplantrelated were also neutropenic (as part of leucopenia rather than a mortality. The anaemia and thrombocytopenia now been reported and should be considered for younger were characterised by great variability in onset, course and patients in the context of controlled clinical trials. Keywords: Evans syndrome, autoimmune cytopenias, auto immune thrombocytopenia, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, Epidemiology immunosuppression. Evans syndrome is a rare diagnosis although the exact Evans syndrome is defined by the combination (either frequency is unknown. No sex predilection is article we briefiy review the epidemiology, pathophysiology known and Evans syndrome has been described in all ethnic groups and at all ages (Pui et al, 1980; Wang, 1988; Mathew et al, 1997; Savasan et al, 1997). Examination may reveal lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly and/or splenomegaly (Pui et al, 1980; Savasan et al, 1997; Teachey et al, 2005). The lymphadenopathy and Pathophysiology organomegaly may be chronic or intermittent and in some Although Evans syndrome appears to be a disorder of immune cases may only be apparent during episodes of acute exacer regulation, the exact pathophysiology is unknown. However, the significance nation of six vaccines (diptheria, pertussis, tetanus, haemo of these abnormalities of cellular immunity is unclear as they philus infiuenzae type B (Hib), polio and hepatitis B] in the are seen in other autoimmune conditions and in association other case), thus refiecting a secondary immune response. Taken together, these reports suggest that immunisations may Despite the frequency of haemopoietic cellspecific autoan provide a trigger for the development of disease in susceptible tibodies in patients with Evans syndrome, there is very little individuals and may also lead to a sustained increased risk in information about the identity of target antigens. Features of haemolysis should be sought including a raised reticulocyte count, unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia Clinical presentation and decreased haptoglobins. Neutropenia occurs in up to 55% of patients at so), even in the absence of haemolytic anaemia, and may be presentation (Evans et al, 1951; Pui et al, 1980; Wang, 1988; positive for IgG and/or complement (C3) (Pui et al, 1980; Mathew et al, 1997; Savasan et al, 1997), or pancytopenia Pegels et al, 1982; Wang, 1988; Mathew et al, 1997; Savasan (14% in a national survey of 42 patients; Mathew et al, 1997). Other conditions that and granulocytes may be positive but a negative result does cause concurrent haemolytic anaemia and thrombocytopenia not exclude the diagnosis and routine testing at presentation and may mimic Evans syndrome include paroxysmal nocturnal may not be helpful. Patients will come down to individual clinician and patient choice and with true Evans syndrome would not fulfil these criteria will refiect the previous experience of the centre. Treatment the dose of prednisolone used has generally varied from the management of Evans syndrome remains a challenge. The 1 mg/kg/d to 4 mg/kg/d (Pui et al, 1980; Mathew et al, 1997); syndrome is characterised by periods of remission and although a good initial response to megadose i. Most patients require treatment although subsequently 10, 5, 2, 1 mg/kg/d, 1 week each) has also been occasional spontaneous remissions have been recorded: one reported (Ozsoylo, fi 2000). Our experience is similar to that of patient of 42 patients with Evans syndrome in the national Pui et al (1980) and Wang (1988); we have found that most survey by Mathew et al (1997). Indications for treatment have children respond promptly to prednisolone at a daily dose of not been established by evidencebased studies. Therefore the evidence presented here largely refiects data from case reports and retrospective Intravenous immunoglobulin For those patients for whom surveys. A total dose of 2 g/kg in respond, normalisation of all or only some of the cytopenias divided doses appears to be sufficient for most cases that are may be achieved. Repeated courses (either alone or with commonly 0fi4 g/kg/d for 4 d, with some authors steroids) may also be successful. Nuss and Wang monoclonal antibody rituximab and chemotherapy (vincris (1987) then described three patients with Evans syndrome and tine).

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Melatonin decreases the oxidative stress produced by 2, 4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in rat cerebellar granule cells. Asymmetrical development of the monoamine systems in 2, 4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid treated rats. Association between polymor phisms in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor gene and disseminated testicular germ cell cancer. Pesticide exposures and other agricultural risk factors for leukemia among men in Iowa and M innesota. Activation of the arylhydrocarbon receptor causes immunosuppression primarily by modulating dendritic cells. Relative risk of prostate cancer for men with affected relatives: Systematic review and metaanalysis. Occupational exposure to phenoxy herbicides and chlorophenols and cancer mortality in the Netherlands. Risk of testicular cancer associated with surrogate measures of Agent Orange exposure among Vietnam veterans on the Agent Orange Registry. A single gestational exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin disrupts the adult uterine response to estradiol in mice. Pesticide exposure and health conditions of terrestrial pesticide applicators in Cordoba Province, Argentina. Evaluation of chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and ventilatory function among workers exposed to 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin. Evaluation of diabetes mellitus, serum glucose, and thyroid function among United States workers exposed to 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlo rodibenzopdioxin. Interaction of phthalates and phenoxy acid herbicide environmental pollutants with intestinal intracellular lipid binding proteins. Divergent transcriptomic responses to aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists between rat and human primary hepatocytes. Residential agricultural pesticide exposures and risk of selected congenital heart defects among offspring in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Residential agricultural pesticide exposures and risks of selected birth defects among offspring in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Dioxinsensitive proteins in differentiating osteoblasts: Effects on bone formation in vitro. Disruption of Ah recep tor signaling during mouse development leads to abnormal cardiac structure and function in the adult. Liganddependent interaction of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor with a novel immunophilin homolog in vivo. The 90kDa heat shock protein is essential for Ah receptor signaling in a yeast expression system. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Offce of Smoking and Health. Ageadjusted percentages of selected circula tory diseases among adults aged 18 and over, by selected characteristics: United States, 2015. Infuence of subacute treatment of some plant growth regulators on serum marker enzymes and erythrocyte and tissue antioxidant defense and lipid peroxidation in rats. Dioxin toxicity in vivo results from an increase in the dioxinindependent transcriptional activity of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Dioxin exposure and insulin resistance in Taiwanese living near a highly contaminated area. Predicting the risk of cardiovascular disease in people exposed to moderate to high levels of dioxin. Placental transfer of polychlo rinated dibenzopdioxins, dibenzofurans, and biphenyls in Taiwanese mothers in relation to menstrual cycle characteristics. Chronic dietary toxicity/oncogenicity studies on 2, 4dichlo rophenoxyacetic acid in rodents. Developmental toxicity studies in rats and rabbits on 2, 4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and its forms. Human papillomavirus and rising oropharyngeal cancer incidence in the United States. The regulation of 4(methylnitrosamino)1(3pyridyl)1butanoneinduced lung tumor promotion by estradiol in female A/J mice. Genetic association of aromatic hydro carbon receptor and its repressor gene polymorphisms with risk of rheumatoid arthritis in Han Chinese populations. The risk of kidney cancer in patients with kidney stones: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Effects of exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides on thyroid function during pregnancy. Environmental pollutants as risk factors for neurodegenerative disorders: Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. Agri cultural pesticide use and risk of t(14;18)defned subtypes of nonHodgkin lymphoma. Arsenic induces accumulation of synuclein: Implications for synucleinopathies and neurodegenera tion. Analgesic use and the risk of kidney cancer: A metaanalysis of epidemiologic studies. Reproductive outcomes in male cancer survivors: A linked cancerbirth registry analysis. M arch of Dimes global report on birth defects: the hidden toll of dying and disabled children. Quercetin prevents 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlorodibenzo pdioxin induced testicular damage in rats. Association between Agent Orange exposure and nonmelanotic invasive skin cancer: A pilot study. An updated algorithm for estima tion of pesticide exposure intensity in the Agricultural Health Study. Mortality rates among workers exposed to dioxins in the manufacture of pentachlorophenol. Evaluation of the mortality experience of work ers exposed to the chlorinated dioxins. Occupational and environmental exposures as risk factors for systemic lupus erythematosus. Viral infections and chemical exposures as risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma in Vietnam. M aternal residence near municipal waste incinerators and the risk of urinary tract birth defects. Structural modeling of the ahr: Arnt complex in the bhlhpasapasb region elucidates the key determinants of dimerization. M ortality of National Service Vietnam veterans: A report of the 1996 retrospective cohort study of Australian Vietnam veter ans. Occupational exposure to pesticides, reproductive hormone levels and sperm quality in young Brazilian men. The role of tobacco smoke in bladder and kidney carcinogenesis: A comparison of exposures and metaanalysis of incidence and mortality risks. Thyroid function and plasma con centrations of polyhalogenated compounds in Inuit adults. Estimated dietary dioxin exposure and breast cancer risk among women from the French E3N prospective cohort. Arsenic as an endocrine disruptor: Arsenic disrupts retinoic acid receptorand thyroid hormone receptormediated gene regulation and thyroid hormonemediated amphibian tail metamorphosis. Pesticides and other occupational exposures are associated with airway obstruction: the Lifelines Cohort Study. Parental occupational exposures to chemicals and incidence of neuroblastoma in offspring. Parental occupational exposures to electromagnetic felds and radiation and incidence of neuroblastoma in offspring. Selfreported health status of Viet nam veterans in relation to perceived exposure to herbicides and combat. Targeting of aryl hydrocarbon receptormediated activation of cyclooxygenase2 expression by the indole3carbinol metabo lite 3, 3diindolylmethane in breast cancer cells. Human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and fertility: A casecontrol study in male subfertility patients. Exactly the same but differ ent: Promiscuity and molecular mechanism of action of the aryl hydrocarbon (dioxin) receptor. Pesticide use and cutaneous mela noma in pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study. The health and medical status of M aine veter ans: A report to the Bureau of Veterans Services, Commission of Vietnam and Atomic Veterans. Lack of effects of postnatal exposure to a mixture of aryl hydrocarbonreceptor agonists on the development of methylnitrosoureainduced mammary tumors in SpragueDawley rats. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor contributes to the prolifera tion of human medulloblastoma cells. Parental olfactory experience infuences behavior and neural structure in subsequent generations. Experimental evidence needed to demonstrate inter and trans generational effects of ancestral experiences in mammals. Potential for earlylife immune insult including developmental immunotoxicity in autism and autism spectrum disorders: Focus on critical windows of immune vulnerability. M echanistic insights into the events that lead to synergistic induction of interleukin 6 transcription upon activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and infammatory signaling. Occupational exposures and risk of gastric cancer in a populationbased casecontrol study. Deletion of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor enhances the infammatory response to leishmania major infec tion. Dioxin binding activities of polymorphic forms of mouse and human aryl hydrocarbon receptors. Comparison of the use of physiologically based pharmacokinetic model and a classical pharmacokinetic model for dioxin exposure assessments. Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing picloram as the active ingredient. Occupational and other environmental factors and mul tiple myeloma: A population based casecontrol study. Exposure to dioxins as a risk factor for soft tis sue sarcoma: A populationbased casecontrol study. Royal Commission on the Use and Effect of Chemical Agents on Australian Person nel in Vietnam: Final report. Secretariat for the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade. Polychlorinated dibenzopdioxins and dibenzofurans in the air of Seveso, Italy, 26 years after the explosion. Aryl hydrocarbon receptordependent cell cycle arrest in isolated mouse oval cells. Immunological changes among farmers exposed to phenoxy herbicides: Preliminary observations. Effects of in vivo exposure to polyfuorinated dibenzopdioxins on organosomatic indices and ethoxyresorufnodeethylase activity in mice (mus musculus). Endocrinedisrupting compounds and mammary gland development: Early expo sure and later life consequences. Arylhydrocarbon receptordefcient mice are resistant to 2, 3, 7, 8tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin induced toxicity. Carcinogenic risk of retained arsenic after successful treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia with arsenic trioxide: A cause for concernfi Ligand selectivity and gene regulation by the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor in transgenic mice. Analyses of exposure to polychlorinated dibenzopdioxins, furans, and hexachlorocyclohexane and different health outcomes in a cohort of former herbicide producing workers in Hamburg, Germany. Elimina tion of polychlorinated dibenzopdioxins and dibenzofurans in occupationally exposed persons. Relative potency for altered humoral immunity induced by polybro minated and polychlorinated dioxins/furans in female B6C3F1/N mice. Occupational exposure to nnitrosamines and pesticides and risk of pancreatic cancer. M olecular mechanisms of the physiological functions of the aryl hydrocarbon (dioxin) receptor, a multifunctional regulator that senses and responds to environmental stimuli. Assessment of genome damage in a population of Croatian workers employed in pesticide production by chromosomal aberration analyis, micronucleus assay and Comet assay. Study of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons in neonate rats lactationally exposed to 2, 4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Results of casecontrol study of leukaemia and lymphoma among young people near Sellafeld nuclear plant in W est Cumbria. Corvallis: National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services. Multiple myeloma and occupational exposures: A populationbased casecontrol study. Human papillomavirus and diseases of the upper airway: Head and neck cancer and respiratory papillomatosis. Assessing exposure to allied ground troops in the Vietnam War: A quantitative evaluation of the Stellman exposure opportu nity index model. Exposure estimates in epidemiologic studies of Korean veterans of the Vietnam W ar. Effect of dioxin and 17estradiol on the expression of cytochrome P450 1A1 gene via an estrogen receptor dependent pathway in cellular and xenografted models. Associations between persistent organic pollutants, type 2 diabetes, diabetic nephropathy and mortality.

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Effect of wideband modulated electromagnetic fields on the workers of highfrequency telephone exchanges. Effect of electromagnetic pulse exposure on brain micro vascular permeability in rats. Increase in hypoxanthineguanine phosphoribosyl transferase gene mutations by exposure to electric field. Anxietylike behavioural effects of extremely lowfrequency electromagnetic field in rats. Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Trends in nonionizing electomagnetic radiation bioeffects research and related occupational health aspects. International trends in electromagnetic radiation bioeffects research proceedings. Influence of electromagnetic rays caused by cellular communication devices on human health (review of literature). The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the monoamine oxidase A activity in the rat brain. 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Industrialfrequency electromagnetic field as an environmental factor and its hygienic regulation. Activity of enzymatic systems exposed to a superhighfrequency electromagnetic field. Hygienic evaluation of electromagnetic fields in the 17 cm range based on research data on behavioral reactions. Contribution of physical factors to the complex anthropogenic load in an industrial town. Evaluation of electromagnetic incompatibility concerns for deep brain stimulators. Effect of an industrialfrequency electromagnetic field on the nature of the growth and mitotic activity of cultured human fibroblastlike cells. Effect of an industrial frequency electromagnetic field on the testes of laboratory mice. Calcium and magnesium content in the tissues of rats exposed to an industrialfrequency electromagnetic field. Effects of exposure to a 60kV/m, 60Hz electric field on the social behavior of baboons. Description of a new computer wire coding method and its application to evaluate potential control selection bias in the Savitz et al. Magnetic field on the deranged accommodation of visual detector terminal operators. Clinical efficacy and safety evaluation of a monopolar radiofrequency device with a new vibration handpiece for the treatment of facial skin laxity: a 10month experience with 64 patients. The acute effects of radiofrequency energy in articular cartilage: an in vitro study. Health care utilisation and attitudes towards health care in subjects reporting environmental annoyance from electricity and chemicals. Expert opinion: There is no prove of increased risk of skin diseases or flicker problems in working with video terminals. Persistent inappropriate sinus tachycardia after radiofrequency current catheter modification of the atrioventricular node. Longterm exposure of male and female mice to 50 Hz magnetic field: effects on fertility. Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields: a content analysis of British newspaper reports. Electromagnetic interference from linear accelerators can affect electronic devices. Effects of exposure to static magnetic field on motor skills and iron levels in plasma and brain of rats. Rejoinder: adult cancers and magnetic fields from overhead power lines: epidemiologic investigation, not speculation. Effects of exposure to electromagnetic field from mobile phone on serum hepcidin and iron status in male albino rats. New vision in fractional radiofrequency technology with switching, vacuum and cooling. Effects of shortterm exposure to powerline frequency electromagnetic field on the electrical activity of the heart. Does shortterm exposure to mobile phone base station signals increase symptoms in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fieldsfi Aggregated data from two doubleblind base station provocation studies comparing individuals with idiopathic environmental intolerance with attribution to electromagnetic fields and controls. Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery: official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. Circadian locomotor activity of Musca flies: recording method and effects of 10 Hz squarewave electric fields. Anthropogenic electromagnetic noise disrupts magnetic compass orientation in a migratory bird. Cytogenetic effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field on Wistar rat bone marrow. Occupational and other environmental factors and multiple myeloma: a population based casecontrol study. The psychosocial work environment and skin symptoms among visual display terminal workers: a case referent study. Effects of electromagnetic radiation from a cellular phone on human sperm motility: an in vitro study. A metaanalysis of epidemiologic studies of electric and magnetic fields and breast cancer in women and men. Biologically based study of magnetic field exposure and female breast cancerwill there be a sensible interpretation without information on a likely culpritfi Re: "Association between exposure to pulsed electromagnetic fields and cancer in electric utility workers in Quebec, Canada, and France". Re: "Occupational magnetic fields and female breast cancer: a case control study using Swedish population registers and new exposure data". Cortical silent period following transcranial magnetic stimulation in epileptic patients. Mechanisms of biological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: an overview. Effect of high intensity magnetic field on the processes of early growth in plant seeds and development of honeybees. Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields of High Voltage Overhead Power Lines and Female Infertility. Interventional device visualization with toroidal transceiver and optically coupled current sensor for radiofrequency safety monitoring. The effects of weak magnetic fields on radical recombination reactions in micelles. Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (50Hz) on pentylenetetrazolinduced seizures in mice. Novel, magnetically guided catheter for endocardial mapping and radiofrequency catheter ablation. Residence close to hightension electric power lines and its association with leukemia in children. Selective radiofrequency therapy as a noninvasive approach for contactless body contouring and circumferential reduction. Chronic exposure to 50Hz magnetic fields causes a significant weakening of antioxidant defence systems in aged rat brain. Lymphoma induced in mice chronically exposed to very strong lowfrequency electromagnetic field. Effects of prolonged exposure to moderate static magnetic field and its synergistic effects with alkaline pH on Enterococcus faecalis. Electroacupuncture Improves Cognitive Function and Hippocampal Neurogenesis after Brain Irradiation. A randomized double blind, vehicle controlled bilateral comparison study of the efficacy and safety of finasteride 0. Fractionated microneedle radiofrequency for treatment of primary axillary hyperhidrosis: A sham control study. A novel option for treatment of primary axillary hyperhidrosis: fractionated microneedle radiofrequency. Nervous system effects caused by electromagnetic fields with frequency up to 400 kHz (review of literature). Preliminary study of causespecific mortality of a population exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields, in a district of Rome municipality. Morbidity experience in populations residentially exposed to 50 hz magnetic fields: methodology and preliminary findings of a cohort study. Electrosmog as a health risk factor: sources of artificial electromagnetic fields, evaluation of health risk, prevention methods. Significant differences in the effects of magnetic field exposure on 7, 12dimethylbenz(a)anthraceneinduced mammary carcinogenesis in two substrains of SpragueDawley rats. Public health notification: diathermy interactions with implanted leads and implanted systems with leads. Absorption of wireless radiation in the child versus adult brain and eye from cell phone conversation or virtual reality. Inappropriate implantable cardioverterdefibrillator shock induced by electromagnetic interference while taking a shower. Effects of electromagnetic fields on the reproductive success of American kestrels. Effects of electromagnetic fields on photophasic circulating melatonin levels in American kestrels. Evidence of oxidative stress in American kestrels exposed to electromagnetic fields. Irradiation of pacemakers and cardiodefibrillators in patients submitted to radiotherapy: a clinical experience. Oxidative stress effects on the central nervous system of rats after acute exposure to ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields. Cancer and magnetic fields in persons living close to high voltage power lines in Sweden. Magnetic fields and cancer in children residing near Swedish highvoltage power lines. Magnetic fields, leukemia, and central nervous system tumors in Swedish adults residing near highvoltage power lines. With regard to the relative merits of contemporary measurements and historical calculated fields in the Swedish Childhood Cancer Study. Occupational and residential magnetic field exposure and leukemia and central nervous system tumors. Magnetic fields and breast cancer in Swedish adults residing near highvoltage power lines. Estimating exposure in studies of residential magnetic fields and cancer: importance of shortterm variability, time interval between diagnosis and measurement, and distance to power line. Magnetic fields and childhood cancera pooled analysis of two Scandinavian studies. Mobile phones, radiofrequency fields, and health effects in children epidemiological studies. Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and adult leukaemia: a review of the epidemiological evidence. Surgical and interventional use of radiofrequency current: is there interference with implantable cardioverter/defibrillatorsfi Re: "Magnetic field exposure and cardiovascular disease mortality among electric utility workers". Effect of mobile telephony on bloodbrain barrier permeability in the fetal mouse brain. Expression of the water channel protein, aquaporin4, in mouse brains exposed to mobile telephone radiofrequency fields. Effect of global system for mobile communication (gsm)like radiofrequency fields on vascular permeability in mouse brain. Microglial activation as a measure of stress in mouse brains exposed acutely (60 minutes) and longterm (2 years) to mobile telephone radiofrequency fields. Heat shock protein induction in fetal mouse brain as a measure of stress after whole of gestation exposure to mobile telephony radiofrequency fields. In vitro effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on oxidatively damaged rabbit red blood cells. The British journal of general practice: the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Journal of bone and mineral research: the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Increased apoptosis, changes in intracellular Ca2+, and functional alterations in lymphocytes and macrophages after in vitro exposure to static magnetic field. Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in relation to leukemia and brain tumors: a case control study in Sweden. Increased risk of leukemias and brain tumors in occupational exposure to magnetic fields. Occupational magnetic field exposure and site specific cancer incidence: a Swedish cohort study. Extremelylow frequency magnetic field effects on sulfate reducing bacteria viability. Correlation of yearto year magnetic field exposure metrics among children in a leukemia survival study. Microendoscopyguided percutaneous cordotomy for intractable pain: case series of 24 patients. Fractional radiofrequency treatment in acne scars: Systematic review of current evidence.

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