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Prognostic value of plasmatic tumor M2 pyruvate kinase and carcinoembryonic antigen in the survival of colorectal cancer patients medicine games buy cheap kemadrin 5 mg on-line. European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology medicine pouch buy kemadrin online, Hepatology, and Nutrition guidelines for the diagnosis of coeliac disease. IgA and IgG Antigliadin, IgA Anti-tissue Transglutaminase and Antiendomysial Antibodies in Patients with Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases and Their Relationship to Thyroidal Replacement Therapy. The Serologic Screening for Celiac Disease in the General Population (Blood Donors) and in Some High-Risk Groups of Adults (Patients with Autoimmune Diseases, Osteoporosis and Infertility) in the Czech Republic. Mass screening for celiac disease from the perspective of newly diagnosed adolescents and their parents: a mixed-method study. First salivary screening of celiac disease by detection of anti-transglutaminase autoantibody radioimmunoassay in 5000 Italian primary schoolchildren. Risk for gastric neoplasias in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis: A critical reappraisal. The most important diagnostic modalities for Helicobacter pylori, now and in the future. Rationale in diagnosis and screening of atrophic gastritis with stomach-specific plasma biomarkers. The validity of a biomarker method for indirect detection of gastric mucosal atrophy versus standard histopathology. Vaananen H, Vauhkonen M, Helske T, Kaariainen I, Rasmussen M, Tunturi-Hihnala H et al. Correlation between gastric histology and serum levels of gastrin-17 and pepsinogen I: a multicentre study. Prevalence of undiagnosed advanced atrophic corpus gastritis in Finland: an observational study among 4, 256 volunteers without specific complaints. Faecal calprotectin a useful tool in the management of inflammatory bowel disease. Faecal calprotectin for screening of patients with suspected inflammatory bowel disease: diagnostic meta-analysis. Guidelines are consensus instruments written by expert panels to optimize disease management based on clinical and scientific evidence. In these, the use of screening markers is recommended in accordance with guidelines of other organisations. The German S3 Guideline is an extensive and current document (featuring 795 references), and its updated version has been published in 2010 (4). There are several variants to the method, brands and protocols, in part differing significantly in their diagnostic sensitivities (see 5 and 6). Amplification methods yield significantly higher sensitivities and specificities, but are more complex to perform and more expensive. Finally, epigenetic markers designed to detect tumour methylation signatures in peripheral blood have been proposed recently, but have not found their way into recommendations so far. All guidelines recommend being aware of harmful side effects as result of positive screening tests like psychological anxiety, complications during colonoscopy or the possibility of over diagnosis. Guideline specifically warn of false negative results, while it must be said that due to low sensitivities and specificities and low prevalence, the negative predictive value can be calculated as being very high indicating that a healthy. It cannot be used for the screening of healthy individuals, as low sensitivity and low specificity leads to a high number of false positive results due to very low positive predictive values. Increases indicate progressive disease or distant metastasis, particularly to the liver, depending on the amplitudes of the rising concentrations. Other serum markers possess an even lower performance and should not be used for routine diagnosis let alone for screening. Neumaier Guidelines on colorectal cancer screening context of human genetic counselling and should only be done in context with careful assessment of the family history. Taken together, only a small number of markers can be used, although many candidates have been proposed over the years. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry laboratory medicine practice guidelines for use of tumor markers in testicular, prostate, colorectal, breast, and ovarian cancers. Colorectal cancer surveillance: 2005 update of an American Society of Clinical Oncology practice guideline. While they can be clinically and phenotypically very similar, they often show considerable differences at the cell or cell cluster level. This heterogeneity is believed to be the result of constant selective pressure acting on the malignant cells in context with therapeutic response or resistance. Importantly, biological differences are now increasingly characterized as to their pathobiochemical importance and form the basis of molecular classifications that impact on the choice of therapeutic regimens. A comprehensive national screening effort has been undertaken between 2007 and 2011. Within Europe, Croatian citizens have a relatively high incidence to contract and die of the disease placing emphasis on better compliance with screening programs and the need to improve early diagnosis. Today these alterations can easily be identified in tumour material and also peripheral blood specimens of patients. Many of these candidate genes still require confirmation, as their functional relevance is not understood in the disease process. Also, there are clear indications that risk alleles of intermediate or low penetrance will substantially increase the cancer risk, when accumulating in an individual. While possessing 10 risk alleles was found to carry the risk of the general population, additional alleles led to substantiate risk increase by 2-5 folds. In contrast, low penetrance genes are important for the polygenic risk and require analysis by larger numbers. Since a functional role often cannot be deduced, interpretation of the results will relay on bioinformatics classification algorithms to identify their significance. Epigenetic markers are comparably stable and can be tested for in the peripheral blood and other biomaterials. However, these tests are expensive, require sophisticated protocols and equipment and thus 28 M. Neumaier Molecular diagnostic tests in colorectal cancer have not been adapted widely. More recently, Lind and colleagues have screened methylation markers in order to establish a multiparametric assay for colorectal tumour development. However, since adenomas are precancerous lesions and discussing the low compliance (of age groups at risk) with colonoscopy programs, their early determination may help to identify colon tumours in a not yet malignant stage. Due to the high costs of these biologicals and their unwanted side effects, genetic testing of the kras and braf status is now mandatory to stratify patients. In a recent extensive metaanalysis starting with 1864 papers, the clinical utility of various test formats including also a large body of immunochemical methods has been evaluated (12, 13). Finally using 36 appropriate studies, the authors come to the conclusion that circulating tumour cells are valid targets. A number of studies are on their way, but preliminary reports suggest that molecular risks for progression-free survival and metastasis can be assessed with these tests (15, 16). Presently, these approaches can be seen more as means of stratification than personalized diagnostics. However, for the future we may extrapolate individual therapeutic options based on molecular profiling. Recent additions to the diagnostic arsenal of personalized diagnostics are reports that use 29 M. Expression profiling is used for grading and to the risk for relapse and prognosis during follow-up. Identification of an epigenetic biomarker panel with high sensitivity and specificity for colorectal cancer and adenomas. Di Nicolantonio F, Martini M, Molinari F, Sartore-Bianchi A, Arena S, Saletti P et al. Meta-analysis shows that detection of circulating tumor cells indicates poor prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer. Of all human cancers, the molecular genetic alterations in colorectal cancer are best understood. Colorectal cancer represents the third most diagnosed cancer in both men and women. The development of colorectal cancer is a multistep process caused by progressive accumulation of genetic and epigenetic changes that cause activation of oncogenes and/or inactivation of tumor supressor genes. Alongside with gene mutations, deregulated expression of oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes can also occur as a consequence of epigenetic modifications of their promoters (3-7). Improved understanding of genetic events that underline tumor development, progression and metastasis may contribute to new strategies for prevention, screening, diagnosis as well as for therapy. Survival of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer has improved over the past several decades, due to the development of new combinations of standard chemotherapy such as 5-fluorouracil, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin, as well as to the introduction of new targeted therapies. Individual patient response to therapy could be very diverse, even if their disease seems similar when evaluating clinicopathological parameters. Many drugs commonly used in clinical practice show interindividual variations in efficacy, dose requirements as well as the presence of side-effects. There is increasing evidence that treatment response is dependent on the genetic background of the individuals as well as on the molecular-genetic changes in the tumor itself. The study of the genetic determinants influencing interindividual differences in drug response is known as pharmacogenetics. Knowledge about the influence of polymorphisms and mutations on drug response can be used to identify, through pretreatment genetic screening, the patients with the best chance of responding to a specific drug and those at greater risk to develope an adverse drug reaction (10, 11). In recent years the focus in this field has shifted towards the development of targeted therapies and the use of molecular analyses to identify patients most likely to respond to these therapies. Binding of cetuximab to the receptor prevents ligand binding, induces receptor internalization and causes a direct inhibition of the receptor tyrosine kinase activity (13, 14). It plays an important role in cell growth and function controlling several signaling pathways. Apart from erbB2, specific ligands have been identified for each of the erbB receptors. Ligand binding induces conformational change and dimerization of the receptor with formation of homodimers and heterodimers, which leads to the activation of tyrosine kinase. The first level of complexity is encountered at the receptor level, where are shared and lateral signaling occurs between members of the erbB family. Then there are positive and negative feedback loops built into the pathways and differential activation of transcription factors, depending upon the cell type. When this system, due to molecular genetic changes becomes unregulated it can contribute to malignant transformation and tumor progression through 34 S. Both antibodies have been shown to reduce the risk of tumor progression and to improve overall survival, progression free survival and quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer refractory to standard chemotherapy (19, 23, 24). With regard to codon 12/13 mutations only, 70% of mutations occur in codon 12 and 30% in codon 13 (8, 27, 28). Analysis for mutations in both genes could identify as many as 40% of patients who have no chance of responding to this class of drugs. When this network becomes unregulated it can lead to growth, proliferation, survival and metastasis of neoplastic cells. As more biomarkers will be identified and validated predicting testing will be used more extensively in clinical decision making. Optimization of tools to predict the risk for developing cancer, to diagnose a disease at an early stage, to give a prognosis, and predict treatment response in patients, is of huge importance to the patient itself, as well as to the health professionals. The increasing role of pharmacogenetics in the treatment of gastrointestinal cancers. Biomarkers predicting clinical outcome of epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer. Status of epidermal growth factor receptor antagonists in the biology and treatment of cancer. Critical update and emerging trends in epidermal growth factor receptor targeting in cancer. Epidermal growth factor-related peptides and their receptors in human malignancies. Epidermal growth factor receptor signaling in colorectal cancer: preclinical dana and therapeutic perspectives. Malabsorption can be generalized, affecting absorption of a range of nutrients, or specific, where the absorption of only a single nutrient is impaired. Principially three mechanisms are involved in pathophysiology of malabsorption: premucosal (luminal), mucosal and postmucosal (postabsorptive). Premucosal mechanisms lead to maldigestion, mucosal and postmucosal mechanism lead to real malabsorption (1, 3, 4). If the process affecting absorption is mild, malabsorption may stay clinically silent, as it is compensated by bigger food intake. In more severe cases it presents by one or more signs and symptoms of the malabsorptive state. Fat malabsorption usually presents by diarrhea, steatorrhea, weight loss, reduced triceps skin-fold Table 6. Screening and confirmation of malabsorption thickness, fat soluble vitamin deficiences (night blindness, dry eyes, osteomalacia and prolonged prothrombin time). Protein loss brings edema, reduced mid-arm muscle circumference, reduced creatin and creatinine: height ratio. Iron deficiency presents by glossitis, angular stomatitis and pallor; group B vitamins deficiency shows glossitis, magenta tongue, pellagra and peripheral neuropathy (1, 3-7). Diagnosis is based on physical examination, physical history, imaging methods; routine and special laboratory tests (Table 6. From those pancreatic elastase I in stool is widely used to assess severity of exocrine pancreatic dysfunction and hydrogen breath tests to show suspected monosacharides and disacharides intolerance. In general hydrogen breath 13 tests and C-labeled substrate breath tests can be performed. For carbohydrate malassimilation both types can be used employing lactose, fructose, sorbitol, saccharose, D xylose and starch. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can be objectified by glucose, lactulose, glycocholate and D-xylose breath tests. For orocaecal transit time assessment 13 lactulose, inulin and lactoseureide as substrates are used. C-labeled substrates are of great 13 13 importance in exocrine pancreatic function assessment: C-mixed triglycerides, C-triolein and other substrates are widely used. Chewing starts the physical transformation of food and secretions from the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, liver and intestine dissolve components of the meal and lubricate its passage. Coordinated muscle function is needed to swallow the bolus, gastric motility is crucial for mixing food in the stomach and emptying the semi-liquid chyme into duodenum. Intestinal peristalsis propels and mixes nutrients during digestion and absorption. Reabsorption of secreted water, electrolytes and bile acids takes place in the distal intestine. Bacterial action releases some further nutrients that can be absorbed in the colon (4). Digestive enzymes are also present on brush-border apical membrane and cytoplasm of the enterocyte. Proteolytic enzymes are produced as inactive precursors and intestinal brush-border enterokinase activates trypsinogen to trypsin, which then activates other pancreatic proteases. Important non-enzymatic secretions are hydrochloric acid from the stomach (stomach enzymes better work at lower pH) and bicarbonate present in pancreatic juice and bile (intestinal enzymes prefer alkali pH). Bile acids and phospholipids from the liver form micelles with ingested lipids and improve their absorption. Site Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Salivary glands Salivary amylase Stomach Pepsins Gastric lipase Pancreas Pancreatic amylase Trypsin Lipase Chymotrypsin Colipase Elastase Phospholipase Carboxypeptidases Cholesterol esterase Intestine Orocaecal transit Enterokinase Sucrase Aminopeptidases Lactase Endopeptidases Maltase Oligopeptidases Dipeptidylpeptidase Water absorption is regulated by absorption of major electrolytes (sodium, chloride). Sodium is co-transported with many other nutrients (glucose, amino acids), in ileum and colon specific mechanisms of sodium and chloride ions absorption exist. Starches are longer to digest and absorb, dietary fiber precedes through small intestine almost unchanged (4, 20). For protein digestion numerous enzymes are present in brush-border membrane; after full or partial digestion amino acids, dipeptides, tripeptides and oligopeptides are absorbed and further digestion proceeds in the enterocyte cytoplasm (4, 21). Triglycerides and phospholipids are not completely digested but absorbed as monoglycerides and lysophospholipids together with free fatty acids. Inside the enterocyte are re-esterified and apolipoproteins synthesis takes place. These are incorporated into chylomicrons and very low-density lipoproteins and secreted at the basolateral enterocyte membrane (4, 22). Minerals, vitamins and other micronutrients usually have specific absorptive transport mechanisms. Iron and calcium are more soluble in acidic conditions and are absorbed in proximal intestine. Cobalamin has to be bond with stomach intrinsic factor and has limited region of absorption in the terminal ileum (23-25).
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Afterward, angiodysplasia was no longer detected, and coagu lated mucosa is in its place (f). Vascular Causes the risk of rebleeding after an initial, untreated bleeding epi Angiodysplasias. In a study by Richter et source of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in up to 30% of al. After endoscopic therapy of the right hemicolon, often occurring several at a time. The reason is perhaps that the entire lower gastroin 42) and therapy is not always indicated for every angiody testinal tract is usually affected. However, histo splasia detected during urgent colonoscopy is not automati logical analyses reveal mucosal thinning underneath the an cally the source of bleeding. The previous radiation therapy for prostate gone radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Reddened mucosa and neovasculari Histology was compatible with radiation apy of an endometrial carcinoma. An ulcer resulting from radiation-in damage; there was no evidence of infiltra duced inflammation (covered with fibrinous tion of the prostate carcinoma in the rec exudate) can also be seen. Resulting anemia can become water lavage of the mucosa (9) during colonoscopy as problematic. In severe cases, there can also be Three things should be noted with regard to practical ap ulcerations (Figs. Second, larger vascular malformations should be As with other angiodysplasias endoscopic thermocoagu coagulated around their periphery and the supplying lation has proved effective. Not until after women demonstrated that, among contact procedures, this has been done can the center of the angiodysplasia bipolar probes and heater probes were equally success be treated. After four sessions, the frequency of heavy rectal volve a risk of bleeding as adherent tissue can be torn on bleeding decreased from 75% to 33% among those withdrawal of the probe from the coagulated area. In tion resulting from tissue ischemia in radiation-induced en order to avoid perforation, energy delivery should be as darteritis obliterans (Figs. Another publication has reported a lower duced vascular malformation in the rectum has been i 126 Acute and Chronic Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding Fig. The 35-year-old patient had man with portal hypertension associated with a view of the upper margin of the anus portal hypertension as a result of alcoholic with liver cirrhosis resulting from sclerosing and the instrument shaft. The patient reported complications (rectal strictures) had used the was suffering from highest power setting (70 W) (47). Gas gastrointestinal flow should also be kept low because of the rigidity of the hemorrhage. In most cases reduced rectal bleeding and increased hemoglo bin levels are reported, though complete relief of symptoms can only be achieved among a minority of patients. Endo scopic therapy must be repeated due to new formation of In principle, choice of therapy depends on the actual sit telangiectasias. Based on our own ex perience with rubber band ligation, this method is not advisable. Vascular ectasia in the colon without portal hy pertension(alsocalledphlebectasia)isuncommon. In our own clinical files, such a case led to blue lesions running perpendicular to the folds. The vascular ectasias briefly glimpsed, they can be confused with solid poly were primarily in the cecum, ascending colon, and transverse poid structures, especially in situations involving acute colon. Endoscopic therapy Despite reports on endoscopic therapy of cavernous he mangiomas (1, 25), the safety of endoscopic intervention Endoscopic therapy remains unclear. A further endoscopic therapy option is Endoscopic therapy options include (based on treatment injection of sclerosing agents, similar to procedures for of varices in the upper gastrointestinal tract) sclerother skin hemangiomas (59). After washing off the clot the visible vessel underneath is clipped (Olympus) (d). Successful achievement of endoscopic hemostasis using injection of sclerosing agents, band ligation, thermo Dieulafoy lesions are caused by unusually large, coagulation, and hemoclips has been (casuistically) re ported ( 13. Small mucosal le A comparative study demonstrated that mechanical sions can lead to massive spurting hemorrhage ( 13. Viewed endoscopically, one sees an adherent clot on a were clearly more effective in treating Dieulafoy ulcers small lesion ( 13. It has been postulated that the ruptured ves sel is caused by fibrosis of the intima and loss of elastic fibers in the vessel wall. The resulting lower gastrointestinal bleeding Aortic surgery Oral contraceptives does not usually cause hemodynamic compromise. The patient Distal obstruction Medication complains of cramplike abdominal pain and usually diarrhea. In Hypotension Drugs most cases, clinical picture is self-limiting and does not require Thrombophilia any special treatment. However, there are also chronic forms and these Pseudo-obstruction can be difficult to differentiate from chronic inflammatory Marathon running bowel syndrome (Tab. Clinical picture Acute Acute/recurrent Submucosal hemorrhage and mucosal nodularity are Localization Splenic flexure Ascending colon typical endoscopic findings in early stages ( 13. Al Sigmoid colon Cecum ternatively, the mucosa may not be edematous, but livid Rectum ( 13. In later stages, when blood and edema have been resorbed, appearances are less charac teristic. Endoscopic therapy options are limited unless a circumscribed bleeding source can be identified and treated. These are relatively rare and are usu 13 ally only found in advanced forms of systemic vasculitis. The hemorrhagic inflammatory infiltrate, a typical finding for ischemic colitis (provided courtesy mucosa was reddened, swollen, of Dr. The patient recovered with vulnerable, and demonstrated sub conservative therapy. Non i Ischemic proctitis with mucosal Adjacent to this lesion the patient had transmural ischemia in the descending membranes presenting as pseudomem pronounced ischemic colitis. Colitis (see also Chapter 12) Endoscopic therapy Ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease. Nevertheless, massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding is not cease spontaneously, operative intervention is required a frequent occurrence in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. In the majority of cases of hemorrhaging induced by chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, bleeding is dif Massive hemorrhaging leads to hospitalization in fuse; there are, however, circumscribed bleeding 0. Among (37) used epinephrine injection as well as bipolar coagu Crohn patients, bleeding localization has been said to be lation. Two studies have contradicted this, ulcerative colitis endoscopically, using injection of a mix however. One cited the colon (6) and the other the ileo ture of absolute alcohol and 1% polidocanol. Hemor rhaging has been observed in colitis caused by Salmonella typhi, tack due to various causes. Pseudomembranous colitis can also manifest as acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Patchy ulceration on the Bauhin valve with small visible vessel on the ulcer pathogen detected. Diminished levels of short those requiring operative intervention are especially at risk. In a chain fatty acids in the colonic lumen, which nourish the mu study by Bini et al. The cause of radiation colitis is disrupted cellular proliferation and regeneration as well as induction of inflam Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also in matory processes in the colonic mucosa. Possibilities for endo duce colitis, which may not be visibly discernible scopic therapy are usually limited. Nonsteroidal also include flat and usually irregularly bordered erosions anti-inflammatory drugs can promote bleeding from any num and ulcerations, which are surrounded by an otherwise nor mal appearing mucosa ( 13. In the right hemicolon, in contrast, they do not manifest with rectal bleeding until after they are clearly ulcerated. Based on our experience, injection therapy and me means of noncontact thermocoagulation. Thermocoagulation using contact methods is less sui gastrointestinal bleeding from benign polyps is poly table because tearing of tissue after completing coagula pectomy ( 13. In circumscribed bleeding sources, especially with vis ible vessels, mechanical methods such as hemoclipping can also be used. Therapy with hemoclips seems to be the more reliable method based on our own experience in that they Generally, it is larger polyps with a diameter greater guarantee mechanical closure of the vessel if applied than 1 cm that bleed (Fig. The most common cause of lower 135 i Acute and Chronic Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding 13. Visible vessel can be seen after irri gation (b) at the base of the resection wound. Bleeding was definitively controlled by application of three hemoclips (Olympus) (c). The visible vessel on the edge of the resection site was closed with two hemoclips (Olympus) (g). Not infrequently, the cause of rebleeding lies in anticoagu Anorectal causes of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding can be lant use, which is resumed too soon or not discontinued before detected in fewer than 10% of patients, whereby hemorrhoids the biopsy. The exact prevalence is difficult to determine, as some studies of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding do not include anorectal causes. A visible vessel can be seen on the upper edge of the resection defect (a), which led to massive rebleeding. An additional clip is used to definitively compress and close the visible vessel (c). The mucosa is slightly elevated around the bi opsy site as a result of submucosal bleeding. In recent years, however, endo scopic alternatives have established themselves in the Anal fissures. The patient typically has has proved an especially effective and easy-to-learn severe pain upon spreading the anus, but the lesion can be care method for treating internal hemorrhoid bleeding. Bleeding from fissures usually ceases spon heater probe therapies of bleeding internal hemorrhoids. A bloodsoaked polypoid form is visible with a slight ring around the base where it was ligated (a). Following removal of the elevated tissue, hemorrhagic oozing ensued (b), and bleeding was stopped mechanically using three hemoclips (Olympus) (c). Heavy susception (internal rectal prolapse) causes excessive straining bleeding is rare. The lesion controlled using hemoclips and did not stop healed with conservative therapy and without until after injection of acrylic glue. Postoperative rectal bleeding There are no comparative studies on optimal endoscopic (Fig. Hemoclips can be applied or local injection of cosa has been damaged by prior radiation therapy. A case of polypoid cavernous hemangioma of the sig moid colon excised by colonoscopic polypectomy. Amer tal manipulation on the part of the patient can cause quite seri ican Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. The role of endoscopy in the patient with lower gastrointesti nal bleeding: Guidelines for clinical application. Angiodysplasia of the right colon: a cause of gastroin Rectal bleeding following diagnostic procedures such as testinal bleeding. Determination of the optimal technique for bipolar electro ease: characteristics of a unique series of 34 patients. Acute major gastrointestinal hemorrhage in inflam scopic appearance of normal colon vasculature and colon vascular matory bowel disease. Frank rectal bleeding: a prospective study of causes logic spectrum of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced le in patients over the age of 40. Natural history and efficacy of ther scopic method: comparing the hemostatic efficacy of mechanical apeutic interventions. The argon plasma coagulator: a new and and management of lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage. An annotated algorithmic approach to acute lower Clin Biol 1999;23:A54 (Abstract). Early predictors of severity in acute matory drugs risk factors for hemorrhage and can colonoscopy pre lower intestinal tract bleeding. Stigmata associated with recurrence of lower hospital stay in patients with acute lower intestinal bleeding. Argon laser therapy for hemorrhagic by endoscopic injection of absolute ethanol and 1% polidocanol. Management of the adult patient with acute lower clinical presentation and diagnosis. Angiodysplasia is defined as a di with hollow areas lined with en lation of superficial vessels while hemangiomas are defined as dothelium (courtesy benign vascular tumors. Wagner, the difference between the two is merely gradual and whether Institute for differentiation reflects differing pathogenesis remains unan Pathology, Augsburg swered. Angiodysplasia (Telangiectasia) Epidemiology and Pathogenesis the pathogenesis of angiodysplasia is not entirely clear. Based on pathological studies, Hemorrhage is uncommon (12, 29, 30), and an incidental finding Boley et al. Hypertrophy constricts the points of entry nal bleeding which can be related to substantial morbidity of the veins in the muscle layer, obstructing blood flow. About half of the Laplace law) and thus increased obstruction of venous the lesions are smaller than 5 mm (31, 38). The number of angiodysplasias per patient can vary and the number of patients with solitary Histology angiodysplasias is about equal to the number of those with multiple lesions (31, 38). One endoscopic study reported Early-stage angiectasias present histologically as dilated, tortu an average of 1. The patient was taking anticoagulants due to mitral valve in an older man undergoing colonoscopy endoprosthesis and had had several gastrointestinal bleeding episodes. Dilated and branchlike capillaries that are clearly related to discretely colon with dilated vein and two dilated as well as a dilated vein are readily vis dilated veins. Older patients with angiodysplasias in the colon rarely have causes both chronic mucosal ischemia and neovascularization vascular malformations in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Thus, examination of stomach and small intestine is essen radiation proctitis (Figs. Endoscopic appearance is characterized Endoscopic therapy by a pale and vulnerable mucosa that is covered by multi Angiodysplasias are treated with thermocoagulation ple telangiectasias often extending to the anal canal ( 14. One can see dilated veins and a markedly red center formed by dilated capillaries angiodysplasia (based on 11). It should be taken into account that bleed ing caused by coagulation may obscure vision. One can see forming vessels vis the pale mucosa ible in the pale rec with scattered an tal mucosa. The unbroken con tinuity of the smooth muscle layer (dark line beneath the tumor) shows that the carci noma is limited to the mucosa.
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The aim of establishing a curriculum for subspecialty the trainee should be involved in research and training in cardiac radiology is to ensure: have the opportunity to present in suitable na A detailed knowledge of current theoretical and tional and international meetings. Basic diac radiology, a period of 12 months substantial skills in the cardiovascular system will therefore ly devoted (minimum of 8 sessions per week) to have been acquired prior to sub-specialist train the subject is recommended. Clearly the exact ratio of gering training in the different modalities of cardiac im Applied Sciences aging will need to reflect the individual interests Basic cardiovascular pharmacology use and of the trainee, as well as the experience that can limitations of commonly prescribed cardiac be offered locally. All studies should be reviewed in a Common cardiac disease presentations formal reporting session. It is recognised Age-based presentations of cardiac disease that some studies will become obsolete and new Treatment of common cardiac conditions imaging techniques will be developed. Additionally, the training department should have access to interesting educational sites on the internet. The aim of establishing a curriculum for subspecialty training in thoracic radiology is to ensure the trainee ac Trainees must also have access to a radiological library con quires: taining textbooks on thoracic radiology, thoracic medicine, Knowledge of the relevant embryological, thoracic surgery, pathology, and pulmonary physiology. The ideal framework is supposed to be a large the trainee should participate in relevant clinical clinical centre with wide experience in gastroenterology, audit, management and clinical governance and abdominal surgery, oncology, diagnostic and intervention have a good working knowledge of local and na al radiology, possessing imaging modalities necessary to tional guidelines in relation to radiological prac perform state-of-the-art gastrointestinal and abdominal tice. To explain the possible vari Regular direct observation of clinical tech ations of flow in the superior mesenteric niques (including communication skills, ability artery and vein and the portal and hepatic to obtain informed consent and sedation veins. To name the limitations of each ex Colon and Rectum amination for these specific conditions. To determine the To perform endoscopic evaluation of gastroin optimal protocol for the injection of contrast testinal tract. To suggest additional imaging examinations when needed, using appropri Magnetic Resonance Imaging ate justification. In gastrointestinal and abdominal radiology, as in all other Conferences parts of radiology training, each trainee should be individ ually appraised on an annual basis. The purpose of ap As part of the curriculum in abdominal radiology, the praisal is to assess the progress of the resident over the trainee should attend in-house teaching sessions for radi past year and to anticipate and correct any deficiencies in ologists as well as clinical conferences with colleagues training at an early stage. Logbooks are mandatory for all interventional ing conference procedures, irrespective of subspecialty. Department, others may be run by other depart ments or multidisciplinary programmes. In addition, they will be familiar with imaging topics Emergency radiology conference specific for the head and neck, including: the trainee should have at least 30 hours of formal teach Positioning/views of the face, temporal bone, ing at his/her institution during these two years. Reasonable continuous pro to a minimum so as to answer the clinical gression is to be expected during the training, bearing in relevant questions mind that institutions organise their rotations differently. The performance of All diagnostic radiologists should be able to the trainee should be appraised at least on annual basis. Emergency and intensive care units as well as They should acquire knowledge of the design, departments related to the fields in which inter execution, and analysis of research projects. Alternatively and/or additionally, the train Trainees should attend regular sessions of theo ing department can refer to interesting retical training in the form of locally delivered tuto educational sites on the internet. An understanding of the principles and techniques training performance assessment, and can consistently used in research, including the value of clinical trials and interpret the results of investigations accurately and reli basic biostatics, should be acquired. Clinical knowledge will be acquired by a variety of means, Knowledge and understanding of how imaging findings in including close liaison with appropriate medical, surgical fluence decisions by others. The numbers and develop new imaging and interventional indicated for each procedure are for guidance only. The contents of the training needs to be flexible and ap propriate to the career goal of the trainee. This training is in diagnostic neuroradiol At the end of the training, a certificate of subspecialty ex ogy and may have some components of interven pertise will be awarded by the training department in ac tional neuroradiology. A trainee undertaking additional training in neurointerventional procedures re quires more than two years neuroradiological training. Such individuals will be expected not only to provide a paediatric radiology service but also adopt Trainees should be aware of the full range of and develop new imaging and interventional methods and intra and post-operative complications and their to disseminate paediatric radiological knowledge to their management. Interventional Methods of trainee assessment will include: radiology experience, both angiographic and non-angio Regular direct observation of clinical tech graphic, must also be available. During this period, the trainee must de petence vote his/her time to paediatric radiology. Trainees should acquire a deep knowledge of the pathological and clinical Review of subspecialty curriculum basis of the specialty. They should obtain extensive expe the Training Committee of the European rience in all of the diagnostic methods listed in the syl Society of Neuroradiology will regularly re labus. Trainees must attend regular clinicoradiological view this subspecialty curriculum to ensure conferences (at least weekly) with their clinical col that it complies with current neuroradiological leagues. They should be en couraged to develop a critical approach in their assessment of the literature. They should be involved in a research project (or projects) and should acquire knowl edge of the design, execution, and analysis of research projects. Organisation of a paediatric section Scoliosis and orthopaedic problems within a general department, guidelines for in Arthritis and metabolic disease vestigation, contrast: factors affecting the Neoplastic: benign and malignant bony choice of contrast, indications and contraindi and soft tissue tumors cations, including radiopharmaceuticals. The ability to discuss Developmental anomalies (structural) with parents/carers and older children should Normal myelination be demonstrated. His/her spe Static and dynamic renal studies, in cific skill should include the following: cluding cystography Musculoskeletal imaging In-depth knowledge of the relevant embryologi Ventilation and perfusion lung scintig cal, anatomical, pathophysiological, and clinical raphy aspects of radiology in the field of uronephrology Gastrointestinal studies, including and gynecology. They Kidney should be encouraged to participate in research To understand the triple obliquity of projects and acquire knowledge of the design, the kidney execution, and analysis of scientific projects. Clear liquids include water, fruit juices without pulp, Infants and children are fasted before sedation and anesthesia to carbonated beverages, clear tea, and black coffee. In for 2 hours after clear fuids ensures nearly complete emptying a fasted child, only the basal secretions of gastric juice should be of the residual volume, extending the fasting interval to 3 hours present in the stomach. In 1948, Digby Leigh recommended a introduces fexibility in the operative schedule. Practice guidelines for preoperative fasting 50 and the use of pharmacologic agents to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration: 50 application to healthy patients undergoing elective procedures. Baseline 15 30 45 60 b Some centers allow plain toast (no dairy products) up to 6 hours prior to Time after ingestion (minutes) induction. With half-life emptying of anesthesia, with only 13% occurring during emergence and times for breast milk of 50 minutes and for formula of 75 minutes, extubation. In contrast, 30% of the aspirations in adults occur fasting intervals of at least 3. More importantly, perhaps, was the large majority of infants and children who aspirated during the periopera (15%) variability in gastric emptying times for breast milk and tive period in one study, with the risk increasing in children formula in full-term infants (E-Fig. Hansen and Rune27 one study, almost all cases of pulmonary aspiration occurred reported a 70% increase in gastric fuid volume in the frst 15 either when the child gagged or coughed during airway manipula minutes after initiating gum chewing, almost all from swallowing tion or during induction of anesthesia when neuromuscular saliva. Chewing gum also increases gastric pH in children, leaving blocking drugs were not provided or before the child was completely no clear evidence that it affects the risk of pneumonitis should paralyzed. If, however, the child in a child are going to occur, they will be apparent within 2 swallows the gum, then surgery should be canceled, because hours30; mortality is exceedingly low and estimated to be between aspirated gum at body temperature may be very diffcult to extract 0 and 1: 50, 000. It is not unusual to fnd bubble gum, candy, or other piercings, they should be removed before surgery. This is another reason to ask children that may occur if they are left in situ during anesthesia are listed to open their mouth fully and stick out their tongue during the in E-Table 4. Primary Smoking the incidence of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents during Unfortunately, cigarette smoking is not only limited to adults. The pulmonary aspiration in children undergoing emergency procedures annual burden of smoking-attributable mortality remains high Downloaded for Sarah Barth (s. Tongue rings: just water, breast milk, or formula versus time after ingestion by infants. The time to 50% gastric emptying of water was 15 minutes, of breast milk 50 minutes, and of formula 80 minutes. However, note the wide standard deviations for the emptying times for breast milk and formula. A strong association was found between 4 use of other nicotine products such as electronic cigarettes passive inhalation of tobacco smoke and airway complications (e-cigarettes). Many factors, including lack of regulation at the on induction and emergence from anesthesia. Physician children are similar to those of adults from a physiologic standpoint, communication with adolescents regarding smoking cessation has the psychological preparation of infants and children is very been shown to positively impact their attitudes, knowledge, different (see also Chapter 3). The preoperative anesthetic experience Secondary Smoking begins when parents are frst informed that the child is to have A national survey in the United States revealed the percentage surgery or a procedure that requires general anesthesia. They can convey their understanding by presenting educational programs for children and adults have evolved to a calm and friendly face (smiling, looking at the child, and making alleviate some of these fears and anxiety. For example, children older than 6 years giving an intramuscular premedication, the possible bitter taste of age who participated in a preparation program more than 5 of an oral premedication, or breathing our magic laughing gas to 7 days before surgery were least anxious during separation through the favored mask. Adolescents frequently appear quite independent and self-confdent, but as a group, they have Child Development and Behavior unique problems. In a moment their mood can change from an Understanding age-appropriate behavior in response to external intelligent, mature adult to a very immature child who needs situations is essential. In general, they want to know exactly what will transpire during the reason and need for a surgical procedure should also be the course of anesthesia. It is important to reassure children preferring to be in control and unpremedicated preoperatively. Many children fear the possibility A child who clings to the parents, avoids eye contact, and does that they will wake up in the middle of the anesthetic and during not speak is very anxious. In some what can be anticipated must be carefully chosen, because children cases, nonpharmacologic supportive measures may be effective. Preoperative Evaluation, Premedication, and Induction of Anesthesia 39 In the extremely anxious child, supportive measures alone may they will be asked to leave. They must also be instructed regarding be insuffcient to reduce anxiety, and premedication is indicated. Occasionally, we receive a warning regarding a parents back to the waiting area at the appropriate time. Someone diffcult parent or child from the surgeon or nursing staff, based should also be available to care for a parent who wishes to leave on their encounters with the family. They have played the anesthesia As you see your child fall asleep today, there are several things you and surgical game before and are not interested in participating might observe that you are not used to seeing. First, when anyone falls again, especially if their previous experiences were negative. These asleep, the eyes roll up, but since we are sleeping we do not generally children may beneft the most from a relatively heavy premedica see it. Again, I do not want you to be It is important to observe the family dynamics to better frightened or think that something is wrong. Families many times are in a state of stress, particularly About 30 to 60 seconds after breathing the anesthesia medications, if the child has a chronic illness; these parents are often angry, your child might suddenly look around or suddenly move his or her guilt ridden, or simply exhausted. To you it appears that he or she is awakening from a family copes with an illness largely determines how the child anesthesia or that he or she is upset. Also, you noncommunicative, and dysfunctional family tends to be angry should know that even though your child appears to be awake to you, and frustrated. Dealing with a family and child from the latter in reality he or she will not remember any of that. As soon as your child loses consciousness, we will ask you to give your child a kiss and category can be challenging. He or she must be told that confdence that the anesthesiologist really knows what he or she the anesthesiologist determines when the parent must leave the is talking about, and it avoids frightening the parents. If the situation is totally out of for one child and family may not be good for the next. The history should focus on the following aspects: anomalies, medication list, herbal remedies, and any allergies, A review of all organ systems (Table 4. Whether the child was full-term on the organ system involved in the surgery or preterm at birth should be discerned; if preterm, any associated A review of patient and parental smoking history problems should be noted, including admission to a neonatal Medications (over-the-counter and prescribed) related to and intensive care unit, duration of tracheal intubation, history of taken before the present illness, including herbals and vitamins, apnea or bradycardia (including oxygen treatment, home apnea and when the last dose was taken monitor, intraventricular hemorrhage), and congenital defects. Particular attention should be Previous surgical and hospital experiences, including those paid to any diffculties encountered with airway management, related to the current problem venous access, or emergence. The response to or need for pre Timing of the last oral intake, last urination (wet diaper), and medication and the route of administration used should be noted. It is essential to recognize that decreased gastrointestinal motility often occurs with an illness or injury. A survey in fve geographically diverse pharmacologic history (both therapeutic and drug abuse) may centers in the United States found that 3. Herbal medicines are regulated as food brief and reversible infuence of vaccination on lymphoproliferative supplements under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education responses that generally returned to preoperative values within Act of 1994 and as such manufacturers are not required to 2 days. Because children remain at risk coagulation disturbances, potentiation of sedation, and immunosup of contracting vaccine-preventable diseases, the minimum delay pression. These recommendations were adopted in a consensus coughs and colds taking the lead in the pediatric population. The amount Control and Prevention does not have a policy regarding the of active ingredient in each preparation and the dose taken may timing of vaccinations and surgery. A potentially fatal interaction between Allergies to Medications and Latex cyclosporine and St. These include the age a dose of cyclosporine experienced decreased plasma concentrations of onset, frequency, severity, investigations, and treatments. A summary of the most commonly used nonimmunologic reactions or known (or unknown) drug adverse herbal remedies and their potential perioperative complications effects. This occurs in 1% to 4% of before surgery, 86 although this recommendation is not evidence children receiving penicillin or in 3% to 7% of those taking based. Given the should be made regarding the timing of or need for discontinuation frequency of penicillin allergy, most of these unverifed allergies as determined on a case-by-case basis.
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Vitamin B-6 status of women with a constant intake of vitamin B-6 changes with three levels of dietary protein. Changes in vitamin B-6 status indicators of women fed a constant protein diet with varying levels of vitamin B-6. Vitamin B6 require ment and status assessment of young women fed a high-protein diet with vari ous levels of vitamin B-6. Pyridoxine dependency: Report of a case of intractable convulsions in an infant controlled by pyridox ine. Vitamin B6 adequacy in neonatal nutrition: Associations with preterm delivery, type of feeding, and vitamin B-6 supplementation. Teratogenicity study in rats given high doses pyridoxine (vitamin B6) during organogenesis. Vitamin B6 nutriture of mothers of three breast-fed neonates with central nervous system disorders. Electroencephalographic changes and periodontal status during short-term vitamin B-6 depletion of young, non pregnant women. Vitamin B-6 requirement and status assessment: Young women fed a depletion diet followed by a plant or animal-protein diet with graded amounts of vitamin B-6. Relationship between body store of vitamin B6 and plasma pyridoxal-P clearance: Metabolic balance studies in humans. Pyri doxal phosphate levels in plasma and the effects of acetaldehyde on pyridoxal phosphate synthesis and degradation in human erythrocytes. Effect of carbohydrate and vitamin B6 on fuel substrates during exercise in women. Vitamin B6 metabolism as affected by exercise in trained and untrained women fed diets differing in carbohydrate and vitamin B6 content. Vitamin B-6 deficiency impairs interleukin 2 production and lym phocyte proliferation in elderly adults. Effect of protein intake on the development of abnormal tryptophan metabolism by men during vitamin B6 depletion. Effect of oral contracep tives and pyridoxine on the metabolism of vitamin B6 and on plasma tryp tophan and amino nitrogen. The influence of protein intake on vitamin B6 metabolism differs in young and elderly humans. Congenital symmetrical weak ness of the upper limbs resembling brachial plexus palsy: A possible sequel of drug toxicity in the first trimester of pregnancy. Folate and vitamin B6 from diet and supplements in rela tion to risk of coronary heart disease among women. Differential vulnerability of three rapidly conducting somatosensory pathways in the dog with vitamin B6 neuropathy. Effect of high intakes of thia mine, riboflavin and pyridoxine on reproduction in rats and vitamin require ments of the offspring. Vitamin B6 status of low-income adoles cent and adult pregnant women and the condition of their infants at birth. Association between plasma homocysteine concentrations and extracranial carotid-artery stenosis. Picrotoxin and pentylene tetrazole induced seizure activity in pyridoxine-deficient rats. Urinary 4-pyridoxic acid, urinary vitamin B6, and plasma pyridoxal phosphate as measures of vitamin B6 status and dietary in take in adults. Ineffectiveness of pyridoxine (B6) to alter secretion of growth hormone and prolactin and absence of therapeu tic effects on galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndromes. Thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B6: Impact of restricted intake on physical performance in man. Oral administration of pyridoxine hydrochloride in the treatment of nausea and vomiting of preg nancy. Clinical observa tions in treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy with vitamin B1 and B6. Absorption of cyanocobal amin, coenzyme B12, methylcobalamin, and hydroxocobalamin at different dose levels. Interrelation of serum vitamin B12, total body vitamin B12, peripheral blood morphology and the nature of erythro poiesis. Long term therapy of pernicious anaemia with the depot cobalamin preparation Betolvex. Oral treatment of pernicious anemia with high doses of vitamin B12 without intrinsic factor. Studies on urinary excretion of vitamin B Co60 in pernicious anemia for determining 12 effective dosage of intrinsic factor concentrates. Iron, vitamin B-12 and folate status in Mexico: Associated factors in men and women and during pregnancy and lactation. The expected findings of very low serum co balamin levels, anemia, and macrocytosis are often lacking. Reassessment of the relative prevalences of antibodies to gastric parietal cell and to intrinsic factor in patients with pernicious anaemia: Influ ence of patient age and race. Subtle biochemical evidence of deficiency is commonly demonstrable in patients with out megaloblastic anemia and is often associated with protein-bound cobal amin malabsorption. Food cobalamin malabsorption occurs frequently in patients with unexplained low serum cobalamin levels. Neutrophil nuclear segmenta tion in mild cobalamin deficiency: Relation to metabolic tests of cobalamin status and observations on ethnic differences in neutrophil segmentation. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is very prevalent in lactating Guatemalan women and their infants at three months postpar tum. Influence of dietary fiber (konjac mannan) on absorption of vitamin B12 and vitamin E. Iron, zinc, folate and vitamin B12 nutritional status and milk composition of low-income Brazilian mothers. Dual isotope Schilling test for mea suring absorption of food-bound and free vitamin B12 simultaneously. The energy and nutrient intakes of different types of vegetarian: A case for supplements Vitamin B12 among parturients and their newborns and its relationship with birth weight. Megaloblastic anaemia in one of monozy gous twins breast fed by their vegetarian mother. Malabsorption of vita min B12 in pancreatic insufficiency of the adult and of the child. Low serum vitamin B12 levels in patients receiving ascorbic acid in megadoses: Studies concerning the effect of ascorbate on radioisotope vitamin B12 assay. The assimilation of vitamin B12 from natural foodstuff by man and estimates of minimal daily requirements. Standards for maximum reticulocyte percentage after intramuscular liver therapy in pernicious anemia. Standards for red blood cell increase after liver and stomach therapy in pernicious anemia. Preva lences of endoscopic and histological findings in subjects with and without dyspepsia. Vitamin B12 deficiency in an infant strictly breast fed by a mother with latent pernicious anemia. Cobalamin absorption and serum homocysteine and methylmalonic acid in elderly subjects with low serum cobalamin. Are different reference intervals for methyl malonic acid and total homocysteine necessary in elderly people Influence of methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin on the neoplastic process in rats. Neurologic and evoked potential abnormalities in subtle cobalamin deficiency states, including deficiency without anemia and with normal absorption of free cobalamin. Fundic atrophic gastritis in an elderly population: Effect on hemo globin and several serum nutritional indicators. Maternal vegan diet causing a serious infantile neurological disorder due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Neuropsychiatric disorders caused by cobal amin deficiency in the absence of anemia or macrocytosis. Relative sensitivities of serum cobalamin, methylmalonic acid, and total homocysteine concentrations. Serum vitamin B12 levels and vitamin B12 binding capacity in pregnant and non-pregnant Europeans and West Indians. Mangiarotti G, Canavese C, Salomone M, Thea A, Pacitti A, Gaido M, Calitri V, Pelizza D, Canavero W, Vercellone A. Hypervitaminosis B12 in mainte nance hemodialysis patients receiving massive supplementation of vitamin B12. Time dependency of cognitive recov ery with cobalamin replacement: Report of a pilot study. Vitamin B12 absorption from the gut does not decline with age in normal elderly humans. Iron, folate, and vitamin B12 nutrition in a hunter-gatherer people: A study of the Kung Bushmen. The relationship between clinically confirmed cobalamin deficiency and serum methylmalonic acid. The vitamin B12 concentrations of serum and urine of normals and of patients with megaloblastic anaemias and other diseases. Use of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the United States: Current Users, Types of Products, and Nutrients. Endogenous origin of microbiologically-inactive cobal amins (cobalamin analogues) in the human fetus. Dietary deficiency of vitamin B12 is associated with low serum cobalamin levels in non-vegetarians. Effects of vitamin B12, folate, and vitamin B6 supplements in elderly people with normal serum vitamin concentrations. Cyanocobalamin absorption in the elderly: Results for healthy subjects and for subjects with low serum cobalamin concentration. Screening elderly populations for cobalamin (vita min B12) deficiency using the urinary methylmalonic acid assay by gas chro matography mass spectrometry. Implica tions on total-body B12 determinations, human requirements, and normal and pathological cellular B12 uptake. Increased intestinal uptake of cobalamin in pregnancy does not require synthesis of new receptors. Variable effects of a lipotrobe-deficient, high-fat diet on chemical carcinogens in rats. Serum vitamin B12 and vitamin B12 binding capacity in chronic myelogenous leukemia and other disorders. Vitamin B12 deficiency is the pri mary cause of megaloblastic anemia in Zimbabwe. Sensitivity of serum meth ylmalonic acid and total homocysteine determinations for diagnosing cobal amin and folate deficiencies. The effect of gastric juice on the urinary excretion of radioactivity after the oral administration of radioactive vitamin B12. Methylmalonic acid and homocysteine in plasma as indicators of func tional cobalamin deficiency in infants on macrobiotic diets. Enhancement by lithium and elimina tion by fluoride of in vitro increments in vitamin B12-binding capacity. Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan diet mother. Increased urinary methylmalonic acid excretion in breast-fed infants of vegetarian mothers and identification of an acceptable dietary source of vitamin B12. Vitamin B-12: Low milk concentra tions are related to low serum concentrations in vegetarian women and to methylmalonic aciduria in their infants. The use of homocysteine and other metabolites in the specific diagnosis of vitamin B-12 deficiency. Response of dietary vitamin B12 defi ciency to physiological oral doses of cyanocobalamin. Reversal of pro tein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption with antibiotics in atrophic gastritis. Effect of long term gastric acid suppressive therapy on serum vitamin B12 levels in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Patient variation in pernicious anaemia, as shown in a clinical trial of cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin and cyano cobalamin-zinc tannate. Free and protein-bound cobalamin absorption in healthy middle-aged and older subjects. Metabolic inter-relationships between cyanide, thio cyanate and vitamin B12 in smokers and non-smokers. Gastric and hematological abnormali ties in a vegan with nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency: Effect of oral vitamin B12. Prepared in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Mitochondrial storage forms of acetyl-CoA carboxylase: Mobilization/activation accounts for in creased activity of the enzyme in liver of genetically obese Zucker rats. A case history of biotin deficiency induced by raw egg consumption in a cirrhotic patient. Biotin deficiency complicating long-term total parenteral nutrition in an adult patient. Measurement of biotin levels in human plasma using a radio metric-microbiological assay. An appraisal of the daily intakes of vitamin B12, pantothenic acid and biotin from a composite Canadian diet. Biotin uptake by basolateral membrane vesicles of human placenta: Normal characteristics and role of ethanol. Possible biotin deficiency in adults receiving long term total parenteral nutrition.