

Ashish Shah, MD

  • Assistant Professor of Surgery
  • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • Surgical Director, Lung Transplantation
  • Johns Hopkins Cardiac Surgery
  • Baltimore, Maryland

Processing and its effects on nutritive value: status of soybean research and utilization in Indonesia heart attack jarren benton order 160 mg diovan mastercard. Production techniques: Systems of "In 1952 the Institute of Nutrition started a study of cultivation arteria spanish 40 mg diovan mastercard, inoculation blood pressure pregnancy range buy diovan 40 mg with amex, harvesting and processing for soybean milk heart attack indigestion order diovan in india. The nutrient composition of soybean production (expansion of hectarage blood pressure chart girl order cheap diovan line, intensi cation blood pressure chart systolic diastolic pulse buy diovan 160 mg fast delivery, Saridele compared with that of cows milk is shown in Table varieties) blood pressure solutions buy diovan with amex. The production of Saridele was discontinued after 1966 "At present soybeans occupy fth place among the other because of the irregular supply of soybeans and marketing food crops arteria anonima trusted diovan 40 mg, after rice, cassava, maize, and sweet potatoes. Agricultural Engineering and Product Research on soybeans is conducted at the Central Research Technology, Bogor Agricultural Univ. Chronology of soybeans, other research institutes, including Badan Tenaga Atom soyfoods and natural foods in the United States 1976 Nasional, Jakarta, and Lembaga Biologi Nasional, Bogor. Compiled by William Shurtleff of "From 1970 to 1973 the annual harvested hectarage of Soyfoods Center. Seminars on the use of soy protein for foods Caucasian-run tofu shops is started by Peter and Judy Beane and meal for feeds are held in Moscow, sponsored jointly by in Portland, Maine. Foreign Agricultural Service, the American Soybean Caucasian-run tofu shops in America by the end of 1976. Island Spring starts making tofu in Vashon, Extrusion Cookers held at Colorado State University, with Washington. The coined by Benjamin Hills of Surata Soyfoods in Eugene, 173-page proceedings, edited by Wilson and Stumpf, are Oregon, for use in their company name. Cereal-soy blends are seen as book (Tofu & Soymilk Production) by Shurtleff and Aoyagi having great promise for production in developing countries. New-Age Foods Study Center established by commercial fermented soymilk products, a line of Shurtleff and Aoyagi in Lafayette, California. This is the rst year that a signi cant amount of sold and important tofu kit, is launched by Larry Needleman soymilk was sold. Farm Food Company, a branch of the Farm in soy sauce markets are consumer retail, restaurants and other Tennessee, opens Americas rst soy deli, in San Rafael, institutions, and industrial (for food processors). They serve tofu sandwiches, salads, salad may still be the leader in consumer retail; Kikkoman leads in dressings, and cheesecakes; tempeh burgers, deep-fried restaurants. The microbial content and travel 15,000 miles in their white Dodge van, continuing its amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic activities. Unpublished Needlemans tofu kits, plus little bags of natural nigari, all of manuscript. They usually have meals and spend the night with the people who have sponsored and 538. In 1975 Cynthia Bates set up a little laboratory and began to make powdered, pure-culture tempeh starter for use on the Farm. Preparation of tempeh, a fermented food, from whole grain legumes and cereals: A summary of experiments and results obtained 1970-74 in Denmark, Ghana and Nigeria. Taste tests by Danish judges of broad bean tempeh, wheat + broad bean tempeh, and soybean tempeh, each fried, gave soybean tempeh the highest ratings. Taste tests by 19 African judges from 10 countries showed that fried broad bean tempeh was acceptable to 16 of 19. Jensen made a 3-week trip to Ghana and Nigeria to discuss the tempeh concept with local people and to obtain more information about local legume preparation and consumption. Africans will nd it hard to accept uncooked tempeh, since the mold reminds them of a food in the process of deterioration. Two other problems are obtaining, propagating, and storing the tempeh starter/inoculum, and storage and distribution of the fresh tempeh. Peranan beberapa bakteri dalam pembentukan growth factor pada fermentasi tempe [The role of several 547. A footnote at the end of step 7 states: "(1) the odor of the fermented product should be pleasant 544. If this odor is present, then makanan sejenisnya dari tepung kedelai [Preparation of the fermentation has gone too long. Developments in Industrial Microbiology and some like to add soya sauce or ketchup to the hot, crisp 17:117-28. This soybean product is known from Suggested containers: the tempeh should be fermented Nepal, Sikkim, and Darjeeling districts of India. Externally, in shallow metal trays or perforated plastic bags at 31 C it resembles Indonesian tempeh and is consumed in the same (88 F) for 20-24 hours. Address: above, are cooked in water for 2-3 hours, presumably Northern Regional Research Lab. Fried tempeh kenima was unappealing to the western taste but when deep (Gebakken tempe, p. In 1986 Batra stated that in this 1976 publication fermented form known as tempe benguk. Physically the incubation temperature of "kenima" was erroneously the bean cake, the tempe benguk, resembles tempe from reported as 22-30 C; it should have been 35-45 C. Nutritive value Tables show: (1) A ten year average of production, of various legumes used in the Indonesian diet. The provinces with the highest average production Central Research Institute of Agriculture. West Nusa Tenggara (Nusa residue of soy milk or tahu [okara] which may be fermented Tenggara Barat) 14. Saving the protein waste from bunken mokuroku [List of documents on soybeans and processing of legumes in Indonesia. The Philippines recommends for soybean made by extracting the starch from the mung bean or kacang 1976. Cost and from peanut presscake or okara), tempe bongkrek (made return analysis of soybean production. Available Production of fungal spores as inocula for Oriental fermented inoculants and their distributors. However, a record high of 2,780 Six desirable inoculum characteristics are discussed. Production and consumption re ect the sharp rise of soybean production in 1961-62 and of soybeans (China and Taiwan). The 6 members in 1988 Indonesia: Tahu or tahoo (soybean curd), bubuk kedele were Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, (soybean powder), tempe kedele, tempe gembus [the name and Thailand. Extracted pulse proteins: Soya bean variety are roasted until no beany avor can be detected. Bubuk kedele is kept in a jar and served on special occasions with a rice product, longtong (rice 560. An inventory of kedele is always homemade and is eaten by everyone" information on the utilization of unprocessed and simply (Source: I. This is the earliest English-language document Northern Regional Research Center, Interdepartmental seen (Nov. Ethiopia: (soybean curd; yen-lu is the Chinese name for nigari), tou fu Injera, wots and allichas, kitta, dabbo, dabokolo, porridge. Nigeria: Whole soybeans, soybean paste, (pressed tofu sheets), yu tou fu (fried tou fu), tung tou fu corn-soy mixtures (soy-ogi). Total supply is beginning stocks, plus domestic production, Venezuela (fried arepas with textured soy). Total disposition is crushing, plus traditional village process, commercial developments of soy-based foods and feed. Shoyu United States: Oriental populations, vegetarian communes, rose from 13,000 in 1970 to 14,000 in 1974. Tofu and others was Traditional soybean foods: Soybean milk, soybean curd and constant at 130,000 from 1971 to 1973. Miso decreased from processed soybean curd products, protein-lipid lm, soybean 4,000 in 1970 to 2,000 in 1974. Shoyu rose from 1,334,1000 in 1970 to 1,455,800 in hamanatto], natto, fermented soybean curd. Tahu Ways of cooking and serving soybeans in the American decreased from 18,570 in 1978 to 17,000 in 1972. Research of soybeans by soybean-consuming countries, 1964-66 recommendations [concerning each of the above barriers]. Production Northern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research rose from a 53,000 tonnes in 1962 to a peak of 75,200 Service, Department of Agriculture, Peoria, Illinois 61604. Objectives and survey methods: the average amount of soybean processed into tauge is A. Center production of soybean and its processed products at several villages in areas. Harvested acreage of soybean versus other food Lampung (a province of Indonesia located on the southern crops. Soybean sprout consumption is highest in Lampung Tables in body of text: (1) Brief description of (6. Typed, daily consumption per capita of soybean and its processed without signature (carbon copy). The best quality was especially dug working together with you on the rst joint obtained by incubating the inoculated soybeans for 48 hours Farm / New Age Foods Study Center publication ["What is at 30 C. Magboul moved to the Food stayed with John and Katherine Gabriel in Houma and got Research Centre, Shambat, Sudan. Organic Gardening and Farming 24:103, 106, chance to read carefully through all of the literature we 108-11. Once a to make tempeh with grains and soy pulp [okara], names good method was developed, Mark, Nancy Bailey and Marc and addresses of people and institutions in America and Podems packed cracked soybeans, Dr. Lafayette, California: New-Age Foods Study in North America in the 1977 edition of "What is Tempeh Favorite tempeh recipes: Deep-fried Bodhisattva: An interview with Bill Shurtleff and Akiko tempeh. Photos show: Shurtleff speaking into a & institutions connected with tempeh: Research scholars microphone. Northern Regional Research Laboratory in Peoria, Illinois, Contents: World hunger and its causes: Population growth, they are now receiving an average of 30 requests for tempeh affiuence and the feedlot system, land misuses and starter daily, and have been during the past 3 months. Vegetarian diets as a solution Address: New-Age Foods Study Center, c/o Aoyagi, 278-28 to degenerative diseases and food problems. Presented at Lokakarya Bahan Pangan Berprotein "We received your name and address from Bill Shurtleff Tinggi (Conference on High Protein Food). With their help and encouragement we are in the process of putting together a newsletter for all 571. Presented at Lokakarya those starting shops and for already established shops and Manajemen Perusahaan Tempe (Seminar on Management companies. It is easy to kedelai, bahan perendam dan lama perendaman, serta feel discouraged and isolated when problems arise with no inokulum yang digunakan terhadap mutu tempe [Effects of apparent solutions and the purpose of this publication will using different soybean varieties, soaking agents, soaking be to provide a means of sharing our accomplishments, times, and inocula on the quality of tempeh]. Some folks can offer help in at Lokakarya Bahan Pangan Berprotein Tinggi (Conference skill and craftsmanship while others might be knowledgeable on High Protein Food). Pengaruh kadar minyak "We are enclosing a questionnaire for you to ll out dan kadar air pada fermentasi tepung kedelai [Effects of oil and return to us so that we might be better able to know content and water content on soy our fermentation]. Paper how everyone is doing with their plans and to share others presented at Lokakarya Bahan Pangan Berprotein Tinggi experience with you in the newsletter so that you can see (Conference on High Protein Foods). Any donation you could make toward the rst commercial supplier of tempeh starter culture. Address: c/o Aoyagi, 278-28 Higashi Oizumi, Nerima much cheaper price, and Leviton said the food staple differs ku, Tokyo 177, Japan. Cohen, a vegetarian, believes tofu is an excellent von Soja im asiatischen Raum [Traditional processes for meat substitute. The tofu is sold locally at soy our), soymilk, yuba, tofu, kori tofu (dried-frozen Fosters Supermarket. Levitons name is misspelled as Levitan koji, tempeh, miso, tao-tjo [Indonesian-style miso], kochu throughout the article. This is the earliest German-language document he was an early partner in Laughing Grasshopper (later New seen (April 2013) that mentions silken tofu, which it calls England Soy Dairy) and founder of the Tempeh Works. Address: Institut fuer Lebensmitteltechnologie, Letter (e-mail) from Demian (his full legal name). I have no recollection of a Michael acid content of soybeans was reduced by about one-third Cohen. I knew Tom Timmons and Ira Leviton, who are also as a result of this fermentation, while an equivalent amount mentioned in the footnote. The reduction of created the Noodle, an experimental vegan restaurant on the phytic acid was due to the phytase enzyme elaborated by the University of Massachusetts, Amherst campus. Address: New thriving business which abstains from using any dairy or York State Agric. Timmins] is a past manager of the Yellow Sun Natural Foods Cooperative in Amherst, and Michael Cohen was 581. Manufacturers Address: 156 Drakes Lane, Summertown, Ad in Tom Riker and Richard Roberts. Phone: (03) offering starter, instructions, recipes, and conveniently split, 925-4974. Thriving farms real Hippie are also available from Farm Foods in bulk quantities. Stephen Gaskin, the Farms leader, likes to quote Bible Wang, a research chemist, Randall found not only the tempeh verses to explain the view of his companions who live on culture but ways of improving the quality and avor, thus 1,700 wooded acres. It was published in the Edmonton Journal in North America, a fact which he says amazes him given (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 11 June 1977, p. A protein eventually supply local supermarkets and stores in other substitute for chicken, beef, sh. Tempeh, which is pre-digested "In addition to being a low-cost, nutritious staple, by the Rhizopus mold that binds it, makes it much more tempeh is the only fermented vegetable made without salt, digestible than beans themselves. To receive this material, send your request, which may account for his self-sufficient ways. The Randalls along with 50 cents to cover handling, to Prevention Tempeh feel life is less "alienating" now. There are A photo-like illustration (line drawing) shows Robert no Friday night cocktail parties. Organic Gardening and Farming Someday there could even be a sign along Highway No. We sent everyone a Soybean sprouts and bean curd (tofu) are great foods, packet with just enough to make several batches, but we but they are side dishes that never occupy center stage. Making the section titled "The Nebraska Tempeh Pioneer, notes tempeh from other grains such as wheat, oats, rye, barley, that Gale Randall works in the Lincoln, Nebraska, post office or rice, alone or in combination with soybeans (defatted soy at night and operates his tempeh-making operation during grits are not suitable for making tempeh). He discovered tempeh 3 years ago while searching longer send out small packets of tempeh starter. She provided Randall with tempeh starter culture and lots of Dinner specials (Ad). Rodale then adds: "The next phase in tempeh development, I feel, will be for more people like Gale 590. Re: Tempeh starter and questions Randall to set up small tempeh shops, from which they can concerning tempeh. Letter to William Shurtleff at New-Age supply health food and natural food stores. Typed, with signature on Center has provided Rodale Press "with large amounts of letterhead.

Development in tempe the small scale producer: Increase the scale of production arteria coronaria sinistra order diovan, processing technology (4) blood pressure 3rd trimester buy diovan 80 mg amex. Bioactive compounds and health improvement of processing technology (technological bene ts of tempe (8) pulse pressure is quizlet buy diovan 160 mg low price. Appendixes: List of presenters at the International the writer is interested modernizing hypertension dizziness cheap diovan uk, mechanizing blood pressure medication guidelines purchase 80mg diovan with visa, Tempe Symposium arteria3d viking pack buy generic diovan on line. List of participants in the International speeding up and enlarging tempe plants in Indonesia arrhythmia quizzes generic diovan 80 mg. Bioprocessing and equipment in "The Cibitung Project heart attack 36 purchase diovan cheap, located about 20 miles east the modern tempe industry in Indonesia. In: Sudarmadji, of central Jakarta, is an integrated training center for soy Suparmo and Raharjo, eds. Therefore the center is named the Miracle of Tempe: Proceedings, International Tempe Center for Soy Product Development. Development of engineering work done by the Ministry of Food Affairs of modern tempe industry. Framework for bioprocessing in cooperation with Parahyangan University of Bandung. Fabrication of "During the preparatory process the project bene ted from equipment. Agency for Cooperative and Small Enterprise Research and Development Ministry of 3377. Both: Research on the utilization of tempe as raw material in the Jakarta, Indonesia. Reinventing the hidden miracle of tempe: Proceedings, Symposium, July 13-15, 1997, Bali, Indonesia. Jakarta, International Tempe Symposium, July 13-15 1997, Bali, Indonesia: Indonesian Tempe Foundation. Mix well, then mix in 40 gm vegetable oil, ll into a Foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Food Affairs casing, and steam at 100 C. The introductory section To make tempeh milk: Dice fresh tempeh, steam for consists of: Foreword. Welcoming 3 minutes, add 2 parts boiling water, grind, and extract the address, by Dr. Heat to has been given to tempe because it is an inexpensive source 90 C for 5 minutes, lter, bottle, pasteurize at 90 C for 15 of proteins, vitamins and calories. Reinventing Miracle of Tempe: Proceedings, International Tempe the Hidden Miracle of Tempe: Proceedings, International Symposium, July 13-15, 1997, Bali, Indonesia. Production and marketing of Development Centre for Applied Chemistry, Indonesian Inst. Jakarta, in the number of tempe processors in many cities throughout Indonesia: Indonesian Tempe Foundation. Demand for relatively inexpensive, ready of tempeh history and the tempeh market in North America to-eat food has increased as people, especially women, have from 1985 to May 1997. History of the North American "The signi cance of the tempe industry has often been tempeh market. In North America, tempeh is marketed in a variety of Farm), (4) White Wave (In about 1980 Alexander Lyon forms and avors, of which soy tempeh is the most popular, was hitchhiking through Boulder, Colorado, and had no followed by tempeh burgers and soy & grain tempehs. More than 70 manufacturers Turtle Island now makes tempeh for: Lean Green Foods produce over 1. Three of the four largest (Hawaii; Benjamin Hills), Wildwood Natural Foods, and manufacturers are owned and operated by Asian Americans. It starts out when youre at a trade show and Whereas 75% of all Americans know what tofu is, only 14% "people saddle up to you" and say "Uh, were not sure know what tempeh is. This was caused in theyre begging you on their hands and knees, theyll pay large part by competition from more sophisticated meatless anything to have you make it for them. Its such a hassle and burgers, such as the Gardenburger, launched in March 1985 they have to devote plant space to it. Also so much faster than tempeh, they just keep tempeh to ll out microwavable and ready-to-eat foods became more popular. Box 176, Hood in tempeh, which paralleled the new interest in the health River, Oregon 97031. Main advantage of Miracle of Tempe: Proceedings, International Tempe vacuum packing: Longer shelf life. Examples are Chinese soy sauce, the existing tempeh companies with the strongest ties to the Japanese shoyu and Japanese miso. Strategic role of tempeh in Indonesia, speciesism: the last barrier, thought-provoking facts about by Suyanto Pawiroharsono (Eng). Recipes from vegetarian Physiological-chemical effect of tempeh constituents and cookbooks. Accumulation of amino acids during the tempeh Giorgio Cerquetti, PhD, author and yoga practitioner, fermentation, by U. Proteases, was born in Italy in 1946 and has been a vegetarian since glycohydrolysates and phytases from making tempeh using age 16. Twenty minutes 3 glucoside from soybeans and tempe as antiproliferative to dinner: Quick, low-fat, low-calorie vegetarian meals. The glossary mentions tofu, soymilk, soymilk powder, tempeh, miso, soy sauce (shoyu, tamari) 3386. Elizabeth Berg was born the recipe for "Buffalo potato wedgies" (an alternative in 1953. Chinese fermented tofu (doufu-ru) to make it more like Microbiology in food systems. Commentary (which includes many quotations about Soya in the diet: Protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals vegetarianism) and cookbook. Tips for cooking," including soy sauce, soy milk, bean curd or buying and storing. Black beans are usually added as a avoring in dishes"), hoisin sauce, and oyster sauce. Every Chinese meal aims for a glucoside from soybeans and tempe (fermented soybeans) as good balance of fan (grain foods, such as rice or wheat) and antiproliferative substances. During identi ed two mixtures of fatty acid esters of beta-sitosterol pregnancy, soy sauce may be avoided to prevent dark skin glucoside from soybeans and its fermented product, tempe. Chinese who avoid fresh dairy products because of the mixtures of glucolipids occurring in soybeans and lactose intolerance, may consume soybean curd and soy milk tempe are inseparable and possess the following structures: (if forti ed with calcium) as alternatives. The tempe glucolipid Second-generation Japanese use more soy sauce than non mixture showed higher inhibition (95. The response to dairy of the soybean glucolipid mixture was (96%) at 100 mcg/ products and lactose intolerance is similar to that of Chinese, ml. Food or combined with garlic, ginger, rice wine, and other and culture in America: a nutrition handbook. New industrial uses of maceration (softness or hardness) as an important factor for soybeans (paints, lacquer, soap, etc. History of the soybean: the quality of fermented soybean such as digestivity, texture East and West. World soybean production, yesterday and and avor, a few investigations (Jurus and Sundberg, 1976; today. Antioxidative mechanism stomach cancer, effect on female hormones, men, medicine and apoptosis induction by 3 hydroxyanthranilic acid, and soya, lowering cholesterol, help with diabetes, healthy an antioxidant in Indonesian food tempeh, in the human nutrition. Varied and versatile: Development of method for measuring the degree of Whole soybeans (incl. Health bene ts: the evidence so far: Cancer, (given in n-value) of fermented soybean and macerating heart disease, osteoporosis, kidney disease, menopause. Tofu enzyme formation was observed on raw and sterilized on your table (how to incorporate soy into American diets; soybeans fermented for 12, 24, 36 and 48 h at 30 C with 7 incl. The centuries, particularly in Asia for preparing many fermented soybean: Cultural history, production, the world and the foods such as tempeh from soybean (Cook, 1982; Hesseltine, soybean, nutritional value of soybeans, soyfood products 1965; Nout and Rombouts, 1990; Steinkraus, 1986). The our, akes, textured soy our, soy protein isolates, mycelium of Rhizopus can invade the intercellular lamella defatted soybean meal, industrial soy products), genetically material and can solubilize it by extracellular enzymes (Nout engineered soybeans. Glutinous rice with glossy paper loaded with color photos and lightweight peanuts and mushrooms (with diced fried tofu or tempeh, p. Asian black bean sauce* (with daughter, friend and critic, "who cant pass a day without "3 tablespoons preserved black beans" [fermented black tofu. Description of miso soups and their role in the Japanese food, Thai cuisine has evolved with a moderate use of red diet (p. Light-colored miso soup with simmered meat, following "the Buddhist precepts on the slaughter of vegetables and dark-colored miso soup with sauteed animals. The the index has 28 entries at "Tofu," so we will list only a few section titled "soybeans" (p. Contains a wealth of full value, health bene ts ("They contain substances thought to page color photos. In place of widely used fermented shrimp help prevent breast and other cancers, as well as Omega-3 and sh pastes, this book uses various salt-fermented soy fatty acids, which reduce the risks of heart disease"), how products such as yellow bean sauce, Chinese bean pastes, to cook yellow and black soybeans, how to dry-roast [to fermented tofu in brine, and tempeh (p. There are also [sweet soy sauce], soy sauce (3 types), tempeh, tofu (tao hoo substantial subsections describing the following soyfoods: in Thailand); "The soybean is singularly one of the most (1) Soy milk, including a recipe for making it at home important food plants in the world. The chapter titled "Know hijiki, konbu, ogo, seitan, umeboshi, wakame, vegan diet your ingredients" (1059-87) includes short descriptions of [eliminates all animal products]. He is on the clinical faculty at trans fatty acids, but not soy), and shortenings (p. He published several popular weight-loss books Irma Rombauer (the grandmother of Ethan Becker) rst in the mid-1990s. This book is crippled by lack of an index, fast becoming a thing of the past and women all over the Address: M. Soyfoods: A "encourages a whole-food plant-based diet as ideal for healthy pro le. Sioux Falls, South Dakota: South optimal health, except under unusual circumstances" Dakota Soybean Board. Exploring soyfoods: Dried soybeans, the glossary of this book, the following soyfoods are de ned fresh green soybeans, soy milk, tofu, textured soy protein, (alphabetically): soy our, soy grits, tempeh, miso, soy meat analogs. This cookbook (which is undated) was rst nutritionist, food engineer and vegetarian cooking teacher published in 1996, and revised in 1997. It was reprinted by are collaborating to develop and test tasty, nutritious and the Nebraska Soybean Board with their name and phone economical recipes that astronauts can prepare from a limited number on the back cover. This booklet Wheat and potatoes are the staples to be complemented is basically Simply soy: A variety of choices, with a new with rice, soy and peanuts, salad crops and fresh herbs, all cover and title, plus a few pages of additional information to be grown hydroponically in arti cially lit, temperature added by the South Dakota Soybean Board in Sioux Falls. In: Banpot with earthmade cheese, carrot drumsticks, tempeh sloppy Napompeth, ed. World Soybean Research Conference Joes, basil pesto with soy nuts, pasta primavera and tofu V: Proceedings. Address: and beverage management in the Cornell School of Hotel Bogor Research Inst. A proven program for taking full advantage of your bodys A photo shows Jean Hunter with some hydroponically grown natural healing power. The soy foods on pages 63, 68-71, 77, 82, 85, 99, 129, 169, 174, Cornell Chronicle article, with photos in color, was also 176, 181, 183, 200, 213, 250, tempeh on pages 70, 73-75, put on the Web at. It was checking an advanced life support system which included some air regeneration by 3409. A copy of conditions for production process and characterization of of the menu is available. In English, it is cost of transporting food from Earth on long missions is also called "over-fermented tempeh. Note: It costs roughly $1,000 to $10,000 to transport one pound of anything to the moon. It sounds like a vegetarians "The in uence of conditions of fermentation on the dream and it could be an astronauts reality on Mars or the antioxidative activity was also tested during the production moon, if food experts from Cornell University have their of tempeh from oats. For health: Introduction, malnutrition, cardiovascular disease, long space missions, like a ight to Mars, spacefarers may cancer, osteoporosis, menopause, more to come. Using not be able to carry enough food to last the trip, so they will soyfoods: Whole dry soybeans, tofu, soymilk, soy our, need to grow and cook their own. Trying to produce meat textured soy protein, green vegetable soybeans, tempeh, during the mission is too inefficient. The researchers believe they have found the right alternatives, cheese alternatives, soy yogurt, nondairy frozen stuff" including tempeh, "a sort of super-tofu made from desserts, mayonnaise and dressings, instant soups and other soybeans, and seitan, a gluten extract from wheat. A Contains 125 of Peter Golbitzs favorite recipes, selected seitan and a tempeh company in Vermont. Letter to William from the works of some of "the worlds leading soyfoods Shurtleff at Soyfoods Center, Jan. He will be planting oats this (born in 1952) lives with his wife, Sharyn Kingma, and year for a local organic farm. The family mail order business, son on a beautiful island off the coast of northern Maine. Contents: or soy products containing high levels of ber}, eliminates Preface: An ancient Asian secret isnt a secret anymore. Soy success: based foods (containing little or no protein): Egg replacers, Stocking your refrigerator and pantry, using the recipes, soy margarine, soy mayonnaise, soybean oil, soy sauce) how kitchen equipment. Appendix: Recipes listed by soy food fat, cholesterol, ber, sodium), nutrition information. Note that tofu was used in by far the most recipes (96), ways to add that essential 25 grams of soy protein to your followed by whole soybeans (32). These recipes (each of which includes a nutritional Paulette, who lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is analysis) are based on more than ten years of experience a cooking instructor, restaurant consultant, and lecturer. Box 10853, Beverly Paulette is the author of many Macmillan books, including Hills, California 90213. The 15-Minute Vegetarian Gourmet, the 15-Minute Single Gourmet, and the Complete Book of Dressings. Specialty soybean varieties bring book is dedicated to her 14-year-old son, Brett. Address: premiums for a price: Markets for food-grade varieties are Minneapolis, Minnesota. The idea for this pioneering product was sort high in oleic acid (naturally lower in saturated fats and more of a logical extension of smoking tofu. Pioneer Hi-Bred International grew An invoice [sent to Soyfoods Center] shows that the Savory 7,000 acres of low-linolenic oil beans for a market similar to Herb avor was rst sold on 26 Jan. The complete soy cookbook: Lea et (8 by 11 inch) sent by Patricia Smith from More than 150 simple recipes for good health and great taste. Indiana soyfoods added a new avor, Sweet & Tangy Smoked Tempeh, which locator guide: A guide to nding soyfoods in the supermarket was launched at the Baltimore show. Lebanon, Indiana: Indiana Soybean Its ingredients: Organic soy tempeh (organically grown Development Council. On the organic apple cider vinegar, organic ground mustard seeds, cover is a paper grocery bag resting on a bed of soybeans organic evaporated cane juice, lemon juice, organic orange and chock full of foods: Veggie Slices (soy cheese), soynut rind, granulated onion, granulated garlic, spices & natural butter, veggie burger, tofu, soymilk, soy our, plus carrots, wood smoke. Soyfood conversion charts: electrophoresis the phytic acid content of food extracts can description of one serving of soyfoods, guide to modifying directly be determined. Mail order soyfood acid and other sample components do not interfere and companies.

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Breeding from the for studying spontaneous and radiation-induced mutations at unirradiated F1 mice revealed that the mutation rate remained the Ms6-hm locus. These X-irradiated male mice (1 Gy) were high in transmissions from both F1 males (6) and F1 fe killed 10 weeks postirradiation, and spermatozoa collected males (3. A part of this increase is due to from caudal epididymis from the mice were screened for germline mosaicism in F1 animals, suggesting that paternal mutations. Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Further evidence showing an increase in minisatellite mutation frequencies has also been obtained from two stud Dubrova and colleagues (1996) first reported on radia ies, one in the Kiev and Zhitomir regions of Ukraine that tion-induced minisatellite mutations among children born sustained heavy radioactive contamination after the Cher between February and September 1994 to parents who were nobyl accident (Dubrova and others 2002b) and another at continuously resident in the heavily polluted rural areas of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan (Dubrova the Mogilev district of Belarus following the Chernobyl ac and others 2002a). The control children conceived before (n = 98) and after (n = 240) the sample consisted of 105 nonirradiated Caucasian families Chernobyl accident. Additionally, most families were profiled with the the maternal germline mutation rate was not elevated. These fold increase in mutation rate found in exposed families results have been subject to criticism on the grounds that the Between 1949 and 1989, the Semipalatinsk site was the U. Furthermore, from the data presented, it posed mainly to the fresh radioactive fallout from four sur would seem that the estimated germline doses in the whole face explosions conducted in 1949, 1951, 1953, and 1956, region remain sufficiently uncertain to question the true sig and the radioactive contamination outside the test zone cur nificance of an approximately twofold difference in muta rently is assessed to be low. Note that the above dose exposed families compared to nonirradiated families from estimate cited in the paper is from Gusev and colleagues the United Kingdom. All parents and offspring the annual external and internal exposure to Cs in soil, were profiled with the eight hypervariable minisatellite milk, and vegetables and family histories after the Cher probes previously used in the Belarus and Ukraine studies. The authors have interpreted these findings as follows: Livshits and colleagues (2001) found that the children of (1) all P0 parents born between 1926 and 1948 would have Chernobyl cleanup workers (liquidators) did not show an been directly exposed to relatively high levels of radiation elevated rate of minisatellite mutations compared to a Ukrai from the nuclear tests, and this would explain the 1. The dose estimate for the liquidators was increase in mutation rate; (2) F1 parents born between 1950 <0. Inter siderably lower doses, and this heterogeneity in the parental estingly, children conceived within 2 months of the fathers doses could explain the 1. More recently, Kiuru and colleagues (2003) compared the frequencies of minisatellite mutations among children of 147 Other Population Studies Estonian Chernobyl cleanup workers. The comparisons were In the mid-1990s, subsequent to publication of the radia within families. The post-Chernobyl and colleagues (1995) conducted a pilot feasibility study on children (n = 155) were conceived within 33 months of their germline instability in cell lines established from the chil fathers return from Chernobyl; the "control" children were dren of atomic bomb survivors in Japan. The available data do not permit an assessment subsequent work did not alter the above conclusion (Satoh of the extent to which differences in paternal age might have and Kodaira 1996; Satoh and others 1996). When the cleanup workers the discrepancy between the results of Kodaira and col were subdivided according to their radiation doses, the mu leagues, on the one hand, and those of Dubrova and col tation rate in children born to fathers with recorded doses of leagues (1996, 1998b, 2000a, 2000b) in the Belarus and 200 mSv, showed a nonsignificant increase relative to their other cohorts discussed earlier appears real. Bleomycin, a radiomimetic agent, selectively targets conceived before the Chernobyl accident and external con mouse oocytes, but no mutation induction in male germ cells trols. These mutants were not validated and had no obvious week intervals between cycles) showed a slight increase in molecular basis (Jeffreys and Dubrova 2001). The comparable estimate for sex chro There were no significant differences in mutation frequen mosomal aneuploidy and electrophoretic mutations consid cies in the pretherapy and posttherapy samples (11 and 16 ered together was 2. The former was estimated tor) is mutagenic only in meiotic cells, and vincristine is not by summing the five individual estimates of spontaneous mutagenic, although it is known to prevent the assembly of rates (which yielded 0. In these estimates, the limits and bleomycin did not show any increases in mutation fre reflect biological uncertainties about the parameters, but do quency. Vinblastine binds to tubulin and, in mice, results in not take into account the additional error inherent in the esti aneuploidy but not chromosome breakage or mutations. However, the re induced genetic damage underlying these traits are expected sults with one indicator of damage used in the Japanese stud to be small, and increases will be undetectable with the avail ies, namely, untoward pregnancy outcome, which includes able sample sizes at the relatively low radiation doses (about stillbirths, congenital abnormalities, and early neonatal 0. The risk of principal basis for the origin of sex chromosomal aneup congenital abnormalities (estimated from mouse data in this loidy). Null enzyme mutations would mates, one can conclude that they are of the same order. It should be noted that the first tions) are higher than those for the other end points. Relative Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and deter risk is the ratio of the rate of disease among groups having minants of disease prevalence in man (MacMahon and oth some risk factor, such as radiation, divided by the rate among ers 1960). Absolute ogy, exposure to radiation is the factor of primary interest, risk is the simple rate of disease among a population. Epidemiologic studies have been of particular impor has the units of the rates being compared. If the rates of disease differ in the gists measure factors that are suspected of leading to its de exposed and unexposed groups, there is said to be an asso velopment. A basic comparison used in radiation epidemiol ciation between exposure and disease. None of these mea ogy is to measure the rate of a specific disease among persons sures of risk is sufficient to infer causation. A second step in who have been exposed to radiation and among persons who data analysis is necessary to assess whether or not the risk have not. The two rates are compared to assess whether they factor is simply a covariate of a more likely cause. This does closely related to the burden of disease and to its impact on not necessarily mean that in all populations at all times, ra the population. Thus, each type of measure has its advan diation is not related to the disease, but it does mean that in tages, and each is used in this report. If the association between radiation exposure and a disease in the disease rate is higher among those exposed to radiation, there population of interest, the next task of the epidemiologist is is a positive association. If the disease rate is higher among to assess whether noncausal factors may have contributed to the unexposed group, there is a negative (inverse) associa the association. An association might not represent a causal tion between radiation exposure and disease. It should be noted that chance can 1See Glossary for definition of specific epidemiologic terms. When the levels of all study cannot be demonstrated to have occurred because of explanatory factors are determined by observation only, the error or bias, an investigator computes a measure of associa study is observational. If treatment is assigned by a random tion that takes into account any relevant differences between process, the study is experimental. Also it is usual to relevant to the evaluation of radiation risks in human popu quantify the uncertainty in a measured association by calcu lations are observational. For example, in the study of lating an interval of possible values for the true measure of atomic bomb survivors, neither the conditions of exposure association. This confidence interval describes the range of nor the levels of exposure to radiation were determined by values most likely to include the true measure of association design. It always is possible that Two basic strategies are used to select participants in an the true association lies outside the confidence interval ei observational epidemiologic study that assesses the associa ther because the model is incomplete or otherwise in error or tion between exposure to radiation and disease: select ex because a rare event has occurred (with rare defined by the posed persons and look at subsequent occurrence of disease, probability level, commonly 5%). A study comparing disease rates among exposed and may be the cause of some disease is to compare the results unexposed persons, in which exposure is not determined by of a number of studies that have been conducted on popula design, is termed a "cohort" or a "follow-up" study. If a general pat comparing exposure among persons with a disease of inter tern of a positive association between radiation exposure and est and persons without the disease of interest is termed a a disease can be demonstrated in several populations and if "case-control" or "case-referent" study. No subjects with some disease are enrolled into the study, and general conclusion can be made that the exposure is a cause assignment is made to some form of treatment according to of the disease. Random is not the same as haphazard; a randomizing However, at relatively low doses, there is still uncertainty as device must be used, such as a table of random numbers, a to whether there is an association between radiation and dis coin toss, or a randomizing computer program. However, ease, and if there is an association, there is uncertainty about random assignment does not guarantee comparability. The es bias") that may be related to possible differences in the out sential feature of data collection, analysis, and interpretation come of interest such as a specific disease. The subpopulations under assessment of health outcome will tend to minimize bias in study must be comparable, the methods used to measure ex assessing the utility of alternative methods of treatment. Although a randomized study is generally regarded as the Types of Epidemiologic Studies ideal design to assess the possible causal relationship be Research studies are often classified as experimental or tween radiation and some disease in a human population, observational depending on the manner in which the levels there are clearly ethical and practical limitations in its con of the explanatory factors are determined. There must be the expectation that in the population of at least one explanatory factor are under the control of the under study, radiation will lead to an improvement in health Copyright National Academy of Sciences. Such studies are the information available in a prospective cohort study is usually conducted with patients who need therapeutic inter potentially much greater than that available in a retrospec vention; randomly selected patients may be treated with ra tive cohort study. Exposure is contemporaneous and may be diation and some other form of treatment or with different measured forward in time, and members of the cohort may types or doses of radiation. In these trials the sample size is be contacted periodically to assess the development of any relatively small and the follow-up time is relatively short. Direct evaluation of both exposure and disease Therefore, most studies to assess the long-term adverse out may be done on an individual basis, with less likelihood of comes of exposure to therapeutic radiation, are, of necessity missing or incomplete information due to abstracting records cohort studies. The follow-up of survivors of the Japanese atomic bomb explosions is largely prospective, although follow-up did not Cohort Studies begin until 1950 (Pierce and others 1996). In a ment was retrospective and was not based on any actual retrospective cohort study of a population exposed to radia measurement of radiation exposure to individuals. Recon tion, participants are selected on the basis of existing records struction of the dose of radiation exposure is an important such as those maintained by a company or a hospital. The primary disadvantage of a ret the members of the study population are followed in time rospective cohort study is that limited information is avail for a period of years, and the occurrence of new disease is able on both radiation exposure and disease. In a retrospective cohort study, the follow-up has advantage of a prospective cohort study is that radiation ex already occurred, while in a prospective cohort study, the posure and disease can be measured directly. Many studies that are ini disadvantage is that time must pass for disease to develop. The information available in a retrospective cohort study is usually limited to what is available from the written Case-Control Studies record. In general, members of the cohort are not contacted directly, and information on radiation exposure and disease Case-control studies may be prospective or retrospective. Typically, information on the cases are those individuals with the disease being exposure comes from records that indicate the nature and studied. Cases in a retrospective case-control study are usu amount of exposure that was accumulated by a worker or by ally selected on the basis of existing hospital or clinic records a patient. In a prospective case-control posure, and the actual dose may be estimated based on study, the cases are "incident," that is, they are selected at knowledge of items such as the X-ray equipment used the time their disease was first diagnosed. Cancer mortality is readily evaluated by retrospective co After the cases and controls have been identified, it is hort studies, because cancer registries exist in a number of necessary to determine which members of the study popula countries or states and death from cancer is fairly reliably tion have been exposed to radiation. Most studies that have followed patients treated with However, if the case or control is deceased or unable to re therapeutic radiation are retrospective cohort studies. Series spond, exposure information may come from a relative or of patients are assembled from medical and radiotherapy from another proxy. For ex treated as long ago as the 1910s have been studied to assess ample, consider the accuracy of dietary history for the past the long-term effects of radiation therapy (Pettersson and year versus that of a year from several decades in the past. Exposure information may be available only from interview Copyright National Academy of Sciences. There may be differential ment prevents selection on the basis of outcome and pro recall of exposure to radiation depending on case or control vides the optimum strategy for minimizing differences be status, which leads to a lack of comparability in the informa tween the two groups being studied. It is rare to be able to quantify the amount of cohort study means that subjects exposed to radiation and past exposure in a case-control study. However, in some situ unexposed subjects are enrolled without knowledge of dis ations related to radiation exposure, only data from case ease status, that information on disease is obtained without control studies are available. Three common and potentially subjects and controls are selected on the basis of disease serious forms of bias are selection bias, when enrollment outcome, and past exposures must be reconstructed. A cohort study is ease or on radiation exposure is obtained differentially from conducted, and subsequently, additional information on ex exposed or from diseased persons; and confounding bias, posure is collected for persons with disease and for a sample when a third factor exists that is related to both radiation of persons without disease. In Nested case-control studies are best thought of as a form of a prospective cohort study, disease has not yet occurred, so retrospective cohort study, in that the study population is there is little possibility of selecting exposed persons on the initially defined on the basis of exposure rather than of basis of their future disease status. In some have occurred when the study subjects are enrolled; there is nested studies, the objective is to obtain information on dose the danger that persons who are both exposed and diseased or other factors that would be too expensive to obtain for the will be overselected to participate in the study. Examples are a case-control study of selected the data contain invalid information on the true relation be cancers in women irradiated for cervical cancer to obtain tween exposure and disease. Self-selection (volunteering) for individual dose estimates (Boice and others 1985); a breast a nonexperimental study can be a particularly potent source cancer study of A-bomb survivors to obtain data on repro of bias. Subsequently, parability in the selection of study participants, comparabil after an extensive follow-up of all members of the workforce, ity in the collection of exposure and disease information rel no association between radiation exposure and leukemia was evant to each study subject, and comparability of the basic found (Greenberg and others 1985). Any lack of comparabil selection of diseased workers who were exposed to radiation ity may undermine inferences about an association between led to an erroneous appearance of a positive association be exposure and disease, so that interpretation is ambiguous or tween radiation and leukemia. Information bias may occur in a clinical trial or a cohort Comparability in a clinical trial ordinarily is straightfor study if knowledge of exposure is available when informa ward, because study subjects are assigned randomly to the tion on disease is being obtained; there is the possibility that Copyright National Academy of Sciences. For this reason, in obtaining information on exposure among participants, information on An important part of any epidemiologic study is its statis disease is kept hidden from the interviewer and, if possible, tical power. Further protection against information bias the power of a cohort study will depend on the size of the may come from blinding subjects and/or interviewers to the cohort, the length of follow-up, the baseline rates for the hypothesis under study. Similarly, statistical power in a case-control study de the initial case-control study, information on radiation expo pends on the number of cases, the number of controls per sure was obtained by interview of relatives of workers with case, the frequency and level of exposure, and the magnitude and without leukemia. Statistical power is generally evalu tives of those with leukemia tended to overreport radiation ated before a study is conducted. Afterwards it is more use exposure, whereas relatives of those without leukemia ful to refer to statistical precision, which is reflected in the tended to underreport exposure (Greenberg and others 1985). No one type of nonexperimental epidemiologic study is inherently more subject to confounding bias. If in the basic data collected in an epidemiologic study are formation is available on each factor that is suspected of data on exposure and data on disease. In the simplest form, being a confounder, confounding bias may be minimized in an individual may be exposed or not and may be diseased or a study design by matching on the relevant factors or in data not. Thus, there are four possibilities: exposed and diseased, analysis by stratification or statistical adjustment. However, exposed and not diseased, not exposed and diseased, or not if some confounding factor has not been measured, the data exposed and not diseased. It can be seen that in a study of N individuals, a + b are Confounding bias is especially troublesome when the asso exposed, a + c are diseased, and a are both exposed and ciation under investigation is weak. Interest is generally focused on whether a is larger has the potential to mask an association completely or to than expected in relation to the other entries. Because the risks associated with cally this is the same as asking whether d is larger than ex low levels of ionizing radiation are small, confounding bias pected, or whether b or c are smaller than expected. The so-called healthy worker effect is an example of con Disease founding in studies of mortality among occupational groups, including those employed in the nuclear industry (Monson Exposure Yes No Total 1990). Ordinarily, persons who enter the workforce are Yes a b a + b healthy, and if mortality among workers is compared to that No c d c + d among the general population, the workers are found to be at Total a + c b + d a relatively low risk. Instead of categorizing persons with radiation exposure the rate of disease among the exposed subjects (Re) is equal as simply being exposed or not, subjects may be categorized to a/(a + b), and the rate of disease among the unexposed as having high, medium, or no exposure. Such data are of value in assessing whether or not there is a dose response relationship between radiation exposure and dis Measures of Association ease. If the rate of disease is highest among the most ex Two measures are commonly used to compare the dis posed, intermediate in the middle exposure group, and lowest ease rates between exposed and unexposed subjects. In radiation studies, information on radiation dose is of Tools of Statistical Inference ten available. Thus, it is and absolute risk coefficient is defined as important to determine whether the actual observed associa tion. Both measures may depend on variables such as sex, age the validity of both p-values and confidence limits rests at exposure, time since exposure, and age at risk (attained on many assumptions about the study design and the data. Obviously, a confidence interval Linear Relative Risk Model lends partial information to the confirmatory question since values not in the 95% confidence interval are "rejected" at A model that plays a prominent role in radiation epide the significance level of 0. One consequence is (Chapter 6), persons exposed for medical reasons (Chap that very large studies are required to estimate small effects ter 7), and nuclear workers (Chapter 8). The linear model has been chosen be Control of Confounding cause it is supported by radiobiological models (Chapter 2) the third task in data analysis is to assess whether or not and because it fits the data from most studies (although in the crude association that is observed in a study is due to many studies, statistical power is inadequate to distinguish confounding by one or more other factors. If persons who are exposed to radiation, such as ever, doses for individual subjects are available and more uranium miners, smoke more than persons who are not ex complex estimation procedures are required to make use of posed, they may have an increased risk of lung cancer just this information. That is, two fourfold tables are set up that relate the estimate of may be highly skewed, and that confidence exposure (radiation) to the disease (lung cancer). If it is as intervals based on the estimates of the asymptotic standard sumed that all smokers smoke the same, one table contains error (Wald method) can be seriously misleading. Within each of these two tables, no con but does not allow for the possibility that or its lower con founding by smoking is possible.

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