Injection therapy Atropinum compositum acne face mask generic benzac 20 gr on-line, possibly alternating with Spascupreel and Nux vomicaHomaccord i acne kids order benzac pills in toronto. Intestinal stasis (Entodermal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Nux vomica-Homaccord) Nux vomica-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a acne red marks purchase benzac paypal. Injection therapy Staphisagria-Injeel (forte S) for post-operative enteroparesis and meteorism acne rash purchase benzac 20 gr with amex, also as prophylaxis immediately post operation Nux vomica-Homaccord and GraphitesHomaccord i acne 2007 discount benzac online master card. Papaver-Injeel and Alumina-Injeel as intermediate remedy acne 3 step purchase benzac us, Colon suis-Injeel once weekly i skin care yogyakarta order benzac 20gr with visa. Iritis (Ectodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Kalmia-Injeel ampoules to be taken orally) acne out- benzac 20gr sale. Kalmia-Injeel (specifically effective), the ampoule to be dissolved in a glass of water and taken per os in draughts in the course of the day (in about 6 small draughts) possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Mercurius jodatus flavus-Injeel in addition for iritis luetica, Colchicum-Injeel (forte S) in addition for rheumatic iritis. Glandula suprarenalis suis-Injeel and Oculus totalis suis-Injeel in chronically recurrent cases. It is essential to advise a check-up by an eye specialist in cases of (suspected) iritis. Keloids (Ectodermal deposition phases) (Main remedy: Graphites-Homaccord) Graphites-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. In addition, Graphites-Homaccord should be applied in drops locally several times daily. Injection therapy Staphisagria-Injeel (forte S) for after-effects of incised wounds (also orally). Graphites-Homaccord, alternating with Cutis compositum (remedy for disorders of the skin function), possibly also with Thyreoidea compositum (powerful stimulant of the glandular and connective tissue functions). Injection therapy Traumeel S, Mercurius jodatus flavus-Injeel and possibly Kalium bichromicum-Injeel alternating or mixed i. Mucosa compositum (action on the mucous membranes in chronic affections), otherwise possibly also Cornea suis-Injeel i. Injection therapy Hormeel S, Cimicifuga-Homaccord and Cyclamen-Injeel alternating or mixed i. Cyclamen-Injeel acts also in cases of lactorrhoea in non-pregnant women: breasts hard and swollen. Urtica-Injeel (forte) for lactorrhoea without puerperium and continuance of galactorrhoea, Osteomyelitis-Nosode-Injeel (forte) as nosode therapy, Lac caninumInjeel as intermediate remedy i. Ovarium compositum (regulation of the hormonal functions), possibly also Mamma suis-Injeel and Hypophysis suis-Injeel i. Laryngitis (Entodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Phosphor-Homaccord) Phosphor-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Phosphor-Homaccord in feverish cases, also Gripp-Heel and Traumeel S i. Polypus laryngisInjeel (forte), Carcinoma laryngis-Injeel (forte), Tuberculinum-Injeel (forte) and possibly Bacillinum-Injeel (forte) for chronic hoarseness. Manganum aceticum-Injeel (forte) for chronically recurrent pharyngitis, laryngeal and bronchial catarrh with hoarseness, Niccolum metallicum-Injeel for hoarseness with spasmodic cough and epistaxis. Ammonium carbonicum-Injeel (forte) relieves dry catarrh with a hard, painful cough. Mucosa compositum (remedy for affections of the mucous membranes), possibly also Larynx suis-Injeel, possibly also Bronchus suis-Injeel once weekly i. Lateral pharyngitis (Lymphodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Phosphor-Homaccord) Phosphor-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Echinacea compositum (forte) S and possibly Tonsilla compositum in cases of therapy resistance. Lateral sclerosis, amyotrophic (Neurodermal degeneration phase) (Main remedy: Galium-Heel) Galium-Heel 8-10 drops in the morning Hormeel S 8-10 drops at midday Hepeel 1 tablet in the afternoon Schwef-Heel 8-10 drops in the evening possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Psorinoheel and Lymphomyosot as intermediate remedies, Rhododendroneel S in exchange in cases of sensitivity to the weather and neuralgiform disorders. Injection therapy Engystol N, alternating with Circulo-Injeel, Hepeel, Galium-Heel, Psorinoheel as well as with Sulphonamide-Injeel, Histamin-Injeel, Sutoxol-Injeel, Grippe-Nosode-Injeel, also for the progressive auto-sanguis therapy with Medulla oblongata suis-Injeel, Medulla spinalis suis-Injeel and Glandula suprarenalis suis-Injeel as well as with nosodes (Salmonella paratyphi B-Injeel, Bacterium coli-Injeel, etc. Lead poisoning (Haemodermal or neurodermal impregnation phase) Nux vomica-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. ColocynthisHomaccord, Rhododendroneel S, Dulcamara-Homaccord for neuralgiform pains. Injection therapy Cerebrum compositum, Solidago compositum S (strengthening of the cerebral or renal functions) i. Hepar sulfuris-Injeel (forte) and Mercurius solubilis-Hahnemanni-Injeel (forte S) at intervals as mixed or alternating injections. Coenzyme compositum (for enzyme damage), possibly also Ubichinon compositum (serious cases with enzyme blocking), possibly also Glyoxal compositum (single injection only). Lentigo (liver spots) (Ectodermal degeneration phase) (Main remedy: Galium-Heel) Galium-Heel 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Galium-Heel, Psorinoheel, Engystol N and Curare-Heel (forte) alternating or mixed i. Cutis compositum (remedy for affections of the skin functions), instead of this possibly Glandula suprarenalis suis-Injeel and i. Leucorrhoea (Germinodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Lamioflur) Lamioflur 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Traumeel S, Metro-Adnex-Injeel and Sulfur-Injeel (forte) S alternating or mixed i. Cutis suis-Injeel Kreosotum-Injeel (forte) for malodorous leucorrhoea, precancerous state and ulcerating carcinomas. Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel and Caulophyllum thalictroides-Injeel for leucorrhoea in little girls. Mercurius jodatus flavus-Injeel for leucorrhoea in little girls, Medorrhinum-Injeel (forte) for post-gonorrhoea leucorrhoea. Echinacea compositum (forte) S for serious inflammatory symptoms, Ovarium compositum (for ovarian dysfunction), otherwise also Uterus suis-Injeel once weekly i. Lichen ruber planus (Ectodermal reaction or impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Psorinoheel) Schwef-Heel 8-10 drops at 8 a. Arsenicum album-Injeel S and SulfurInjeel S as intermediate remedies, Kalium arsenicosum-Injeel (numerous papules with white scales and cracks in the bends of the arms and knees; pruritus resulting from warmth). Cutis compositum (therapeutic for disorders of the skin functions) interpolated in cases of resistance to therapy or when progress is slow, possibly also Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum (enzymatic action). Possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle, otherwise also Cutis suis Injeel, Hepar suis-Injeel, Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel and Glandula suprarenalis suis-Injeel alternating or mixed i. Coenzyme compositum, possibly also Ubichinon compositum (regeneration of the enzyme system), possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle, at intervals also Hypophysis suis-Injeel, Aorta suis-Injeel or Arteria suis-Injeel and Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel once weekly i. Liver abscess (as adjuvant for) (Organodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Chelidonium-Homaccord) (In addition to a possible operation) Chelidonium-Homaccord 8-10 drops* at 8 a. Injection therapy Injeel-Chol with Hepeel or Chelidonium-Homaccord and Traumeel S alternating i. Echinacea compositum (forte) S (stimulation of the defensive organs in the development of sepsis). Bryonia-Injeel (forte) S for a thickly coated tongue (signs of peritonitic irritation). Hepar compositum (as after-treatment for the purpose of stimulating the regeneration of the liver). In the case of liver damage, it is better to administer these preparations in the form of ampoules to be taken orally (see pagefi Liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver (Organodermal impregnation or degeneration phase) (Main remedy: Galium-Heel) Galium-Heel 8-10 drops* at 7 a. Chelidonium-Homaccord* in exchange for Hepeel, Psorinoheel* as intermediate remedy in exchange. Ypsiloheel for a tendency towards haemorrhage, as well as a sensation of pressure in the neck. Injection therapy Injeel-Chol, Engystol N, Traumeel S, Hepeel, Galium-Heel, Phosphor-Homaccord, alternating or mixed with Natrium choleinicum-Injeel, Phosphorus-Injeel S, Lycopodium-Injeel (forte) S, Arsenicum album-Injeel S i. Ceanothus-Homaccord and Schwef-Heel as intermediate remedies, Natrium sulfuricum-Injeel (forte) acts favourably on the hepatic function. Leptandra-Injeel (forte), Leptandra compositum for meteorism, accompanying pancreatitis. Carbonicum sulfuratum-Injeel (forte), Carbonicum tetrachloratum-Injeel (forte), Benzinum-Injeel, Alkohol-Injeel (forte), Insecticide-Injeel (forte), Manganum carbonicum-Injeel as well as Carduus marianus-Injeel (forte) as intermediate remedy for liver damage. Staphylococcus-Injeel (forte), Streptococcus haemolyticus-Injeel (forte), PyrogeniumInjeel (forte), Fel suis-Injeel and Fel tauri-Injeel, possibly also Salmonella typhi-Injeel and Salmonella paratyphi B-Injeel for nosode therapy. Coenzyme compositum, also Ubichinon compositum (enzyme regeneration), in serious cases also Glyoxal compositum (only a single injection; await effect); after the acute symptoms have subsided also Hepar compositum as intermediate injections, further Testis compositum (revitalizing effect in men), or Ovarium compositum (for women), also the collective pack of the catalysts of the citric acid cycle, otherwise also Vesica fellea suis-Injeel, Colon suis-Injeel, Hepar suis-Injeel with Histamin-Injeel, Acidum formicicum-Injeel and the above mentioned ampoule preparations for frequently repeated progressive auto-sanguis therapy. Lumbago (low back pain) (Neurodermal or sympathicodermal reaction or impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Colocynthis-Homaccord) Colocynthis-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Spascupreel for pains in addition, 1 tablet to be dissolved on the tongue every 10 min. Dulcamara-Homaccord as alternating remedy for worsening of condition in wet weather, likewise Rhododendroneel S (in massive initial-dose therapy for disorders). Berbers-Homaccord (stimulation of the suprarenal functions, pains similar to lumbago in the kidney and suprarenal region, particularly on the left). Zeel (tablets or ointment) for accompanying affections of the joints, colitis, etc. Aesculus compositum (to stimulate the circulation) Injection therapy Colocynthis-Homaccord and Neuralgo-Rheum-Injeel, possibly also RanunculusHomaccord, Cimicifuga-Homaccord, Spascupreel and Dulcamara-Homaccord alternating or mixed i. Aesculus-Injeel (forte) and Ammonium muriaticum-Injeel (forte) for chronic conditions i. Variolinum-Injeel (forte) for serious lumbosacral pain radiating into the abdomen. Zeel P as mixed injection with Circulo-Injeel, Mercurius jodatus flavus-lnjeel and Neuralgo-Rheum-Injeel in chronically recurrent cases, applied locally in the region of the pain or intramuscularly, possibly in addition Discus compositum (vertebral column, bone, periosteum, muscle and tendon therapeutic). Lupus erythematosus (Ectodermal degeneration phase, mainly as an expression of other degeneration phases in the liver, connective tissue, etc. Cruroheel S (good intermediate remedy) Traumeel S tablets (enzyme regeneration after therapeutical damage) Lymphomyosot (detoxication of the mesenchyme) Aesculus compositum (regulation of the peripheral circulation) Injection therapy Tuberculinum-Injeel (forte) or Bacillinum-Injeel (forte), possibly also Bacterium coliInjeel (forte), Bacterium proteus-Injeel (forte), Salmonella typhi-Injeel (forte) and Salmonella paratyphi B-Injeel (forte) with Mercurius praecipitatus ruber-Injeel (forte S), Thuja-Injeel (forte) S as alternating or mixed injections i. Coenzyme compositum, possibly also Ubichinon compositum (improvement of the enzyme functions), in serious chronic cases also a single injection of Glyoxal compositum i. Psorinoheel, Hormeel S, Galium-Heel, Bacillinum-Injeel, Hepeel, Injeel-Chol, Chelidonium-Homaccord, Silicea-Injeel, Causticum-Injeel S, Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel, Graphites-Homaccord alternating or mixed i. Lymphadenitis and Iymphangitis (Lymphodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Belladonna-Homaccord) Belladonna-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Arnica-Heel in place of this in case of the development of sepsis Injection therapy Belladonna-Homaccord, Lymphomyosot and possibly Apis-Homaccord i. Echinacea compositum (forte) S (possibly in place of Traumeel S in daily injections or alternating, as long as inflammatory symptoms are present. Lymphogranuloma, inguinal (Lymphodermal reaction or deposition or degeneration phase) (In addition to specific antibiotic therapy) (Main remedy: Traumeel S) Lymphomyosot 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Traumeel S with Hormeel S, Lymphomyosot and Psorinoheel alternating i. Pyrogenium-Injeel (forte) and possibly Variolinum-Injeel (forte) as nosode therapy. Echinacea compositum (forte) S, possibly also Thyreoidea compositum (powerful stimulation of the hormone and connective tissue functions) each once weekly i. Malaria (Haemodermal reaction phase) (In addition to specific therapy) (Main remedy: Arnica-Heel) Arnica-Heel 8-10 drops in the morning Hormeel S 8-10 drops at midday Cruroheel S 1 tablet in the afternoon Psorinoheel 8-10 drops in the evening possibly the above mentioned preparations taken together 3 times daily; in the case of an attack, the above preparations taken in alternation every 5-10 minutes. Eupatorium purpureum-Injeel and Baptisia-Injeel (forte) S, in addition PyrogeniumInjeel (forte) for septic temperatures and increasingly frequent attacks of fever. Echinacea compositum (forte) S (in place of the above mixed injections), possibly in alternation with Hepar compositum. Sanguis suis-Injeel and Splen suis-Injeel at intervals as well as the progressive autosanguis therapy. Malignant anthrax (Mesenchymal reaction phase) (In addition to serum or antibiotic treatment) Belladonna-Homaccord (generally in reaction phases) and Traumeel S 8-10 drops every 1-2 hours alternating, or 1 tablet, Arnica-Heel possibly exchanged for Belladonna-Homaccord. Anthracinum-Injeel (forte) and Pyrogenium-Injeel (forte) in addition (nosodes), possibly with Baptisia-Injeel (forte) S for swinging temperatures. Mania See depression, schizoid conditions; excitation, conditions of, psychic symptoms, etc. Mastitis (Ectodermal or mesenchymal reaction phase) Traumeel S 1 tablet hourly, later every 2 hours. Pyrogenium-Injeel (forte) for acute, highly feverish mastitis, Bryonia-Injeel (forte) S specifically recommended. Lac caninum-Injeel (forte) in the case of a relapse, Silicea-Injeel (forte) (when suckling, blood comes out of the breast). Mastodynia (breast pain) (Ectodermal or mesenchymal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Cimicifuga-Homaccord) Ranunculus-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Ranunculus-Homaccord, Cimicifuga-Homaccord, Hormeel S, possibly also Spascupreel alternating i. Lac caninum-Injeel (forte) for pains in the breasts (and radiating to the neck) during the menses. Medorrhinum-Injeel (forte) (breasts ice-cold, marbled and sensitive to contact), further Mastopathia cystica-Nosode-Injeel, Ovarium compositum (regulation of the hormonal function), possibly Placenta compositum (circulation), when there is a suspicion of malignancy also Thyreoidea compositum and possibly Glyoxal compositum (single injection, await result), then Coenzyme compositum and/or Ubichinon compositum, also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle. See also fibroma of the breast, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis (pains radiating in the breast are often of osteochondrotic origin). Mastoiditis (Entodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Traumeel S) (in addition to any necessary penicillin therapy) Traumeel S 1 tablet every 1-2 hours. Osteoheel S and Arsuraneel for deep abscess formation (in addition to operative relief), 1 tablet hourly alternating (possibly Cruroheel S). Traumeel S drops 8-10 drops once to twice daily for local application in the ear in otitis media (perforata). Injection therapy Traumeel S, possibly alternating with Echinacea compositum (forte) S (1/4 ampoule i. Apis-Homaccord and Belladonna-Homaccord for meningeal reactions, Engystol N for retoxic phases and threatening abscess of the brain, together with antibiotic therapy (mobilization of the defensive system), in addition Arsenicum album-Injeel S. Measles (Ectodermal or mesenchymal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Viburcol) Viburcol suppositories 2-4 times daily Bryaconeel 1 tablet at 8 a. Aconitum-Homaccord for restlessness, fever and serious bronchitis as intermediate remedy, 8-10 drops 1/2 hourly to hourly. Bryonia-Injeel (forte) S for headache (need to hold the head tightly in the hands). Zincum valerianicum-Injeel or Zincum metallicum-Injeel for receding measles (in addition to Engystol N). See also otitis media, mastoiditis, meningeal reactions, encephalitis, viral diseases, etc. Bacterium coli-Injeel (forte), Bacterium lactis aerogenes-Injeel (forte), Bacterium proteus-Injeel (forte), Bacterium pyocyaneus-Injeel (forte), possibly also Salmonella typhiet paratyphi B-Injeel (forte) as nosode therapy. Coenzyme compositum or collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle interposed. Cerebrum compositum and possibly Placenta compositum (regulation of the circulation) interposed as constitutional treatment, possibly also Cerebellum suis-Injeel and Os petrosum suis-Injeel as constitutional remedy once weekly i. Meningeal reactions (Neurodermal reaction phase) (In addition to possible antibiotic therapy required) (Main remedy: Belladonna-Homaccord) Belladonna-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Echinacea compositum (forte) S and possibly Traumeel S, for cases which have already persisted for a fairly long time also Engystol N daily i. Meningitis (meningeal irritation) (Neurodermal impregnation phase) Belladonna-Homaccord, 8-10 drops hourly alternating with Apis-Homaccord, also Cruroheel S and Arsuraneel. Viburcol for restlessness, 1 suppository 1/2 hourly to hourly on several occasions. Arnica-Heel for causal septic diseases (encephalitis, meningeal reactions, infectious diseases, etc. Echinacea compositum S (fever, development of sepsis) or also GelsemiumHomaccord and Spigelon for headache. Baptisia-Injeel S, Arsenicum album-Injeel S, Zincum metallicum-Injeel, Sulfur-Injeel S, possibly also Engystol N daily i. Cerebrum compositum not to be administered too soon or it is possible that the condition may flare up again; however, in the later stages of the treatment it can be interposed advantageously, possibly in exchange for Echinacea compositum (forte) S, in order to gradually break down the locus minoris resistentiae. Menopause (climacteric) (Germinodermal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Klimakt-Heel) Hormeel S at 8 a. Ginseng compositum, China-Homaccord S and Aletris-Heel for weakness and exhaustion. Ovarium compositum and possibly Placenta compositum every 2-8 days, alternating, possibly also Coenzyme compositum (enzyme functions), in serious cases also Ubichinon compositum, otherwise collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle, possibly also Ovarium suis-Injeel once weekly i. See also hyperhidrosis, exhaustion, depression, vaginal atrophy, neurodermatitis, liver damage, etc. Menorrhagia (Haemodermal excretion or reaction phase, or germinodermal impregnation, deposition, degeneration or neoplasm phase) Cinnamomum-Homaccord S 8-10 drops every 1-2 hours, in acute cases 1/4 hourly until improvement observed.
A small number of infants with congenital rubella continue to shed virus in nasopharyngeal secretions and urine for 1 year or more and can transmit infection to susceptible contacts skin care 4 less purchase benzac cheap. Before widespread use of rubella vaccine acne map purchase genuine benzac, rubella was an epidemic disease skin care japanese product 20 gr benzac with amex, occurring in 6to 9-year cycles acne medication oral 20 gr benzac visa, with most cases occurring in children anti acne discount benzac master card. In the vaccine era acne questions buy generic benzac on-line, most cases in the mid-1970s and 1980s occurred in young unimmunized adults in outbreaks on college campuses and in occupational settings acne 3 step buy benzac 20gr online. More recent outbreaks have occurred in people born in other countries or underimmunized people skin care and pregnancy buy discount benzac 20gr on line. The incidence of rubella in the United States has decreased by more than 99% from the prevaccine era. Among children and adolescents 6 through 19 years of age, seroprevalence was approximately 95%; however, approximately 10% of adults 20 through 49 years of age lacked antibodies to rubella, although 92% of women were seropositive. The incubation period for postnatally acquired rubella ranges from 14 to 21 days, usually 16 to 18 days. Most postnatal cases are IgMpositive by 5 days after symptom onset, and most congenital cases are IgM-positive at birth to 3 months of age. For diagnosis of postnatally acquired rubella, a fourfold or greater increase in antibody titer or seroconversion between acute and convalescent IgG serum titers also indicates infection. Congenital infection also can be confrmed by stable or increasing serum concentrations of rubella-specifc IgG over the frst 7 to 11 months of life. The hemagglutination-inhibition rubella antibody test, which previously was the most commonly used method of serologic screening for rubella infection, generally has been supplanted by a number of equally or more sensitive assays for determining rubella immunity, including enzyme immunoassays and latex agglutination tests. A false-positive IgM test result may be caused by rheumatoid factor, parvovirus IgM, and heterophile antibodies. The presence of high-avidity IgG or lack of increase in IgG titers can be useful in identifying false-positive rubella IgM results. The avidity assay is not a routine test and should be performed in reference laboratories. Rubella virus can be isolated most consistently from throat or nasal specimens (and less consistently, urine) by inoculation of appropriate cell culture. Laboratory personnel should be notifed that rubella is suspected, because specialized testing is required to detect the virus. Contact isolation is indicated for children with proven or suspected congenital rubella until they are at least 1 year of age, unless 2 cultures of clinical specimens obtained 1 month apart after 3 months of age are negative for rubella virus. Children with postnatal rubella should be excluded from school or child care for 7 days after onset of the rash. During an outbreak, children without evidence of immunity should be immunized or excluded. Immunization of exposed nonpregnant people may be indicated, because if the exposure did not result in infection, immunization will protect these people in the future. Vaccine can be given simultaneously with other vaccines (see Simultaneous Administration of Multiple Vaccines, p 33). Clinical effcacy and challenge studies have demonstrated that 1 dose confers long-term immunity against clinical and asymptomatic infection in more than 90% of immunized people. At least 1 dose of live-attenuated rubella-containing vaccine is recommended for people 12 months of age or older. People who have not received the dose at school entry should receive their second dose as soon as possible but optimally no later than 11 through 12 years of age (see Measles, p 489). Special emphasis must continue to be placed on the immunization of at-risk postpubertal males and females, especially college students, military recruits, recent immigrants, health care professionals, teachers, and child care providers. If a woman is found to be susceptible, rubella vaccine should be administered during the immediate postpartum period before discharge. Arthralgia and transient arthritis tend to be more common in susceptible postpubertal females, occurring in approximately 25% and 10%, respectively, of vaccine recipients. The incidence of joint manifestations after immunization is lower than that after natural infection at the corresponding age. In view of these observations, receipt of rubella vaccine during pregnancy is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. Children with minor illnesses, such as upper respiratory tract infection, may be immunized (see Vaccine Safety, p 41). The risk of rubella exposure for patients with altered immunity can be decreased by immunizing their close susceptible contacts. Although small amounts of virus are shed after immunization, no evidence of transmission of vaccine virus from immunized children has been found. The most common illness associated with nontyphoidal Salmonella infection is gastroenteritis, in which diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever are common manifestations. Salmonella enterica serotypes Typhi, Paratyphi A, Paratyphi B, and certain other uncommon serotypes can cause a protracted bacteremic illness referred to , respectively, as typhoid and paratyphoid fever and collectively as enteric fevers. Other food vehicles (eg, fruits, vegetables, peanut butter, frozen pot pies, powdered infant formula, cereal, and bakery products) have been implicated in outbreaks, presumably when the food was contaminated by contact with an infected animal product or a human carrier. Chronic human carriers (mostly involving chronic infection of the gall bladder but occasionally involving infection of the urinary tract) constitute the reservoir in areas with endemic infection. Infection with enteric fever serovars implies ingestion of a food or water vehicle contaminated by a chronic carrier or person with acute infection. Serotypes are now written nonitalicized with a capital frst letter (eg, Typhi, Typhimurium, Enteritidis). The serotype of Salmonella is determined by its O (somatic) and H (fagellar) antigens and whether Vi is expressed. Most reported cases are sporadic, but widespread outbreaks, including health care-associated and institutional outbreaks, have been reported. A potential risk of transmission of infection to others persists for as long as an infected person excretes nontyphoidal Salmonella organisms. The combination of a single blood culture plus culture of bile (collected from a bile-stained duodenal string) is 90% in detecting Salmonella serotype Typhi infection in children with clinical enteric fever. However, fuoroquinolones are not approved for this indication in people younger than 18 years of age (see Fluoroquinolones, p 800). Once antimicrobial susceptibility test results are available, ampicillin or ceftriaxone for susceptible strains is recommended for at least 4 to 6 weeks. Multidrug-resistant isolates of Salmonella serotypes Typhi and Paratyphi A and strains with decreased susceptibility to fuoroquinolones are common in Asia and are found increasingly in travelers to areas with endemic infection. Invasive salmonellosis attributable to strains with decreased fuoroquinolone susceptibility is associated with greater risk for treatment failure. Salmonella serotypes Typhi and Paratyphi A and nontyphoidal Salmonella isolates with ciprofoxacin resistance or that produce extendedspectrum beta-lactamases occasionally are reported. Azithromycin is an effective alternative for people with uncomplicated infections. The usual regimen is high-dose dexamethasone given intravenously at an initial dose of 3 mg/kg, followed by 1 mg/kg, every 6 hours, for a total course of 48 hours. Stool cultures are not required for asymptomatic contacts or for return to child care following resolution of illness. When Salmonella serotype Typhi infection is identifed in a child care staff member, local or state health departments may be consulted regarding regulations for length of exclusion and testing, which may vary by jurisdiction. Vaccine is selected on the basis of age of the child, need for booster doses, and possible contraindications (see Precautions and Contraindications, p 640) and reactions (see Adverse Events, p 640). Risk is greatest for travelers to the Indian subcontinent, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa who may have prolonged exposure to contaminated food and drink. Such travelers need to be cautioned that typhoid vaccine is not a substitute for careful selection of food and drink (see Children (6 years of age and older) and adults should take 1 enteric-coated capsule every other day for a total of 4 capsules. Commercially Available Typhoid Vaccines in the United States Minimum Age of Booster Adverse Typhoid Receipt, No. Results of 2 feld trials suggest that Ty21a may provide partial cross-protection against Salmonella serotype Paratyphi B. In circumstances of continued or repeated exposure to Salmonella serotype Typhi, periodic reimmunization is recommended to maintain immunity. No data have been reported concerning use of one vaccine administered after primary immunization with the other. The oral Ty21a vaccine produces mild adverse reactions that may include abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, and rash or urticaria. The oral Ty21a vaccine requires replication in the gut for effectiveness; it should not be administered during gastrointestinal tract illness. However, if mefoquine is administered, immunization with Ty21a should be delayed for 24 hours. Also, the antimalarial agent proguanil should not be administered simultaneously with oral Ty21a vaccine but, rather, should be administered 10 or more days after the fourth dose of oral Ty21a vaccine. In children younger than 2 years of age, the eruption generally is vesicular and often occurs in areas usually spared in older children and adults, such as the scalp, face, neck, palms, and soles. The eruption is caused by a hypersensitivity reaction to the proteins of the parasite. Crusted scabies usually occurs in debilitated, developmentally disabled, or immunologically compromised people but has occurred in otherwise healthy children after long-term use of topical corticosteroid therapy. S scabiei subspecies canis, acquired from dogs (with clinical mange), can cause a self-limited and mild infestation usually involving the area in direct contact with the infested animal that will, in humans, resolve without specifc treatment. Because of the large number of mites in exfoliating scales, even minimal contact with a patient with crusted scabies may result in transmission. Scabies of human origin can be transmitted as long as the patient remains infested and untreated, including during the interval before symptoms develop. The incubation period in people without previous exposure usually is 4 to 6 weeks. People who previously were infested are sensitized and develop symptoms 1 to 4 days after repeated exposure to the mite; however, these reinfestations usually are milder than the original episode. Scrapings and oil can be placed on a slide under a glass coverslip and examined microscopically under low power. Ivermectin is not recommended for women who are pregnant or who are lactating and intend to breastfeed. Alternative drugs are precipitated sulfur compounded into petrolatum or 10% crotamiton cream or lotion. The use of oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can help relieve this itching. Topical or systemic antimicrobial therapy is indicated for secondary bacterial infections of the excoriated lesions. Because of safety concerns and availability of other treatments, lindane should not be used for treatment of scabies. Manifestations of scabies infestation can appear as late as 2 months after exposure, during which time patients can transmit scabies. Clothing that cannot be laundered should be removed from the patient and stored for several days to a week to avoid reinfestation. Thorough vacuuming of environmental surfaces is recommended after use of a room by a patient with crusted scabies. The severity of symptoms associated with chronic disease is related to the worm burden. People with low to moderate worm burdens may never develop overt clinical disease or may develop milder manifestations, such as anemia. Urinary schistosomiasis (S haematobium infections) can result in the bladder becoming infamed and fbrotic. Less commonly, eggs can localize to the central nervous system, notably the spinal cord in S mansoni or S haematobium infections and the brain in S japonicum infection, causing neurologic complications. School-aged children commonly are the most heavily infected people in the community and are important in maintaining transmission because of behaviors such as uncontrolled defecation and urination and prolonged wading and swimming in infected waters. Communicability lasts as long as infected snails are in the environment or live eggs are excreted in the urine and feces of humans into fresh water sources with appropriate snails. Infection is not transmissible by person-to-person contact or blood transfusion. The incubation period is variable but is approximately 4 to 6 weeks for S japonicum, 6 to 8 weeks for S mansoni, and 10 to 12 weeks for S haematobium. Infection with S mansoni and other species (except S haematobium) is determined by microscopic examination of stool specimens to detect characteristic eggs, but results may be negative if performed too early in the course of infection. Serologic tests, available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and some commercial laboratories, can detect schistosome infection; additional tests can distinguish between infection with S mansoni, S haematobium, or S japonicum. Praziquantel does not kill developing worms; therapy given within 4 to 8 weeks of exposure should be repeated 1 to 2 months later. Among Shigella isolates reported in industrialized nations including the United States in 2009, approximately 86% were Shigella sonnei, 12% were Shigella fexneri, 1% were Shigella boydii, and less than 1% were S dysenteriae ( The primary mode of transmission is fecal-oral, although transmission also can occur via contact with a contaminated inanimate object, ingestion of contaminated food or water, or sexual contact. Children 5 years of age or younger in child care settings and their caregivers and people living in crowded conditions are at increased risk of infection. Travel to resource-limited countries with inadequate sanitation can place travelers at risk of infection. Even without antimicrobial therapy, the carrier state usually ceases within 1 to 4 weeks after onset of illness; long-term carriage is uncommon and does not correlate with underlying intestinal dysfunction. Qualitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays are being implemented in some clinical laboratories. In 2009 in the United States sentinel surveillance system, approximately 46% of Shigella species were resistant to ampicillin, 40% were resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and less than 1% were resistant to ciprofoxacin and to ceftriaxone ( For susceptible strains, ampicillin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is effective; amoxicillin is less effective because of its rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. General measures for interrupting enteric transmission in child care centers are recommended (see Children in Out-of-Home Child Care, p 133). Meticulous hand hygiene is the single most important measure to decrease transmission. Waterless hand sanitizers may be an effective option in circumstances where access to soap or clean water is limited and as an adjunct to washing hands with soap. Eliminating access to shared water-play areas and contaminated diapers also can decrease infection rates. Child care staff members who change diapers should not be responsible for food preparation. When Shigella infection is identifed in a child care attendee or staff member, stool specimens from symptomatic attendees and staff members should be cultured. Ill children and staff should not be permitted to return to the child care facility until 24 or more hours after diarrhea has ceased and, depending on state regulations, until one or more stool cultures are negative for Shigella species. A cohort system, combined with appropriate antimicrobial therapy, and a strong emphasis on hand hygiene, should be considered until stool cultures no longer yield Shigella species. Smallpox (Variola) the last naturally occurring case of smallpox occurred in Somalia in 1977, followed by 2 cases in 1978 after a photographer was infected during a laboratory exposure and later transmitted smallpox to her mother in the United Kingdom. Following eradication, 2 World Health Organization reference laboratories were authorized to maintain stocks of variola virus. In 2002, the United States resumed immunization of military personnel deployed to certain areas of the world and initiated a civilian preevent smallpox immunization program in 2003 to facilitate preparedness and response to a smallpox bioterrorism event. Infected children may suffer from vomiting and seizures during this prodromal period. With onset of oral lesions, the patient becomes infectious and remains so until all skin crust lesions have separated. The rash typically begins on the face and rapidly progresses to involve the forearms, trunk, and legs, with the greatest concentration of lesions on the face and distal extremities. Once all the crusts have separated, 3 to 4 weeks after the onset of rash, the patient no longer is infectious. Variola minor strains cause a disease that is indistinguishable clinically from variola major, except that it causes less severe systemic symptoms, more rapid rash evolution, reduced scarring, and fewer fatalities. Because varicella erupts in crops of lesions that evolve quickly, lesions on any one part of the body will be in different stages of evolution (papules, vesicles, and crusts), whereas all smallpox lesions on any one part of the body are in the same stage of development. The mortality rate is highest in children younger than 1 year of age and adults older than 30 years of age. In 2003, an outbreak of monkeypox linked to prairie dogs exposed to rodents imported from Ghana occurred in the United States. Cowpox virus was used by Benjamin Jesty in 1774 and by Edward Jenner in 1798 as material for the frst smallpox vaccine. Smallpox is spread most commonly in droplets from the oropharynx of infected people, although rare transmission from aerosol spread has been reported. Because most patients with smallpox are extremely ill and bedridden, spread generally is limited to household contacts, hospital workers, and other health care professionals. Diagnostic work-up includes exclusion of varicella-zoster virus or other common conditions that cause a vesicular/pustular rash illness. Cidofovir has been suggested as having a role in smallpox therapy, but data to support cidofovir use in smallpox are not available. However, substantial protection against death from smallpox persisted in the past for more than 30 years after immunization during infancy during a time of worldwide smallpox virus circulation and routine smallpox immunization practices.
Routine screening may also be considered cost effective because it would Methodology acne antibiotics buy 20 gr benzac amex. The estimate of 989 cases that would be prevented per average increased costs associated with aggressive 100 302 skincare purchase generic benzac on line,000 screened inmates assumes that 2 skin care jakarta timur buy 20 gr benzac otc. These approaches screening acne is a disorder associated with order benzac 20gr with amex, and treatment interventions targeting have demonstrated effectiveness acne 26 year old female order benzac toronto. The following screening and treatment interventions that are known to work will be cost methods would reduce the period of infectiousness: effective acne meds buy 20gr benzac with mastercard. Rapid screening and treatment can be cally tested interventions that correctional agencies 12 done at little cost in jails and prisons skin care 50th and france 20gr benzac otc. Rapid can introduce to target selected diseases and chronic screening techniques reduce the time lag from 40 Summary of Scientifically Tested Interventions Correctional Agencies Can Implement to Reduce Communicable Disease Sexually transmitted diseases Offer educational interventions regarding the dangers of sexual contact with multiple partners skin care regimen for 30s best benzac 20 gr. Hepatitis B and C Routinely vaccinate all inmates, or susceptible inmates, against hepatitis B. Every correctional system should should maintain logs of inmates who choose not to screen new admissions for chlamydia infection. All correctional systems should offer educational programs aimed at helping Reducing the number of new contacts. Health care staff can vaccinate only whom the infected person has come in contact. Although the three-dose series, which should be performed in concert with local or immunizes 95 percent of patients, is best, the rates State health departments. Access to county and of immunity conferred with fewer doses remain city department of health registries is invaluable high enough to merit recommendation. It is important to inform inmates that hepatitis B and C are both serious Hepatitis B and C. Even among options: (1) routine vaccination against hepatitis B patients it does not cure, antiviral treatment may for all new prison and jail inmates or (2) screening reduce the amount of the virus in the body and all new inmates for the infection. Greifinger, Principal Investigator 45 Scientifically tested interventions addressing patient, especially as these needs are unique to chronic disease corrections. The guidelines are examples of presented a number of prevention, screening, and empirically based interventions that, if applied by treatment interventions that correctional systems correctional systems, are known to reduce illness can introduce that have been shown scientifically to and death associated with the four chronic diseases. The chapter also suggests how some prisons and jails have overcome these barriers. The definition specifies the point at which a person has a diagnosis assigned for the purposes of the Notes guideline. The difficulties involved in estimating the costexamination and laboratory examination. Cost-effectiveness analyses Referral, and Partner Notification Services: A Costwere also done for hypertension and diabetes. Consequently, the cost-effectiveness study used the infection saves almost $175,000, while the counseling National Commission on Correctional Health Care data and testing program would cost only $117,000. Programs Among Female Sex Workers to Reduce Sexually Transmitted Disease and Human Immunodeficiency 15. Many jail Despite the compelling reasons for improving the inmates are held for no more than 48 hours pending prevention, screening, and treatment of disease a probable cause hearing. Correctional health care staff lose the Barriers to Improved Prevention, opportunity to treat inmates who are released Screening, and Treatment before they can be tested. The public health implications of this lack still be reluctant to consider that protecting public of followup are serious. Correctional policies Failure to specify minimum levels of required care in contracts with private health care vendors. Some correctional systems cannot afford the Inmates have high rates of many diseases that require higher cost of these newer medicines, resulting in medical attention. In part, this is due to the lack inferior treatment for many mentally ill inmates. Administrators know that, once an inmate has been Current correctional budgets are often too small to found to have a disease, case law and professional pay for the staff, equipment, medicines, or space ethics require them to provide treatment that meets needed to provide all the prevention, screening, and community standards. Some systems do not explicitly include in their reflect current standards for combination therapies. Typically, correctional officers rectional health care staff may be unable or may not must escort inmates moving within a facility. The health care can present correctional and public health limited number of available correctional officers or administrators with difficult choices in attempting vehicles may create long delays if more than one or to provide inmates with adequate services. Issues two inmates need to be transported for medical care in correctional health care that may present ethical at the same time. As discussed below: stake in convincing public health officials and other Position statements on appropriate health care for government decisionmakers of the public health inmates developed by professional organizations importance of improving the prevention, screening, can encourage correctional administrators to and treatment of diseases among inmates. The American Psychiatric in initiating or expanding the following: Association and the American Public Health Testing and screening of inmates. Public health departments dramatic events, such as outbreaks of disease that may be willing to contribute funds, staff, and demonstrated the need for collaboration. The program provides a continuum of care that begins Significant features of the program include the during incarceration in the county prison and following: extends to the community upon discharge or parole. A discharge planning inmates experiencing mental health crises as nurse at the facility provides similar services for quickly as possible, house them appropriately, inmates with chronic diseases. Providing crisis intervention specialists in Teach life skills that inmates will need after the jail frees correctional officers from having to release. Local policymakers have worked with officials in Arrange support groups for families and close the Maryland Department of Health and Mental friends of inmates. Hygiene and other State officials to establish the Maryland Community Criminal Justice Treatment Offer families emergency funds for food and Program, a multiagency collaboration that provides clothing while their providers are in jail. Capsule descriptions of two of these in-jail and community-based services, and reducing programs follow.
Arsuraneel and Abropernol for emaciation acne 4 days before period discount benzac 20gr fast delivery, Cruroheel S skin care discount 20gr benzac, Mercurius-Heel S and Osteoheel S have an anthelminthic action due to their mercury content acne 1st trimester generic benzac 20 gr with mastercard. Injection therapy Nux vomica-HomaccordTraumeel S and Cina-Injeel alternating or mixed i acne prone skin purchase discount benzac on-line. Bacterium coli-Injeel skin care treatments discount benzac 20 gr mastercard, Bacterium proteus-Injeel acne 8 year old boy 20gr benzac otc, likewise Sutoxol-Injeel acne en la espalda purchase generic benzac, Bacterium lactis aerogenes-Injeel acne under a microscope 20 gr benzac visa, possibly with Mucosa compositum (remedy for affections of the mucous membranes), in alternation with Hepar compositum (therapeutic agent for impairment of the hepatic functions), and possibly Cerebrum compositum (nerve irritation caused by anthelminthics), otherwise also Colon suis-Injeel, possibly also Jejunum suis-Injeel, Rectum suis-Injeel and Duodenum suis-Injeel i. Hepatitis (Organodermal reaction or impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Chelidonium-Homaccord) Galium-Heel 8-10 drops* at 8 a. In cases of liver damage, it is better to administer these preparations in the form of ampoules to be taken orally (see page 70). Injection therapy Hepeel, Chelidonium-Homaccord, Injeel-Chol and Nux vomica-Homaccord alternating or mixed i. Crotalus-Injeel (forte) for a tendency towards haemorrhages, Galium-Heel in retoxic phases. Cynara scolymus-Injeel (forte) and Lycopodium-Injeel (forte) S regenerate the liver parenchyma, especially in a mixture with Acidum fumaricum-Injeel, Natrium oxalaceticum-Injeel and Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel. Fel Tauri-Injeel (forte) and Mandragora e radice siccato-Injeel as intermediate remedies. Bacterium coli-Injeel, Salmonella typhi-Injeel and Salmonella paratyphi B-Injeel as intermediate remedies. Hepar compositum after the acute symptoms have subsided, as permanent therapy once to twice weekly i. Coenzyme compositum (to stimulate the enzyme system), possibly also Ubichinon compositum (damage to the liver parenchyma) as well as possibly the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle, possibly coupled with Vesica fellea suis-Injeel, Hepar suis-Injeel and Colon suis-Injeel as after-treatment, progressive auto-sanguis therapy with the Homaccords and ampoule preparations mentioned. Hernias (Mesenchymal impregnation or deposition phase) Nux vomica-Homaccord 8-10 drops 3 times daily (inguinal hernias, abdominal hernias) Lycopodium-Injeel S (ampoules to be taken orally) recommended for inguinal hernias of the right side. Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel with Silicea-Injeel (forte) and possibly Traumeel S i. Herpes zoster (Neurodermal or sympathicodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Ranunculus-Homaccord) Ranunculus-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Traumeel S ointment (can cause first reactions, therefore it should be applied only after the formation of small blisters). Variolinum-Injeel forte and Vaccininum-Injeel (forte) for posttherapeutic neuralgia, however also in fresh cases with Grippe Nosode-Injeel i. Sympathicus suis-Injeel and Medulla oblongata suis-Injeel with Rhus toxicodendronInjeel S and the above mentioned ampoules in recurrent cases i. Hiccoughs (Entodermal impregnation phase) Atropinum compositum S (suppositories) generally for spasmodic symptoms. Gastricumeel as alternating remedy, possibly also Cardiacum-Heel Spascupreel, possibly Ypsiloheel, Hepeel and Nux vomica-Homaccord to be given alternately for persistent hiccoughs. Laurocerasus-Injeel (forte) and Ignatia-Injeel (forte) S for persistent hiccoughs, possibly with Hyoscyamus-Injeel (forte), Lyssinum-Injeel, Anacardium-Homaccord and Grippe-Nosode-Injeel interposed in cases resistant to therapy. Mucosa compositum and Atropinum compositum, possibly also Hepar compositum (hepatic detoxication) interposed, alternating with Coenzyme compositum and possibly Ubichinon compositum, otherwise also Cardia ventriculi suis-Injeel and Oesophagus suis-Injeel for recurrent and persistent hiccoughs i. Hydrocele (Germinodermal deposition phase) (Main remedy: Apis-Homaccord) ante or post operation Apis-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Psorinoheel 8-10 drops in the evening possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Lymphomyosot for mesenchymal canalization 8-10 drops 3 times daily as intermediate treatment. Injection therapy Apis-Homaccord, Psorinoheel, Graphites-Homaccord and Traumeel S alternating or mixed i. Coenzyme compositum (enzyme functions) as intermediate injections, possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle. Testis compositum for impaired potency, otherwise Testis suis-Injeel and Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel once weekly i. Hyperacidity (stomach) (Entodermal deposition or impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Gastricumeel) Gastricumeel 1 tablet at 8 a. Injection therapy Bismutum subnitricum-Injeel (forte), Robinia pseudacacia-Injeel, Oxalis acetosellaInjeel and Natrium phosphoricum-Injeel (forte), possibly also Acidum muriaticum-Injeel S, Hepeel, Spascupreel and Erigotheel alternating or mixed i. Ornithogalum umbellatum-Injeel for acid vomit like vinegar, Mucosa compositum (remedy for affections of the mucous membrane, has a regulating action on the functions of the mucous membranes), possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle and Acidum L(+)-lacticum-Injeel (forte) interposed in chronic cases, possibly also Ventriculus suis-Injeel and Hepar suis-Injeel i. Hyperemesis (Germinodermal possibly organodermal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Vomitusheel S suppositories) Vomitusheel S suppositories several times daily Chelidonium-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Cerium oxalicum-Injeel, Fagopyrum-Injeel, Digitalis-Injeel and Hepeel (or ChelidoniumHomaccord or Injeel-Chol, alternating with Vertigoheel and Spascupreel) i. Acidum carbolicum-Injeel is often rapidly effective Acidum oxalicum-Injeel (forte) as alternating remedy, has been proved to be efficacious. Lobelia inflata-Injeel (forte) for retching, better after meals, worse in the morning and after sleeping. Ovarium compositum (regulation of the hormonal functions) and possibly Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxication of the liver). Sanguis suis-Injeel as well as Embryo totalis suis-Injeel, Hepar suis-Injeel, Vesica fellea suis-Injeel and Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel i. Hyperaesthesia See neuralgia and other appropriate indications, in addition Apis-Homaccord and Mezereum-Homaccord in frequent alternation. Injection therapy Lyssinum-Injeel with the above mentioned Homaccords alternating or mixed i. Cerebrum compositum (in chronic conditions), possibly also Coenzyme compositum (enzyme damage). Hyperhidrosis (excessive perspiration) (Ectodermal excretion phase) (Main remedy: Schwef-Heel) Schwef-Heel 8-10 drops at 8 a. Berberis-Homaccord (derivation through the kidneys) possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Traumeel S tablets (resorptive mercury and enzyme regenerating sulphide effect), possibly in exchange with Cruroheel S Hormeel S for sudoresis of the armpits Abropernol (in interchange) Psorinoheel (daily interchange) Arsuraneel (exhausting nocturnal sudoresis) Galium-Heel (lowering of the toxin level) Lymphomyosot (mesenchymal canalization) Aesculus compositum (regulation of the peripheral circulation) Injection therapy Cutis compositum every 2-3 days alternating with Hepar compositum, Placenta compositum and Echinacea compositum S, in a case of sudoresis of the hands (with warts) this produced an excellent therapeutical result. Psorinum-Injeel (forte) for perspiration of foul, musty odour, Cimex lectularius-Injeel for malodorous perspiration. Hyperthermia See also fever and the corresponding indications, otherwise (Main remedy: Aconitum-Injeel forte S) Aconitum-Homaccord, Gripp-Heel, Traumeel S, Belladonna-Homaccord etc. Hypertension (Haemodermal impregnation or deposition phase) (Main remedies: Cralonin, Rauwolfia compositum) Melilotus-Homaccord N drops, 8-10 drops at 8 a. Belladonna-Homaccord (strain to the head, palpitations when lying down) Barijodeel (arteriosclerosis, poor memory) Glonoin-Homaccord N (palpitations, plethora), Vertigoheel (dizziness) Gelsemium-Homaccord (stupor, headache) Reneel and Hepeel to stimulate the secretory and detoxicating functions. Injection therapy Rauwolfia compositum (main remedy) Angio-Injeel, possibly mixed with Hepeel or Lycopodium-Injeel (forte) S in continuous treatment 2-3 times weekly i. Pyodermie-Nosode-Injeel, Psorinum-Injeel, Staphylococcus-Injeel (forte) after retoxic impregnation (suppressed skin diseases). Hepar compositum (improvement of the hepatic function) and possibly Solidago compositum S (remedy for disorders of the renal functions) or also Hepar suis-Injeel, Colon suis-Injeel and Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel to stimulate the detoxication, once weekly i. Hypochondria See depression, schizophrenia; nervous system imbalance, autonomic, etc. Hypoglycaemia (Haemodermal or organodermal impregnation phase) Determine the cause! Injection therapy Natrium carbonicum-Injeel, Injeel-Chol, Saccharum-Injeel alternating or mixed with Vertigoheel, Hepeel, Injeel-Chol i. Coenzyme compositum (improvement of the enzyme functions in chronic conditions), possibly also Hepar compositum (hepatic function), possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle or Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel, Acidum a-ketoglutaricumInjeel and Natrium oxalaceticum-Injeel as intermediate injections, Hepar suis-Injeel and Jejunum suis-Injeel i. Hypomenorrhoea (Germinodermal deposition or impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Hormeel S) Hormeel S 8-10 drops in the morning Galium-Heel 8-10 drops at midday Graphites-Homaccord 8-10 drops in the evening possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Aesculus compositum (regulates the peripheral circulation, possibly effective symptomatically). Injection therapy Metro-Adnex-Injeel and the above mentioned preparations also in ampoule form i. Ovarium compositum in place of the above mixed injections, possibly with far-reaching effect. Trichomonaden-Fluor-Injeel and Medorrhinum-Injeel, possibly with Traumeel S or Engystol N as well as Hormeel S as intermediate injection. Hypophyseal insufficiency (Neurodermal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Hormeel S) Galium-Heel 8-10 drops at 8 a. Ignatia-Homaccord and Psorinoheel possibly in addition possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Traumeel S tablets (regeneration of the sulphide enzymes) Injection therapy the above mentioned preparations also in ampoule form alternating or mixed i. The bacteria destroyed in this way provide an indication of the nosodes now to be applied). Testis compositum (for men) or Ovarium compositum (for women) once to twice weekly i. Hypoplasia mammae (Ectodermal or mesenchymal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Hormeel S) Hormeel S 10-15 drops 3 times daily Injection therapy Hormeel S 2 to 3 times weekly i. Hypotonia (Haemodermal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Aurumheel N) Aurumheel N drops in long-term therapy, 8-10 drops 3 times daily, Aletris-Heel for debility and conditions of exhaustion, as required 1 tablet, likewise China-Homaccord S (8-10 drops 3 times daily). Streptococcus haemolyticus-Injeel and Grippe-Nosode-Injeel, when feverish infections have been treated retoxically, likewise Tuberculinum-Injeel. Impetigo contagiosa (Ectodermal reaction phase) Mercurius-Heel S (or Traumeel S) 1 tablet 3 times daily. Hepar sulfuris-Injeel (forte) generally for suppurations, possibly with StaphylococcusInjeel, Tuberculinum-Injeel or Bacillinum-Injeel (forte) as well as Pyodermie-NosodeInjeel. Echinacea compositum (forte) S (provides powerful stimulation of the defensive system). Cutis compositum (regulator of the skin functions), possibly also Cutis suislnjeel and possibly Hepar suis-Injeel as after-treatment once weekly i. Chelidonium-Homaccord or Hepeel at intervals to improve the hepatic function (general detoxication) Traumeel S tablets (regeneration of the sulphide enzymes) Ypsiloheel acts favourably in accompanying hepatalgia functional disorders of the liver. Further, the use of suitable Nosode preparations is important, when, in particular, Grippe-Nosode-Injeel and Granuloma dentis-Injeel are frequently indicated, since numerous impregnation phases have arisen from the retoxic treatment of acute reaction phases or have originated from foci (fields of disturbance). In impregnation phases the enzymes are always more or less blocked, when possibly (especially with the continuous use of analgesics, soporifics, antibiotics, bactericides, etc. Since a more or less pronounced liver damage is also always present (in addition to damage to the connective tissue as well as to the other organs of the main defensive system. When some reactions occur, the mixed and single remedy Injeels and Homaccords (including oral) adapted to the symptomatology are administered at intervals, in particular also Galium-Heel, Lymphomyosot, Psorinoheel (orally and parenterally) and possibly Engystol N. It is essential to be quite clear that after each injection the underlying homotoxic substrate undergoes a change which, in impregnation phases which have come to a standstill, however, owing to enzyme damage, always occurs in about the same intermediary homotoxin material, so that (as in general in the cellular phases) each preparation which has proved to be effective must usually be administered over a fairly long period. Especially in the impregnation phases extensive possibilities of a cure still exist, i. Of course, it is essential to advise the patient seriously to pursue a biologically correct mode of life and diet, since (especially in later life) a certain locus minoris resistance remains, which reappears when there is over-burdening with poisons (exogenous intake of toxins, as from tobacco, alcohol, sutoxins, etc. Incontinence, anal (Musculodermal impregnation or degeneration phase Nux vomica-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Ignatia-Homaccord (prolapsus ani) Paeonia-Heel (signs of irritation with pruritus), Paeonia-Salbe-Heel ointment externally Injection therapy Mucosa compositum possibly as mixed injection with Nux vomica Homaccord and Veratrum-Homaccord, possibly also Ignatia Homaccord once or twice weekly i. See also haemorrhoids, anal fissures, eczema ani, fistulae, diarrhoea, gastro-enteritis, dysentery, etc. Incontinence, urinary (Musculodermal or neurodermal impregnation or degeneration phase) (Main remedy: Gelsemium-Homaccord) Gelsemium-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Solidago compositum S possibly alternating or as mixed injection with GelsemiumHomaccord, Tonico-Injeel and Causticum-Injeel (forte) S, Medorrhinum-Injeel at intervals i. Mucosa compositum and Cerebrum compositum alternating, possibly also Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel and possibly Ren suis-Injeel i. Coenzyme compositum and possibly Ubichinon compositum, possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle for inertia uteri of constitutional origin, likewise Ovarium compositum and possibly Placenta compositum. Infection (To increase defence capabilities) (Main remedy: Arnica-Heel) Lymphomyosot 8-10 drops in the morning Galium-Heel 8-10 drops at midday Arnica-Heel 8-10 in the afternoon Psorinoheel 8-10 drops in the evening possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Traumeel S, Mercurius-Heel S, Rhododendroneel S, Dulcamara-Homaccord as intermediate remedy, as well as Calcoheel and Barijodeel in scrofulosis. Injection therapy Traumeel S, Psorinoheel, Hepeel, Dulcamara-Homaccord and Engystol N alternating i. Collective pack of the catalysts of the citric acid cycle or also Coenzyme compositum, possibly mixed or in alternation with Engystol N, Gripp-Heel, Traumeel S and Echinacea compositum (forte) S, possibly also (according to the symptomatology in each case) with Belladonna-Homaccord, Aconitum-Homaccord (influenza), VeratrumHomaccord (gastro-enteritis), Injeel-Chol (cholecystitis) etc. Infectious diseases (Reaction phases) Infectious organisms can become established and flourish only on suitable homotoxic terrain. On the other hand, numerous potentially pathogenic micro-organisms exist as saprophytes frequently in close symbiosis with the human organism (oral cavity, intestine, etc. The organism frequently makes use of pathogenic bacteria as auxiliary factors in decomposing and eliminating homotoxic material through the reaction phase. In the case of serious homotoxic strain it can, however, certainly be indicated for the purpose of avoiding fulminating sepsis, that penicillin and other antibiotics should be administered. This should apply only to exceptional cases, however, particularly as most infectious diseases respond to biotherapeutics and antihomotoxic agents (usually, also, in a considerably shorter time), ending in a complete cure, i. Bryaconeel (fever), Nux vomica-Homaccord (gastric influenza), Veratrum-Homaccord and Diarrheel S (enteritis), etc. Echinacea compositum (forte) S (ampoules) to stimulate the defensive mechanisms, Tonsilla compositum for completely depressed bodily defences. Inflammation See under the individual indications (conjunctivitis, rhinitis, gastritis, etc. Tartephedreel for influenzal bronchitis, taken in addition, in alternation Belladonna-Homaccord for a barking cough. Bronchalis-Heel, Droperteel and Husteel, possibly also Drosera-Homaccord (cough similar to pertussis), to be taken in addition, alternating, for subsequent bronchitis. Phosphorus-Injeel (forte) S specifically for lobular pneumonia, 1 ampoule daily i. Euphorbium compositum S injection solution (post-influenzal sinusitis with a tendency to chronicity). Grippe-Nosode-Injeel (forte), possibly also Tonsillitis-Nosode-Injeel, TonsillarpfropfeInjeel and Klebsiella pneumonia-Injeel (forte) in the case of the illness following an abnormal course with temperature showing a relapse, possibly alternating with Coxsackie-Virus A9 or B4-Injeel. Inner ear deafness (Entodermal or neurodermal or also ectodermal impregnation or degeneration phase) (Main remedy: Graphites-Homaccord) Galium-Heel 8-10 drops at 8 a. Injection therapy Graphites-Homaccord, Galium-Heel, Vertigoheel and Engystol N alternating and mixed i. Streptococcus haemolyticus-Injeel (forte) (tinnitus aurium with intolerance to light, noise, air). Placenta compositum (regulates the circulatory conditions), and possibly Cerebrum compositum i. Operative treatment is to be recommended in the case of therapy resistance, as in numerous cases this is successful (otosclerosis). Inoculation damage (post-vaccination damages) (Mainly reaction phases in the first instance, which however after usual allopathic therapy or suppression of the reaction phases, are converted into degeneration phases. It is, therefore, essential that the reaction phases of the inoculation pustules should not be repressed but approached purely biologically. Cellulitisous or carbuncular extension of the inoculation pustules Traumeel S drops and Mercurius-Heel S in 1/4-to 1/2-hourly alternation, possibly, in addition, Belladonna-Homaccord. Encephalitis through smallpox vaccination (to be tried symptomatically) Zincum metallicum-Injeel (forte) for restless legs, likewise Colocynthis-Homaccord (ampoules) or Gnaphalium polycephalum lnjeel forte, possibly also Circulo-Injeel as mixed injection, Arsenicum album-Injeel S and Rhus toxicodendron-Injeel (forte) S, possibly also Tarantula-Injeel (forte) for conditions of unrest, Baptisia lnjeel (forte) and Sulfur-Injeel S, possibly also Pulsatilla-Injeel S (coated tongue) and Bryonia-Injeel (forte) S; the latter particularly when the tongue has a brown coating, accompanied by typhus symptoms, as intermediate injections in place of Echinacea compositum S (in case too strong reactions result from Echinacea compositum S). Engystol N possibly at intervals or in place of this Sulfur-Injeel S (not such a strong action as from Engystol N). When subsiding, the smallpox vaccination pustules tend to develop again more strongly, possibly in carbuncular form. Therefore, merely apply a protective dressing without ointment, also no Traumeel S ointment. Inoculation damage, prophylaxis of (Ectodermal or mesenchymal reaction phase) (In addition to the usual measures, such as the administration of gamma-globulin and vaccine-antigen) Traumeel S on the first day post vaccination 8-10 drops 1/4-hourly, on the second day 1/2-hourly, on the third day hourly, later only 3 times daily Psorinoheel (constitutionally effective intermediate remedy) Injection therapy Traumeel S and/or Engystol N for neurotoxic symptoms i. Thuja-Injeel S and Baptisia-Injeel (forte) S for inflammatory symptoms, VaccininumInjeel, Variolinum-Injeel, Medorrhinum-Injeel and Brucella abortus Bang-Injeel (nosode preparations with a favourable action on the after-effects of inoculation. Zincum valerianicum-Injeel (forte) in the case of as yet undeveloped, or receded = suppressed smallpox pustules. If the patient wakes again, 1 tablet Nervoheel and 20 drops Valerianaheel should be taken together immediately, Ypsiloheel possibly in addition. Nux vomica-Homaccord after consumption of alcohol, prophylactically, in the evening 8-10 drops several times, likewise Veratrum-Homaccord. Injection therapy the Injeel injection otherwise indicated frequently acts as a soporific (sleep induced for therapeutic purposes). Nux vomica-Injeel (forte) S after misuse of stimulants (patient lies awake from 3-6 hours during the night) i. Cerebrum compositum, possibly also Hepar compositum (detoxication of the liver) or Cutis compositum in chronic cases, possibly as well the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle or Hepar suis-Injeel (detoxication of the liver), Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel (damage to the connective tissues), Pancreas suis-Injeel and Ventriculus suis-Injeel (acid-base balance) and Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel, Colon suis-Injeel, Vesica fellea suis-Injeel (promotion of secretion) and Hypothalamus suis-Injeel (alternation of consciousness) in chronic cases once weekly or alternating i. Ovarium compositum or Ovarium suis-Injeel in the climacterium applied in addition, possibly in the form of mixed injections. Intercostal neuralgia (Neurodermal impregnation phases) (Main remedy: Ranunculus-Homaccord) Ranunculus-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 8 a. Interdigital mycosis (Ectodermal reaction phase of the homotoxin level, which must be altered constitutionally). Cruroheel S, Natrium-Homaccord, Osteoheel S and Mercurius-Heel S as intermediate remedies. Injection therapy Cutis compositum and Echinacea compositum (forte) S every 2-4 days alternating s. Graphites-Homaccord, Traumeel S, Hormeel S, Psorinoheel and Engystol N alternating or mixed i. Natrium muriaticum-Injeel, Thuja-Injeel S and possibly Silicea-Injeel, also Antimonium crudum-Injeel (forte) when the fingernails are affected simultaneously.