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On the other hand, subsidies control of obesity in the past several years obesity for whole grains, fruits, and vegeta the rapid increases in obesity glob rates among children have declined bles can remove an important barri ally have led many organizations to slightly in New York City and other er to access for low-income popula develop strategies for controlling the cities where multilayered interven tions and will promote consumption. Fortifcation inactivity, it is clear that interven Fortifcation has been an effective tions to address single aspects of Conclusions nutritional strategy to address many the problem will have modest im Continued research on diet, nutri conditions, such as rickets, pellagra, pacts, and multiple approaches will tion, and cancer is needed to ex goitre, and more recently congenital be needed. We have now begun to dence suggests that additional folic taxes and subsidies, but also the see some evidence of success, but acid may reduce incidence of colo analysis of cost and cost-effec sustained efforts will be needed for rectal cancer with a latency of more tiveness of interventions). The public health and economic factors on mortality: prospective cohort Chronic Diseases (2003). Other subtypes in renal cancer in both women and men exposure to trichloroethylene the renal parenchyma include on [6]. Mesenchymal, mixed epithelial and Some renal cancer subtypes mesenchymal, as well as other pri are associated with specifc risk mary tumours or metastases are Fig. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence North America, and Australia. Estimated global number of new cases and deaths with proportions by major world regions, for kidney cancer in both sexes combined, 2012. A boy collects rainwater for drinking and cooking near an arsenic-contam analyses of 13 prospective studies inated tube well in a village in Rajbari District, Bangladesh. Arsenic in drinking-water from North America and Europe causes cancers of the bladder, lung, and skin; a positive association has been observed between such exposure to arsenic and cancers of the kidney, liver, and prostate. No histological subtype dif ferences were observed for associa tions with smoking, hypertension, or family history of kidney cancer [12]. Predisposing medical condi tions, use of pharmaceutical drugs, and hormonal and environmental factors Hypertension or its treatment has been associated with risk of renal cancer [13]. Use of hypertensive medication, including diuretics, has been associated with an elevated risk. The associations between risk of renal cancer and hypertension are independent of obesity. A few cohort are the precursor lesions of some of associated with risk, but these as studies have reported a signifcantly these renal tumour types [16]. However, sics are involved in the develop Studies in Taiwan (China) and diabetes may not be an independent ment of urothelial cancer of the Chile have also linked arsenic in risk factor because of its strong rela renal pelvis. Several studies have drinking-water with cancer of the tion to obesity and hypertension [14]. Elevated levels of growth factors and nal cancer with long-term use of growth factor receptors and insulin phenacetin [17]. Among other an may mediate the possible relation Occupation algesics, a few studies have found ship between diabetes and renal Renal cell cancer is not considered a positive association between cancer. There is also a potential risk of term haemodialysis due to end-stage lead, cadmium, and trichloroethy developing renal cancer for persons renal disease. Trichloroethylene is a solvent using non-aspirin, non-steroidal anti cancer is reported to be markedly that has been widely used as a metal infammatory drugs. A meta-analysis of the associa occurring in end-stage renal disease with renal cell carcinoma risk [18]. The possible role of reproduc carcinogenicity of the solvent in both nal cell cancer) also occur in cystic tive factors in renal cancer etiology rats and mice. These tumours are usu central nervous system, retinal ally located in the central region of angiomas, and phaeochromocy the kidney. The risk of renal cancer for a their protein products are impaired frst-degree relative of a patient with in their ability to regulate hypoxia renal cancer is increased about inducible factor. Patients Pathology syndrome, hereditary papillary renal with hereditary leiomyomatosis and Clear cell renal cell carcinomas have a very vascular tumour stroma, Fig. The typical yellow tumour surface is due to the lipid content of the cells; cholesterol, neutral lipids, and phospholipids are also abundant (Figs 5. Most renal cell carcinomas have little infammatory response, but sometimes an intense lymphocytic or neutrophilic infltrate with natural killer cells is present, and there is an association between a strong lymphocytic infltration and worse outcome. Clear cell renal cell carcinomas most commonly metastasize haematogenously via the vena cava primarily to the lung. Papillary renal cell carcinomas are characterized by epithelial cells forming papillae and tubules. Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma is distinguished by large polygonal cells with reticulated cytoplasm and 440 Table 5. Papillary renal cell carcino lung cysts, and a spectrum of renal mas demonstrate frequent trisomy [23]. Relative positions of mutations are indicated by symbols: nonsense mutations (stars), missense mutations (dots), frameshift deletions (red triangles), frameshift insertions (black triangles), and in-frame deletions (green triangles). Understanding the meta molecular pathways regulating tu whole-genome and exome sequenc bolic basis of kidney cancer may en mour angiogenesis, cell prolifera ing and other investigations have able the development of novel forms tion, and survival [31]. Based on a spe proteins, and/or multigene/protein genes, of which the eight most ex cifc molecular background, novel tu assays. An investigation of risk factors for International Agency for Research on Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the renal cell carcinoma by histologic subtype Cancer Monograph Working Group (2012). The epidemiology of renal cell bular cysts: further evidence for a cyst-de Liao A et al. International renal-cell cancer rotenoids and renal cell cancer risk: a pooled study. Alcohol intake and renal cell can exposure and kidney cancer: a meta-analy cer in a pooled analysis of 12 prospective sis. Villagers surround a shallow occupational exposures also tube well in a village in Comilla District, There are fve major histological Bangladesh. Chronic types of bladder cancer, including red paint to indicate arsenic-contaminated infection and infammation asso drinking-water. Invasive cancers often lecular pathways of develop show mixed features including more ment. Rates tend to be rather low in many African and Asian countries and some Latin American countries. There have generally been declines in incidence and mortality in de veloped countries, but some ris ing trends have been observed in eastern Europe and in cer tain countries in developmental transition. Bladder cancer, tomobile mechanics, plumbers, Historically, occupational exposure Chapter 5. Estimated global number of new cases and deaths with proportions by major world regions, for bladder cancer in both sexes combined, 2012. Urothelial carcinoma of the susceptibility loci include the urea characterized by an excellent prog bladder. Invasive tu cancer is recognition of the pres mours are subdivided according to ence and extent of invasion. Putative model of bladder cancer development and progression, based on to metalworking fuids is strongly im genetic findings. Continuous mucosal irritation and chronic infam mation from, for example, indwelling catheters or Schistosoma infection, can cause squamous metaplasia, dysplasia, and eventually squamous cell carcinomas of the bladder. Patients with long-term paraplegia are at markedly elevated risk for this tumour type due to chronic bladder infection. Recent genome-wide association studies have identifed multiple chro mosomal regions of which alterations are linked to the risk of developing bladder cancer [4]. Men work in the vats curing invasive papillary bladder carcinomas in hyperplasia and normal-appearing and dying leather from camels, cattle, and goats. Skins are first dipped in lye, then rarely progress to invasive cancer, urothelium, chromosome 9 aberra washed and placed in sulfuric acid. The and most invasive bladder cancers tions are seen as early key events solvents used in the tanning process have are not preceded by a non-invasive in bladder cancer development. Two tumour suppressor genes and can exhibit either a papillary or have been identifed at chromosome a solid growth pattern. These carcinomas been reported to occur in more than often contain areas of divergent 50% and in 15% of bladder cancers, differentiation. The frst category in hypermethylation has been suggest cludes the genetically stable tumours: ed as one of the earliest events in bladder cancer development. The most frequent malignant potential, non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinomas (low lomas. One study reported these tumours, accounting for about measurements for diagnostic pur differential expression of keratin-10 1% and 3% of all bladder cancers poses. High tern of deletions and amplifcations showing a pure glandular pheno level amplifcations affect 1p22-p32, found was similar to that of invasive type. In ad mucinous, clear cell, hepatoid, and dition, promoter methylation and mixed types. Recent genetic studies sometimes accompanied by kerati enocarcinomas of the bladder are demonstrate transition from urothe nizing squamous metaplasia in the rare. Few cases of adenocarcinoma lial carcinoma to small cell carci adjacent fat epithelium. There do have been analysed cytogenetically, noma during the course of tumour not appear to be major differences revealing a spectrum of chromosom progression. For example, identical between muscle-invasive urothelial al alterations that seemed similar to patterns of loss of heterozygosity at carcinomas and schistosomiasis-as that found in urothelial carcinomas. An early study on 8 schistosomiasis tion of the same copy of the X chro Frequent cytogenetic alterations in associated adenocarcinomas report mosome were seen in the urothe clude gains of 5p, 6p, 7p, 8q, 11q, ed deletions of 3p, 4p, 4q, 9p, 9q, lial and the small cell component, 17q, and 20q as well as deletions of 17p, 8p, 11p, and 18q [13]. More suggesting that small cell carcinoma ble frequencies in squamous cell recently, epigenetic analysis identi might develop from in situ carcinoma carcinomas. Incidence (%) of amplifications, deletions, and mutations Prevention of selected receptor tyrosine kinases and downstream targets. The heat map (bottom) Cessation of smoking is the most compares the distribution of each alteration across tumour samples. Intervention in re lation to proven or likely workplace exposures will prevent occupational bladder cancer, particularly in rela tion to work practices in low-income countries. For squamous cell carcinoma, avoidance of infestation with Schistosoma haematobium is an effective intervention. Screening Attempts to perform population based screening have not been suc cessful due to the low incidence of bladder cancers and the low speci fcity (and sensitivity) of tests [19,20]. Targeted therapies Urothelial carcinoma is one of the most heterogeneous cancer types. Molecular heterogeneity may com promise the effciency of targeted drugs in this malignancy. Several drugs targeting genes frequently al tered in bladder cancer have exhib ited disappointing effcacy compared with other cancer types. Thus, in ad vanced bladder cancer, addition of geftinib to cisplatin and gemcitabine did not improve response rates or survival [21]. Association between Chromosomal imbalances in noninvasive Insights from a whole cystectomy speci smoking and risk of bladder cancer among papillary bladder neoplasms (pTa). Screening adults and bladder cancer: is there a European differentiation in bladder cancer. Partial allelotype of schistosomiasis and geftinib for advanced urothelial tract 4. Molecular genetic evidence for guish noninvasive and invasive urothe lial cancers and establish an epige a common clonal origin of urinary blad netic feld defect in premalignant tissue. Humphrey Joachim Schuz (reviewer) a very curable malignancy, even A man with a family history of Summary after metastatic spread. About 25% of men with most common cancer in men common in testicular germ cell prostatic carcinoma have a known worldwide. Men with either enocarcinomas and are indolent a father or a brother with a diagno in many men, but there is also sis of prostate cancer have an ap a lethal form. The incidence of pros of prostate cancer cases exhibited cryptorchidism, a prior testicu heritable risk [3]. Clinically, carcinoma of the role of race and ethnicity in history of germ cell tumour, an the prostate is most often detected prostate cancer etiology has been drogen insensitivity syndrome, in men older than 60 years. Adjustment topathological classifcation into are detected in men younger than for recognized environmental, so seminomatous and non-semino 50 years. Prostate cancer in chil cioeconomic, and health-care fac matous types, which has clinical dren is rare and is almost always tors does not fully account for this signifcance. Incidence rates began to decrease in the 1990s have levelled off in some of in some of the highest-resource these countries but continue to countries, likely as a result of a uniformly increase in countries combination of curative treat transitioning towards higher lev ment and earlier detection of the els of human development. Estimated global number of new cases and deaths with proportions by major world regions, for prostate cancer, 2012. Hence, while it is the 21th most frequently occurring cancer in men globally, with 55 000 new cases estimated in 2012 for all ages, it is by far the most com mon cancer in young men in countries that have attained high or very high levels of hu man development. The highest incidence rates are found in Caucasian populations in Europe (notably in Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland), Aus tralia and New Zealand, and Map 5. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) mortality North America. The fatality rate is one of the low est of all forms of cancer, al though it is considerably higher in countries classifed as having low or medium levels of human development. In contrast, mortality rates have declined in line with improvements in treat ment, notably with the introduc tion of cisplatin therapy. Estimated global number of new cases and deaths with proportions by major world regions, for testicular cancer, 2012. Few, if any, exogenous causes of prostate cancer have been clearly es insulin-like growth factor axis. Accordingly, old age is recognized as one of a very limited number of proven importance of androgens is sub risk factors. Prostate cancer is most common in North America, northern and western stantiated by clinical trials on use Europe, and Australia and New Zealand.
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Renal complications such as stone formation arthritis that has been triggered by an infection are well-recognized and, rarely, renal failure may rather than infection within a joint (septic arthri lead to deterioration and death. The arthritis seems to reect immunological cross-reactivity and usually develops within 2 Investigations weeks of the infection but may be delayed follow the X-ray appearance may be typical, with well ing some infections. Monoarthritis is the most demarcated, rounded erosions close to the joint common presentation. Joint destruction has at some time been associated with a reactive may be seen later. Pseudo-gout Treatment Two drugs are useful for treating the acute attack: this is a condition which is, in some respects, 1 Colchicine, which is very specic and may be similar to gout, but is usually less acute, and the used as a therapeutic test. It is, however, toxic and crystals deposited in the affected joint are of unpleasant to take calcium pyrophosphate rather than uric acid. Many patients are also treated with a drug such There is usually evidence of osteoarthritis. The becomes thickened and hard, known as eburnated, causes are often poorly understood. The condi and there is proliferation of new bone around the tions are considered as those affecting articular car edges of the articular surface, leading to the forma tilage and those affecting tissues predominantly tion of spurs of bone called osteophytes. Degenerative conditions of Pathology articular cartilage the changes appear to begin in articular cartilage with softening and splitting known as brillation. Degenerative changes commonly occur in hyaline articular cartilage, culminating in the fully devel Research is proceeding vigorously into the causa tion of the condition. Attempts are being made to oped condition of osteoarthritis, often called osteoarthrosis because it is essentially a non answer the following two questions: 1 Is the disease primarily one of cartilage Osteoarthritis It may well be that mechanical changes lead to biochemical changes or indeed biochemical this is a disease of synovial joints in which the changes may lead onto mechanical changes. It articular cartilage becomes split, ssured and sof seems likely that there is an interplay of the two tened, and gradually resorbs, sometimes down to processes. Published 2010 by 1 the collagen may be affected under the inu Blackwell Publishing. These enzymes 87 Chapter 11 Degenerative conditions and others perhaps responsible for collagen break Box 11. Regulation of these proteins may hold the Deformity key as to the collagen changes seen in osteoarthri this and this is being actively investigated. Changes in proteoglycan ratios can be demon 5 Joint instability strated in osteoarthritic cartilage and these may 6 Cartilage damage affect water-binding capacity and hence mechani 7 Obesity. Certain hormones are known to affect Weight-bearing joints, especially the hip and the proteoglycan metabolism. This is sometimes the collagen might wear or disrupt, allowing pro an inherited condition. Morning pain may indicate a more inammatory the importance of synovial uid in maintaining component (see Chapter 10). Some incongruity exacerbated by exercise, but the joint often feels between the joint surfaces is necessary for uid stiff after rest. Bony changes, particularly affecting the venous swelling may result from osteophyte formation. Deformity 4 the bone often shows trabecular fractures and also results from soft-tissue changes such as muscu cysts, although usually late in the condition. Deformity can interfere with func Osteoarthritis is classied as either primary (no tion, particularly gait, and affects the nearby joints known underlying cause) or secondary (to a known which become abnormally loaded. Secondary causes of osteoarthritis include: 1 Fractures (especially intra-articular injuries) (see Physical signs (see also Box 11. There are various surgical possibilities of varying magnitude, and each patient needs to be osteophytes and occasional effusions during acute assessed carefully before a decision is made. This can be the most certain way of relieving pain, especially in the young person. This is the condition is a slowly progressive and painful the age of the arthroplasty and many articial one, and most patients can be managed conserva replacements are available for almost every joint tively for many years. Anti-inammatory analgesics are of less tion and very satisfactory pain relief and function help in osteoarthritis than in rheumatoid can now be attained. Examples include the Achilles tendon, ments, etc, sometimes with partial synovectomy, tibialis posterior tendon and others. However, a recent placebo controlled randomized study of 180 Treatment patients questioned the benet and the technique Rest and if necessary, immobilization are often all is being used less and less. Sometimes a splint to off-load the Many factors need to be considered in deciding tendon helps. Rarely, injections of steroid or which surgical treatment is best for each patient. These include age, occupation, general mobility, psychological make-up, severity of symptoms and Tenosynovitis the condition of other joints. The nal decision will usually involve balancing the risks of the pro this is a condition in which a tendon sheath cedure against the likely advantages. The cause sometimes appears to be trauma, partic ularly associated with repetitive movements. It Degenerative conditions of usually affects the exor or extensor tendons of the collagenous tissues thumb or ngers where they cross the wrist within this group of conditions is characterized by dete a synovial sheath. The area is tender and move rioration in the structure and strength of those ments of the tendon cause pain, often radiating to tissues that contain a high proportion of collagen, the appropriate digit and sometimes associated i. The cause is unknown, but this type of unlike those associated with suppurative tenosyn pathology becomes more common with ageing, ovitis. Inammation is not a major feature, but may occur as a reaction to injury Treatment or spontaneous rupture and be part of the healing A change of occupation may be sufcient to relieve process. Intervertebral disc degeneration Each region-specic condition is dealt with in detail under the relevant region in Part 2. The young intervertebral disc consists of a well demarcated nucleus pulposus and annulus bro sus. Starting in early adult life, changes occur in Tendinopathy the matrix chemistry, with the proportions of Tendinopathies are a group of conditions affecting the mucopolysaccharide constituents becoming the tendons themselves and are characterized by altered in such a way that the water-binding prop swelling, tenderness and gradual loss of function. In addition, the brous the collagen becomes disorganized with the con content of the nucleus increases until in old age stant splitting (tendinosis), inammation (tendo the disc consists almost completely of a collagen nitis) and subsequent healing, resulting in a feltwork. In consequence, the disc loses its elastic tendon sometimes many times its original girth. These palmar aspect of the ngers may be very tense and changes occur in everyone with age, but in some can feel like a small pea. It is often not tender, but may cause the early stages of this degenerative process, the local aching. Capsulitis this is most frequently seen in the shoulder and is Treatment discussed in detail in Chapter 18. This may result from is usual following these manoeuvres, and surgical ageing or trauma, or may be idiopathic. Ganglion Miscellaneous conditions this presents as a cystic swelling occurring in rela Various other conditions occur when the collagen tion to a joint or tendon sheath. Ganglia are par ous tissues degenerate, and these are described in ticularly common on the dorsum of the hand and Part 2. It Chondrosarcoma is convenient to dene the second group as Spindle cell sarcomas (including brosar hamartomata. A classication of the commonest type of bone tumours is given below: Presentation 1 Hamartomas: Most bone tumours present with a history of Fibrous cortical defect increasing bone in the affected limb, sometimes Fibrous dysplasia accompanied by a swelling and sometimes fol Simple bone cyst lowed by a pathological fracture. The key investi 2 Benign bone tumours: gation for any patient with non-specic pain, Aneurysmal bone cyst particularly non-mechanical pain. The presence of any of these should lead to Lecture Notes: Orthopaedics and Fractures, 4e. Published 2010 by further investigation of the patient to identify the Blackwell Publishing. The most indicates the start of widespread tumour dissemi likely diagnosis will often be indicated by the nation and treatment is mostly palliative, i. Metastases from prostate are frequently lytic destructive tumour in an adolescent is likely sclerotic whilst most other metastases are lytic and to be a sarcoma, but in a 65-year-old it is likely to be frequently lead to fracture. Take a detailed history from the patient, symptoms, restore function and ensure that the including past medical history (cancer) and patient has received appropriate supporting treat current symptoms. In older patients, enquire patients is variable with a median survival of 3 particularly about symptoms related to tumours months for patients with metastases from lung that are known to metastasize to bone (breast, cancer but many years for patients with breast and bronchus, thyroid, kidney and prostate). Examine the patient, including sites of If a metastasis is detected prior to fracture, then potential primary tumours (breast, bronchus, the patient will usually receive oncological treat thyroid, kidney and prostate). Arrange simple investigations, including therapy and/or chemotherapy for some tumours, chest X-ray and blood tests (full blood count, radiotherapy and bisphosphonates for most). If no diagnosis is apparent, arrange a bone If the bone has already fractured or if prophylac scan to see if the lesion is solitary, and in patients tic xation is used, it is essential to ensure that the 93 Chapter 12 Neoplastic conditions of bone and soft tissue xation method used is sufcient to allow immedi (see Fig. Treatment is conservative but, ate restoration of function and should outlive the if a patient has persistent symptoms, then prophy patient. More than half of pathological fractures lactic stabilization may be helpful, often accom will not heal and so whatever xation is used, this panied by curettage of the bone. The use of joint may have a role in reducing symptoms for patients replacements or custom prostheses is indicated for with polyostotic brous dysplasia. If internal xation devices are used, these typically arise in long bones in the skeletally then intramedullary nails combined with the use immature patient and X-rays reveal a well-dened of bone cement are preferred to plate and screw cyst in the bone. There is no guaranteed suc Patients with spinal metastases require careful cessful method of treatment, although there are assessment. If there is progressive pain, spinal col claims for success by injection therapy with ster lapse or neurological compromise, then spinal oids or bone marrow, and others recommend decompression and stabilization should be consid curettage or bone grafting. In most cases avoidance ered, especially in patients with a reasonable of contact sports until the cyst heals is sufcient. Patients should always be referred back to their Benign bone tumours oncologist for further management, which will usually include radiotherapy to the site of the Osteochondromas (exostoses) metastasis to prevent recurrence. Most are solitary and are small bony outgrowths Hamartomata from the shaft of a long bone with a small cartilage these are lesions of bone which are developmental cap. If the lesion is large in a solitary osteochondroma is low (probably <1 or symptomatic, there is a small risk of fracture. Fibrous dysplasia Aneurysmal bone cysts this is a developmental abnormality of bone where these can look very similar to simple bone cysts, the bone does not form properly and is weaker than but can also arise in axial bones. Stress fractures are common and in severe spontaneous resolution can occur, most will cases the bones can be bowed and deformed. Radiologically they can be indistinguishable from X-rays typically show a ground-glass appearance an osteosarcoma and biopsy should always be 94 Neoplastic conditions of bone and soft tissue Chapter 12 Figure 12. Chondroblastoma Enchondromas this is a benign cartilage tumour which typically these are benign cartilage growths inside the bone. If an enchon droma is longer than 5cm and is symptomatic, this is a benign tumour typically arising eccentri then potential malignancy should be considered. The mid-tibia is the the patient suffers from multiple enchondromas most common site but any bone can be affected. In some sites, excision and reconstruction may be appropriate and in others, such as the spine or pelvis, embolization, surgery and radiotherapy may be needed. Primary malignant bone tumours Osteosarcoma this is a malignant neoplasm arising from bone cells which are undifferentiated and capable of forming bone, cartilage and collagenous tissue. It is the most commonly occurring primary tumour of bone, with an incidence of 3 per million popula tion. It usually occurs under the age of 30, in boys more than in girls, and in cylindrical bones. It almost always affects the especially at night, almost completely relieved by metaphysis. Giant cell tumours Investigations these arise in the epiphysis after growth has n Staging is essential to assess both the local and ished and typically involve the knee region, with a distant extent of disease. As metastases tend to be lytic defect affecting either the femoral or tibial blood borne, lung metastases are the greatest risk. Biopsy is with obvious malignant cells showing mitoses, but essential to exclude a malignant tumour. Treatment often with areas of bone, cartilage and brous is by detailed curettage and can be supplemented tissue, which may confuse the diagnosis. The with adjuncts such as phenol or cryotherapy fol tumour is usually highly vascular, but there may be lowed by either bone grafting or cementation. This variation in histological 96 Neoplastic conditions of bone and soft tissue Chapter 12 Figure 12. Patients with osteosarcoma arising after previous Treatment radiotherapy should be treated as a new primary Treatment now almost always commences with osteosarcoma, although they may not be able to chemotherapy. This has the advantage of immedi receive full doses of chemotherapy and surgery is ately treating the micro-metastases which are usually more difcult. The tumours being reconstructed with a custom-built prosthesis usually present early and treatment is surgical; the and articial joint if necessary. If the tumour is too extensive at the time of diagnosis and there this is a tumour which arises from chondroblasts is a poor response to chemotherapy, amputation and can only produce chondroid and collagen, may still be necessary. It at diagnosis, the prognosis is poor, but for those typically affects the bones of the trunk and the without detectable metastases, there is now a cure proximal ends of long bones. About two-thirds of the tumours occur in cylindrical bones, but the older the patient the more likely it is that the tumour arises in a at bone because it develops from red marrow. Radiological features the most striking feature is bone destruction and often a soft-tissue swelling. Occasionally, there are onion-skin layers of new bone formation around the lesion. At diagnosis, 25% of patients will have metastases, either in the lung, other bones or bone marrow. Occasionally, the centre of the tumour may be necrotic and liqueed, resembling Figure 12. The tumours have a characteristic t11:22 transloca surface (peripheral), sometimes in an osteochon tion on cytogenetic testing. The tumour may cause pain Treatment and a slowly increasing swelling, often over many Chemotherapy usually produces a dramatic years. Radiologically, it is represented by a tran response with necrosis of the tumour and resolu slucent area, which may expand the bone tion of symptoms. If the tumour is factors being metastases at diagnosis, large tumours, entered during excision, recurrence is more likely. Prognosis is related to the grade of the tumour (low grade doing best) and the ability to completely sur Table 12. Surgical Spindle cell sarcomas of bone excision is essential but the prognosis is poor and there is no evidence of the effectiveness of these are primary bone tumours which do not t chemotherapy. Although given a 98 Neoplastic conditions of bone and soft tissue Chapter 12 Table 12. Periosteal reaction Chemotherapy, then 75% survival Biopsy, looks like Onion-skin surgery and pus formation radiotherapy variety of histological names. Chemothe Any lump exhibiting one or more of these rapy has again improved the survival rate and features should be investigated to rule out radiotherapy will usually control the bone involved. There are Plasmacytoma and myeloma a wide range of histological types of soft-tissue A plasmacytoma is a solitary form of myeloma, sarcoma, the most common being liposarcoma, both being tumours of plasma cells. Treatment for leiomyosarcoma, synovial sarcoma and rhabdomy plasmacytoma is usually with radiotherapy, but if osarcoma.
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If studies were considered of moderate adequacy they would be given further consideration in relation to quality and the other parameters of the systematic review to 594 decide if they would be appropriate or not for pooling in a meta-analysis allergy testing ri prednisolone 5mg without prescription, with explanations provided. Clinical Relevance: An assessment of clinical relevance of the studies will be performed and discussed. The assessment will be made using an adapted version of the assessment guide for clinical relevance developed by the Cochrane Back Review Group (Furlan et al. Data analysis: Descriptive data will be used to summarise the main characteristics and conclusions of the studies and these will be presented. A meta-analysis is regarded as useful tool for a systematic review as it provides a clear picture of the evidence, provides a common effect of the study data by pooling the data, and summarises the results of several studies into one single estimate of treatment effect. The meta-analysis would consider the interventions comparative to each other to consider any differences within the study results. To perform a meta-analysis of the studies for continuous data, the mean, standard deviation and sample size will be required for each trial for analysis to occur. If data from a study were inadequate for analysis, the authors were contacted to request further information (Singh et al. For continuous data outcomes, mean difference and standard deviations will be presented. Any data presented with alternative measurements will be converted into standard deviations for the pooling of the data for meta analysis. Any dichotomous data present was reported as risk ratios or odds 595 ratios and their 95% confidence intervals. Inverse variance methods (Mantel-Haenszel method) will be used for pooling of data where appropriate (Bland, 2000). A common estimate of the mean and standard deviation will be used, and data presented in other forms was converted to mean values and standard deviations for each study to provide a common study denominator. If heterogeneity fell between 50 75% then a meta-analysis will be performed using a random effects model. If heterogeneity rose above 75%, pooling of the results would not be recommended as it would be invalid to pool the results into a single summary and a narrative analysis will be provided (Singh, 2017; Gagnier et al. If any data is inadequate for analysis, the trial will be excluded from any pooling of the results and presented descriptively. A sensitivity analysis without these studies will be an efficient way to consider the influence of quality. An analysis of the stronger evidence may be useful, to see if the results differ, giving an indication of the influence of strength of research. If questionable studies exist in the review, an analysis will be performed without them to assess their influence on the results. Outcome measurements will be analysed together at their primary outcome measurement time point. Studies would be weighted to reflect their importance, the greater the sample size the greater the weighting of the trial for the meta-analysis (Bland, 2000). Dissemination strategy: It is intended for this review to be published in a high impact journal, which will access as many doctors, therapists and policy makers as possible. Appendix E2: Table showing excluded publications by title and abstract Title, author, date Participants Interventions Reason for Study No: /conditions exclusion Schinan, M. Low back pain Acupuncture Inappropriate 10/48 South African journal of Physiotherapy 2014. Low back Acupressure Inappropriate 4/32 pain comparator Pain Management Nursing 2015. Nursing Index Effects of acupressure on menstrual distress and low back pain in dysmenorrheic young adult women: an experimental study. Depression Electro Inappropriate 9/32 Acupuncture and Electrotherapeutics acupuncture condition Allied & Research 2011. Cervical Injection and Inappropriate 10/32 International Journal of clinical spondylosis massage condition Allied & Acupuncture 2005. Allied & 19 (3): 149-54 Compleme Complementary and alternative medicine: ntary Medicine perception and use by physiotherapists in the management of low back pain. Appendix E7: Table showing excluded publications by full text Study Participants Interventions Reason for Study No: / conditions exclusion Norrbrink, C. Back pain Acupuncture Inappropriate 1 and 2 comparator Investigations of effectiveness of back pain treatment with acupuncture, final report. Low back Acupuncture Inappropriate 1 and 2 pain comparator Evaluating the efficacy of acupuncture for back pain. Back pain Alternative No data 1 and 2 therapies provided Alternative therapies back pain. Low back pain Acupuncture Excluded 1 and 2 Duplicate Journal of Manipulative Physiology study; Therapy. Chronic spinal pain syndromes: a clinical already included pilot trial comparing acupuncture, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and spinal manipulation. Randomised cohort trial was shown to be feasible for evaluating treatments in low back pain. Previously unavailable electronically): Appendix E10d: Results Table from hand searching Author, Date, Title Participants Interventions Reason for Reviewer inclusion conditions exclusion Murphy, G. Case report: Physiotherapy management of low back pain using manual therapy and acupuncture. The titles and abstract were reviewed against the inclusion and exclusion criteria, resulting in 39 studies being excluded by title and abstract. Full texts of the remaining 9 studies were requested, a further 6 studies were excluded through full text review and duplicate studies were excluded. Three studies met the eligibility requirement for this systematic review and all three were included from this search. The titles were reviewed against the inclusion and exclusion criteria resulting in 27 studies being excluded by title and abstract review. Full texts of the remaining 5 studies were requested, a further 4 studies were excluded through full text review, duplicates were excluded, and one study met the eligibility requirement for this systematic review and were included from the search. One original study was included from this search and one study was uncovered from a conference paper within this search. Six studies were found, and all six studies were excluded by review of the title and abstract due to not meeting the inclusion criteria. The reference lists were checked of the five included studies, one additional article was found; but was a duplicate study of a previously included study. Yes Unclear Exclude 2) Were the participants clinically assessed as having Low Back Pain Yes Unclear Exclude 3) Did the study contain at least two groups, one group with acupuncture and one group receiving manual therapy Yes Unclear Exclude 4) Did the study report pain, function or occupation Duration of pain Previous treatments Cause of pain Total number of patients recruited Number of patients who met inclusion criteria Total number of patients randomized Total number of patients followed Interventions: You may copy the Intervention group: description of the technique, number of therapy here or simply sessions, therapist indicate on which page experience and paragraph it can be found. Control group (1): Idem Control group (2): Idem Control group (3): Idem Outcomes Who carried out the measurement Number (or %) of followed-up from each group: Results: If between group comparisons are given, please use the Quantitative results. Yes / No / Unsure Was the care provider blinded to Yes / No / Unsure the intervention Other sources of potential bias: Were the groups similar at baseline regarding the most important prognostic indicators Yes / No / Unsure Was the timing of the outcome Yes / No / Unsure assessment similar in all groups Examples of adequate methods are coin toss (for studies with two groups), rolling a dice (for studies with two or more groups), drawing of balls of different colours, drawing of ballots with the study group labels from a dark bag, computer generated random sequence, pre-ordered sealed envelopes, sequentially ordered vials, telephone call to a central office, and pre-ordered list of treatment assignments Examples of inadequate methods are: alternation, birth date, social insurance/security number, date in which they are invited to participate in the study, and hospital registration number 2. Assignment generated by an independent person not responsible for determining the eligibility of the patients. This person has no information about the persons included in the trial and has no influence on the assignment sequence or on the decision about eligibility of the patient. The number of participants who were included in the study but did not complete the observation period or were not included in the analysis must be described and reasons given. Were all randomized participants analysed in the group to which they were allocated All randomized patients are reported/analyzed in the group they were allocated to by randomization for the most important moments of effect measurement (minus missing values) irrespective of non-compliance and co-interventions. This information is either obtained by comparing the protocol and the report, or in the absence of the protocol, assessing that the published report includes enough information to make this judgment. Were the groups similar at baseline regarding the most important prognostic indicators The reviewer determines if the compliance with the interventions is acceptable, based on the reported intensity, duration, number and frequency of sessions for both the index intervention and control intervention(s). For example, physiotherapy treatment is usually administered over several sessions; therefore, it is necessary to assess how many sessions each patient attended. Timing of outcome assessment should be identical for all intervention groups and for all important outcome assessments. Are the patients described in detail so that you can decide Yes / No / Unsure whether they are comparable to those that you see in your practice Are the interventions and treatment settings described well Yes / No / Unsure enough so that you can provide the same for your patients Copies may be obtained from: the Director, Prasaranga, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, th 4 T Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore 560 041 2 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore the Emblem the Emblem of the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences is a symbolic expression of the confluence of both Eastern and Western Health Sciences. A central wand with entwined snakes symbolises Greek and Roman Gods of Health called Hermis and Mercury is adapted as symbol of modern medical science. The pot above depicts Amrutha Kalasham of Dhanvanthri the father of all Health Sciences. The two twigs of leaves in western philosophy symbolises Olive branches, which is an expression of Peace, Love and Harmony. In Hindu Philosophy it depicts the Vanaspathi (also called as Oushadi) held in the hands of Dhanvanthri, which are the source of all Medicines. It would Encourage inculcation of Social Accountability amongst students, teachers and institutions. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually also. In respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Category I, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology together in qualifying examination is not less than 40% instead of 45% as above. Every candidate before admission to the course shall furnish to Principal of the Institution a certificate of Medical Fitness from an authorized Government Medical Officer to the effect, that the candidate is physically fit to undergo Physiotherapy course. Weekly Practi Clini Class Total Theory cal cs hours Main Subjects: For University Examination 1 Neurology & 2 60 60 Neurosurgery 2 Community 2 60 60 Medicine 3 Neuro 5 150 90 60 Physiotherapy 4 Community Based 5 150 90 60 Rehabilitation 5 Supervised 18 540 540 Rotatory Clinical Training Subsidiary subjects: Not for University Examination 7 Ethics, 1 30 30 Administration and Supervision 8 Evidence Based 1 30 30 Physiotherapy Practice 9 Project 2 60 60 Total 36 1080 360 180 540 5. Principals should notify at their college, the attendance details at the end of each term without fail, under intimation to the University. The average of the two examination marks should be reduced to 20 and 10 for Theory and Practical/Clinical respectively, and sent to the University before the University examination as per notification. Proper record which forms the basis of the Internal Assessment should be maintained for all students and should be available for scrutiny. The marks of periodical tests should be displayed on the student notice board by Principals. A Candidate must obtain a 50% mark in theory and practical separately in internal assessment to be eligible to write the university examination. The examination for main subjects shall be conducted by the University and for subsidiary subjects by the respective college. Main Subjects A candidate is declared to have passed university examination in a subject, if she/he secures 50 % of the marks in theory and 50 % in practical separately. For computation of 50 % marks in theory, the marks scored in the internal assessment [theory] shall be added to the University conducted written and viva voce examination and for a pass in practical, the marks scored in University conducted practical examination and internal assessment [practical] shall be added together. Subsidiary Subjects For a pass in Subsidiary subjects, a candidate shall secure 35% of the total marks prescribed for the subject. The marks obtained should be sent to the University 15 days prior to the commencement of University examination. No Subject Voce Assessment Assessment Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Time Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks 3 1. Written Practical Subject Voce Assessment Assessment No Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Time Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks 15 40 10 Section A Pathology 3 1. No Subject Voce Assessment Assessment Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Time Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks General 3 1. No Subject Voce Assessment Assessment Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Time Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Neurology & 3 1. A candidate having appeared in all the subjects in the same examination and passed that examination in the first attempt and secures 75% of marks or more of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination with Distinction. A candidate having appeared in all subjects in the same examination and passed that examination in the first attempt and secures 65% of marks or more but less than 75% of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in First Class. A candidate having appeared in all the subjects in the same examination and passed that examination in the first attempt and secures 50% of marks or more but less than 65% of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class. A candidate passing the university examination in more than one attempt shall be placed in Pass class irrespective of the percentage of marks secured by him/her in the examination. The marks obtained by a candidate in the subsidiary subjects shall not be considered for award of Class or Rank. Subsidiary subject may be carried over by a failed candidate but shall have to pass the same before appearing for the final year examination. Internship should be done in a teaching hospital recognised by the University limited to within Karnataka only. No candidate shall be awarded degree certificate without successfully completing six months of Internship. On completion of each posting, the same will have to be certified by the faculty in charge of the posting for both attendance as well as work done. On completion of all six postings, the duly completed logbook will be submitted to the Principal/Head of program to be considered as having successfully completed the internship program. Studies are concerned with the topographical and functional anatomy of the limbs and thorax. Embryology a) Ovum, Spermatozoa, fertilization and formation of the Germ layers and their derivations. Intercostal muscles and Accessory muscles of respiration: Origin, insertion, nerve supply and action. Abdomen: 21 c) Peritoneum: Parietal peritoneum, visceral peritoneum, folds of peritoneum, functions of peritoneum. Pelvis: f) Position, shape, size, features, blood supply and nerve supply of the male and female reproductive system. Endocrine glands: g) Position, shape, size, function, blood supply and nerve supply of the following glands: Hypothalamus and pituitary gland, thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, Adrenal glands, pancreatic islets, ovaries and testes, pineal glands, thymus. Musculo Skeletal Anatomy -(All the topics to be taught in detail) a) Anatomical positions of body, axes, planes, common anatomical terminologies (Groove, tuberosity, trochanters etc) b) Connective tissue classification. Osteology: Clavicles, Scapula, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges.
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Have abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge
Call 911 if there is no response. Shout for help and send someone to call 911. If you are alone, call 911 and retrieve an AED (if available), even if you have to leave the person.
Urinary tract infections
What other symptoms do you have? For example, do you have diarrhea, wheezing, hives, or difficulty breathing?
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If the patient goes into arrest allergy shots safe during pregnancy discount 10mg prednisolone with amex, the appropriate action can be taken with a minimum of confusion food allergy symptoms quiz cheap 40mg prednisolone amex. Patients with acute myocardial infarctions can go into a malignant arrhythmia (frequently V-Tach or V-Fib) with no warning. Resuscitation Algorithms Cardiac resuscitation algorithms have been developed by the American Heart Association, but could not be reprinted here for copyright reasons. Symptoms result due to low numbers of cells or deficient cell function (which paradoxically may occur with increased numbers of abnormal cells, such as with leukemia), or when cell numbers build up to such a point that they obstruct blood flow. Low cell numbers are caused by decreased production, or increased loss (bleeding), consumption or destruction. Plasma contains the soluble coagulation factors, immunoglobulins, electrolytes, protein and water. Evaluation of blood disorders often requires performing a spun hematocrit and a Wright (Cameco Quick Stain) stained peripheral smear (see Lab Procedures Section). Anemia Introduction: Anemia refers to an abnormally low amount of the oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin (may also have low number or volume of red cells) in peripheral blood. It is a rough measure of the amount of oxygen-carrying protein (hemoglobin) in the sample, but is subject to many problems with technique that can lead to numbers that do not reflect the true hemoglobin content of blood. Modern Coulter Counters used in clinical labs actually measure the amount of hemoglobin, and calculate, but do not actually measure, the hematocrit. Anemia may be acute (traumatic blood loss) or chronic (due to chronic disease), and results from either increased loss/destruction of red cells or failure of the bone marrow to produce sufficient quantities of hemoglobin/red cells to make up for normal red cell loss. Normal hemoglobin levels differ among ethnic populations and between men and women, with males and whites averaging higher values. Worldwide, the most common cause of acquired anemia is iron deficiency due to chronic blood loss from hookworm and menstruation. Other important causes are lack of important nutrients (protein, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid) and suppression of the bone marrow from chronic infection or inflammation. The causes of anemia are extensive and beyond the ability of the medic to accurately diagnose in the field environment. Subjective: Symptoms Acute: Lightheadedness, pallor, shock, syncope, altered mental status. Chronic: Lethargy, fatigue and decreased energy, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath/dyspnea with exertion. Objective: Signs Using Basic Tools: Acute: shock, hypotension, weak pulse, syncope, altered mental status. Increased eosinophils suggest either infection (parasites, especially visceral larval migrans, or chlamydia), hypersensitivity or allergic reactions. Increased basophils are so unusual as to suggest a problem with the stain or staining procedure. Unusual hemoglobins or hemoglobin levels may be common within certain ethnic groups. Iron supplementation is appropriate only for menstruating females and patients whose stool is positive for occult blood, pending further evaluation. Iron supplementation is not otherwise appropriate without laboratory determination of iron deficiency. Blood replacement in the face of rapid loss is addressed in Procedure: Field Transfusion*. Liberal use of medications for pain (Selection of medications is determined by the severity of the pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, acetaminophen with codeine, or intravenous morphine are appropriate for mild, moderate and severe pain, respectively, and should be continued until pain levels decrease. Follow-up Actions Evacuation/Consultation Criteria: Evacuate patients with acute anemia and acute sickle crisis after initial stabilization. This section focuses on the relatively mild, viral, acute respiratory tract infections (contrast with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Section later in this chapter), typically called colds. Acute local infections generally occur at the site of viral infection the nose and throat. Patients generally continue functioning with a cold virus, but with u their activity is more seriously curtailed. Elderly patients, infants, expectant mothers (3rd trimester) the immunosuppressed and patients with chronic heart and lung diseases will have more frequent life-threatening complications, such as pneumonia. Subjective: Symptoms General: Malaise, fever, nasal congestion, clear secretions, sneezing, scratchy or sore throat, cough, hoarseness, and headache Focused History: Quality: Is your cough productive Allergic rhinitis seasonal history of itching in nose, roof of mouth, throat, and eyes; increased tearing, sneezing and watery discharge; sore throat due to postnasal drip (granular appearance to posterior pharynx); nasal membranes swollen and red. Irritant rhinitis non-seasonal history of exposure to irritant, rhinorrhea without ocular symptoms or sore throat. Mononucleosis positive Monospot; longer illness; higher fever, chills, malaise, sore throat, and swollen cervical lymph nodes. Sinusitis tender sinuses; red, swollen nasal membranes; green or yellow discharge from nose and throat; can follow a cold. Mumps seen typically in children but can attack non-immune adults; swollen salivary glands. Pertussis characteristic whooping cough; seen typically in children but can attack non-immune adults. Diphtheria seen typically in children but can attack non-immune adults; gray membrane maybe seen on pharynx. Adenovirus fever, pharyngitis, and/or conjunctivitis; usually in epidemics in non-immune recruits or displaced persons Strep Pharyngitis palatal petechiae, red beefy uvula, and scarlatiniform rashes are typical for Group A streptococcal pharyngitis. Gonococcal Pharyngitis often asymptomatic, but may have sore red throat, painful swallowing and history of exposure Plan: Treatment 1. See appropriate sections for treatment of pneumonia, infectious mononucleosis, sinusitis and other illnesses that present similarly to cold/flu. Antibiotics: Only indicated in patients that may have or are at high risk for a secondary bacterial infection (see pneumonia). Allergic rhinitis: Diphenhydramine Adults and children over 12: 25-50 mg po tid/qid; children under 12: 5 mg/kg/day po in divided doses qid. Irritant rhinitis: Use saline nose drops to lavage nasal mucosa, followed by pseudoephedrine 30-60mg po q4-6h to decrease mucus membrane swelling. Codeine q hs can be used for severe cough and will cause drowsiness (use no more than 3 nights). Influenza: Give Relenza (zanamivir) for patients ages 7 years and older within two days of the onset of symptoms. The drug is less effective in patients whose symptoms are not severe and do not include 4-11 4-12 fever. If patients develop wheezing, discontinue the drug and be prepared to treat symptoms (see Respiratory: Asthma). Amantadine or rimantadine shorten duration of symptoms by 50% and are recommended for patients at high risk for complications from infection. Patient Education General: Infections can spread via airborne droplets (cough, sneeze) and contact (contaminated hands, lips and objects). The usual course of a cold is 6-10 days, and about half that length for uncomplicated influenza. The vaccine cannot cause influenza, but some side effects (myalgia, headache) may mimic mild influenza or cold symptoms. Follow-up Actions Return Evaluation: Evaluate for alternative diagnoses and complications, including secondary bacterial infection, if still symptomatic after 72 hours of treatment (particularly if in high-risk group). Evacuation/Consultation criteria: Evacuation not usually necessary, except for moderate to severe influ enza. Palpation: Warm over dull-sounding area empyema Auscultation: Rales indicates an infiltrate; rhonchi indicate airway secretions; dullness may indicate lobar consolidation, collapsed lung, or a pleural effusion. Atelectasis can resemble pneumonia but is caused by a mechanical airway obstruction, chest wall abnormality or a loss of normal lung space. The treatment for atelectasis focuses on opening up the alveoli with aerosol bronchodilators, cough induction, and antibiotics if infection is present. Hospitalized Patients on Intravenous Antibiotics: Start treatment as soon as possible. Change to single agent oral therapy 24 hours after the patient clinically improves. Prevention: Vaccinate all personnel for inuenza and adenovirus, and vaccinate those without spleens for pneumococcus and haemophilus. No Improvement/Deterioration: Return if symptoms do not resolve or improve in 48 hours. If poor response or late deterioration (5-10% of patients), suspect inadequate antibiotic dosing. If available, do follow-up chest x-ray in 6-8 weeks to evaluate resolution of inltrate. Consult pulmonologist, internist or infectious disease specialist as needed and for pleural effusion (see Pleural Effusion section), empyema and hemoptysis (possible occult malignancy). If the uid accumulation is large (>1/3 of the hemithorax or over 1-2 liters), it can interfere with the mechanical ability to breathe. The two major types are transudative effusions, which are passive uid accumulations, and exudative effusions due to irritation and inammation. Transudative effusions are usually bilateral, slightly greater on the right side and are usually caused by heart failure, low albumen in circulation and rapid loss of albumen in the urine (nephrotic syndrome). Exudative effusions are caused by inammatory involvement (including infection) of the overlying visceral pleura, which often results in acute pleurisy and the leakage of serous uid into the pleural space. A large number of neutrophils containing bacteria indicate an early empyema (see Empyema) while large cells of abnormal shape may indicate cancer. Atypical lymphocytes can occur with viral infections such as inuenza or Coxsackie virus. Subjective: Symptoms Stabbing chest pain with breathing or cough (pleuritic pain), or chest pressure or tightness that changes with position (mimicking angina). Auscultation: Chest: Clear, although occasionally a pleural friction rub may be heard. Heart: Extra sounds (murmurs, rubs and gallops) may indicate signs of cardiac failure. Assessment: Differential Diagnosis Transudative effusion congestive heart failure, liver failure (any cause), nephrotic syndrome (any cause). If a transudative effusion is suspected, give a trial of Lasix 20-60 mg po qd-bid 2. Perform thoracentesis (see following section) to improve breathing, if Lasix ineffective or in the face of unimproving pneumonia. Try not to remove more than 1000-1500 cc of fluid in the first 24 hours (can repeat procedures). Removing too much fluid can cause rapid fluid shifts in the lung tissue, which worsens hypoxemia (newly expanded lung is poorly perfused) and causes hypotension. Diet: High protein diet unless liver failure is present, then diet must be modied to avoid hepatic encephalopa thy Follow-up Actions Return Evaluation: Refer patients that do not improve for specialty care and additional special studies. Evacuation/Consultation Criteria: Evacuate unstable patients, or those who require on-going thoracente ses. Risks: Thoracentesis is a relatively safe procedure; however, some relative contraindications include history of coagulopathy (increase risk of bleeding), pleural effusion of insufcient volume (little uid layering on lateral decubitus chest lm), and underlying severe respiratory disease. Complications of thoracentesis include pneumothorax, bleeding, infection, puncture of abdominal organs, and pulmonary edema of the reinated lung. Thoracentesis can cause a pneumothorax in two ways: by introducing air through the back of the syringe or needle hub into the pleural space (it does not progress to complete pneumothorax and does not require treatment), or by an accidental puncture of the lung. More severe leaks are caused by coughing or needle movement, which causes a larger tear in the lining of the lung. The posterior approach is most common because the interspaces between ribs are wider in the back. The ideal location is the 7th or 8th interspace posteriorly, midway between the posterior axillary line and midline. Tap with a finger and listen with or without a stethoscope to identify where the percussion becomes dull (height of pleural fluid accumulation). Mark this location by pressing the tip of an ink pen (point retracted) into the skin below where dullness begins and inferior to any underlying rib (avoid the neurovascular bundle immediately below the inferior rib margin). Gently apply pressure for 30 seconds to leave a small red circle that will last during the procedure. Loculated or small effusions may not always be accessible with this approach and should be evacuated if possible for advanced care. Have the patient straddle a chair backwards; resting their arms on the back of the chair. Aspirate to ensure no blood return before injecting lidocaine, then advance slightly and repeat. Aim the needle towards the upper margin of the rib and anesthetize the top of the rib, then the parietal pleura. Advance the needle gently and carefully while keeping suction, then stop and inject lidocaine, and advance again. The clamp may be used to stabilize the needle at the skin to prevent accidental additional penetration of the needle down to the lung. Be sure to describe the site and approach used, the appearance of the fluid and how much fluid was removed. Have the patient remain in bed for at least 2 hours after the procedure, avoid coughing or lifting objects for 24 hours, and inform you immediately if they cough up blood, experience shortness of breath, dizziness, a tight feeling in the chest, or any other problems. Send sample of fluid for the most important tests first, which are gram stain and differential count of inflammatory cells in a field setting. What Not To Do: Try not to move the plunger end of the syringe laterally during the procedure. This swings the needle around inside the patient, tearing the pleura and causing a large pneumothorax. It can also arise from inoculation of the pleural cavity after penetrating chest trauma, esophageal trauma, thoracentesis or chest tube placement. Subjective: Symptoms Gray skin, sweating, chills, malaise, fever, chest pain, cough, emaciation, and poor appetite. Patient Education Activity: Restrict activity Diet: High calorie with adequate protein to replace body stores 4-17 4-18 Follow-up Actions Return Evaluation: Refer patients that do not improve for specialty care and additional special studies. It is different from inammatory disease of the airways (asthma) in that it diffusely affects the lungs and symptomatically presents as a sub-acute, progressive or recurrent pneumonia.
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